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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Boo Hoo Hoo, Wicomico and the State Revenue Shortfall

I'm sitting here at my desk listening to Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt talk to Bill Reddish on WICO-AM.  Woe is me!  Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has come clean on a massive revenue shortfall and Pollitt hopes that O'Malley won't balance the state budget on the backs of localities.

Given that the revenue shortfall is being partially caused by O'Malley's tax increases, AND Pollitt shilled for those tax increases, isn't this just another example of "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW"?

I know that Democrats can't grasp the concept of tax rate increases REDUCING tax receipts, but isn't it about time for these folks to understand that Keynes' General Theory is as flawed an economic theory as Marx's Das Kapital?  Sorry, I almost forgot that they still believe in that one too.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings


  1. This is just a small sample of what will happen nationaly if Obama wins.
    O'Malley couldn't run a city, I don't know why people thought he could run a state.
    Republicans need to unite and work hard to try and turn this state around. We are one of the highest taxed states, from the local level all the way up! And what do we get for this? One of the lowest pais State Police force. A county government who's employees make so little they qualify for aid. Infastructure that is crumbling. Crime running rampent. Need I go on?

  2. Why must it ALWAYS be "my side is smart and the other guys are stupid"? I know the parties are oppositional by nature, but I don't go around calling all Repubs dumb because the idiot president happens to be one. And, typically, just because someone is not of my particular party doesn't make them bad people.

  3. I know I have travelled to Delware for many items. The tax increase on sales and cigarettes has backfired in a big way. I now make my wifes cigarettes at home and save almost $4.00 a pack.

  4. We should display, on a bill board, the names of ALL the shore delegates who voted for the O'Malley Budget Fiasco.


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