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Sunday, July 13, 2008

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE NEWS! Lt. Robin Roberts Of The WCSO Injured At Walmart

Lieutenant Robin Roberts of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department had the day off Sunday and went to Walmart to do some shopping with his Bride.

When they entered the Store the alarm went off and a black male was running towards the exit at full speed with a empty shopping cart. Somewhat confused, Lt. Roberts identified himself but the man continued running out of the store. Lt. Roberts chased the man to his vehicle where the man rammed Lt. Roberts with the shopping cart and dumped packages of meat into the trunk, got into the vehicle and hit Lt. Roberts with the car injuring his knee and hip and ultimately ran over his foot, (so I'm told).

Witnesses claimed the man then tried to run Lt. Roberts over with his vehicle again and sped out of the parking lot. Lt. Roberts was able to call it in and Salisbury Police found the vehicle along with Sheriff's Deputies and the man was arrested. No word if the meat ended up back on the shelf again for resale, (just kidding).

I did speak with Lt. Roberts who confirmed this story. He was taken away in an Ambulance and was found not to have any broken bones. You know something Folks. I don't EVER want to hear another person bellyaching about any other Police Officer having an OFF DUTY VEHICLE!

These guys are ON DUTY 24/7 until they die or retire. Thank You Lt. Roberts! Lt. Roberts also ran for the Sheriff's position and has been a Police Officer for I think about 97 years now, LOL.

May you heal in time for Bike Week and the Department needs you back ASAP.

Community Band Has Only 3 Performances Left

They perform during the month of July only. their performances are at 7:30 at the park (Christ United Methodist if bad weather).

Performances are on Sunday's at the Band Stand in the City Park. After tonights performance there are two left.

A Couple Of Cool Messages

"joe, thanks for keeping youre site running i am also away on military duty and this is the best way to follow up on whats going on back home daily times and wboc are far behind and less accurate! yes there are many programs in the states that allow you to donate and ship supplies to military members the uso is a great way to get all the info you need thanks again joe"

"it means a lot to military members to hear people thank them for what they do i know many americans disagree with the war but they still support the military members.when i arrived at the airport to leave many random people approached me to just say thank you it honestly teared me up a little knowing these people cared enough to thank me it also made me proud to wear my uniform to represent these people and defend them and their freedom."

A Cloud Over PAC-14? – Part I

One item on Monday’s Salisbury City Council agenda is Resolution No. 1673 - “authorizing mayor to sign a joint letter with Wicomico County requesting that Comcast provide support to PAC14 for the acquisition of capital facilities and equipment”. Sounds pretty innocuous, doesn’t it? It probably would be EXCEPT:

  • the proposal is riddled with excessive spending,
  • there would be a de facto tax on the cable subscribers of Salisbury and Wicomico County,
  • there is a disturbing veil of secrecy, AND …
  • the Salisbury city government (and possibly the Wicomico County government) are trying to sweep this proposal through before all of the facts are known,
Do you want a higher cable bill? Are you concerned with who will be controlling PAC-14 - your only source of unfiltered coverage of Salisbury and Wicomico government? If so, read on....

Read Part II here ...

Another Serious Accident Last Night At Tilghman Road & Rt. 50

At least three people were injured last night and the same intersection Mrs. Day was killed at last week. One victim was a priority one patient, (life threatening). It was a child and the paramedic had to give CPR!

I also came to learn today that a 35 year old man hung himself at the Salisbury Mobile Home Park, Police are on the scene now.

Not only are times getting tough all around the Country but people really need to start paying better attention driving around Salisbury. I've driven past that intersection and IMO it's NOT the fault of the Highway Administration. If the light blinks red, STOP! If it blinks yellow, move with serious caution! Have a safe day.

Information On Perruque Head

Just what is the Veterinarian at the Salisbury Zoo thinking?

Does this deer have a perruque head?

In hot weather the antler tissue becomes infected and possibly fly-blown, leading to a painful death.

By Richard Prior

Sunday, 26 August 2007

At the end of the rut a yearling buck on my ground was still in dark velvet and showed no signs of drying. The buck has an ear-high four-point head and appears in excellent condition. Is this a perruque and, if so, how long will it take to develop?

A: The fact that this young buck is apparently in good health does seem to indicate that some hormonal imbalance, rather than disease or injury, has prevented the normal drying and fraying process.

Unless this corrects itself soon, the growth of a perruque head is likely.

How rapidly a perruque can grow has only been documented, surprisingly, on an elderly doe.

This tame animal grew short antlers in velvet, as some old does do, and only after a couple of years did this suddenly enlarge into a real perruque.
In the case of a male, I guess the process might be much quicker, but the change from remaining in velvet to producing exaggerated growth might involve something of a threshold.

The natural surge of antler growth which occurs in late winter could be kept up and your buck's progress monitored.

If he has developed into a perruque by next summer, it would be kindness to shoot him because in hot weather the antler tissue becomes infected and possibly fly-blown, leading to a painful death.

GO HERE to read the official article.

Kratovil Kronicles - 20080713

According to Politicker MD, 1st District Dem congressional hopeful Frank Kratovil just didn't have a very good week. Not only is he listed as a loser in their weekly "Winners & Losers" column, Kratovil has managed to make some news almost everyday this week that is damaging to his campaign - particularly in a moderately conservative district like the First.

Kratovil's campaign admits that they will probably lose the fundraising race to Maryland Sen. Andy Harris (R-7). That's the kind of message potential donors always want to hear. Of course, there's no shortage of money coming from special interest groups and lefty pals, despite Kratovil's claim that he "represents our values".

This leads to probably the most damning admission of all. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) stated this past week that Kratovil will "work with his party after winning a place in Congress". As we have noted in the past, Kratovil is just one more example of post-modern Democrat candidate - run as a conservative and govern as a liberal.

In all fairness to Kratovil, we have always contended that he truly is not a liberal. If elected, he will govern as one because that is what Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer will tell him to do. That is also where his money will be coming from. In reality, there is no evidence that Kratovil actually believes in anything, other than electing Frank Kratovil.

To me, more than the events noted above, this is what makes Frank Kratovil a REAL LOSER; not just for this week, but for the entire race.

cross posted in Delmarva Dealings

If You Ever Truly Wondered Why Ron Alessi & Mayor Tilghman So Desperately Wanted Me Out Of The Zoo, This Is Why!

This photo was taken yesterday at the Salisbury Zoo. Click on image to enlarge.
One year ago this month I put up a Post showing this exact same Deer in the Salisbury Zoo and raised hell trying to make things right for this animal. Councilwoman Terry Cohen fought desperately with the Mayor and even went so far as contacted a Veterinarian in Australia to get answers to what was wrong with this animal and what could be done to help it.

The Mayor freaked out and even tightened the reigns on Council Members being able to go direct to Department Heads because of the embarrassment this caused to everyone in the Zoo and City Officials. Sadly, none of it worked.

The photo you see above was taken Saturday and obviously the Mayor, Ron Alessi and the Veterinarian Dr. Nolte have done NOTHING to relieve this animal. I said it in the past and I'll say it again, the Salisbury Zoo DOES NOT need to have a Male Deer in that Zoo, period.

The cause of this growth was because they castrated this animal too young and this is the end result. It's a long story made short. On Monday I will post more technical information on "Perruque," the technical term for what you're seeing. You're welcome to Google it. You may even want to research "The Deer Vet" and you'll learn more about it.

Now let me ask you this. Would YOU walk your Dog on a City street if it looked like this? If you did, how many people passing by would call the Humane Society? That being said, how can this Mayor continue to be unaccountable for all the BS she has done to this City? How can parents bring their children to the Zoo and be exposed to such a mess?

The Salisbury Zoo is NOT Ripley's Believe It Or Not! It's NOT a place for a freak show! Mauled Ducks everywhere, a Bear neurotically rubbing his head/body for hours on end against a concrete wall, a Llama being raped and a Deer that looks like this? So tell me Folks, when is enough, enough?

Contact your Mayor and let her know what you think at, sbymayor@ci.salisbury.md.us . You can also contact the City Council at, sbycouncil@ci.salisbury.md.us . Let them know just how powerful this Blog Site is and how many people truly care about what's going on in YOUR City.

It's Posts like this that made Alessi and the Mayor so desperate to do anything and everything possible to make sure Joe Albero didn't have access to the Salisbury Zoo.

More to come on this issue. I think I'll let this Post linger for a while.

Some Of These Solicitors Are Legit


It is Saturday afternoon about 3:30pm. Just had two african-american boys come up to the house soliciting The Daily Times.

He said "I'm not trying to sell you anything mister. All I want to do is GIVE you a copy of The Daily Times." I said No thanks!

He said "But I'm working my way through college... can't you help?"

I said "Son, you don't look much older than 14 or 15. I don't believe you. It's time to leave."

Joe, had it NOT been for SBYNEWS..... I would have NEVER KNOWN THIS!!!!

I called Berlin PD and officers responded quickly. The only problem was a white male in his late 40's early 50's pulled up in a RED CHEVY VAN with MARYLAND TAGS. The vehicle was too far to get a read on the license plate.

I finished with the PD on the phone and went and looked for these guys. Could not find them.

The Berlin PD met me back in my neighborhood and told me that these guys had a permit to do what they were doing from 1-4 pm.

Well, I'm sure there was more too it than what they let on.

Thanks Joe for the heads up!!!

Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!"

Folks, some of these people are in fact working for a living. However, if you become suspicious YOU are in control of your funds and YOU can decide yes or no. The should be carrying documents from The Daily Times, ask for it and make sure they can provide you with a contact to make sure they are for real.

False Flag Operations


When you get your paper, go to the Grapevine. This is on the delmarvanow website. Has anyone done any research on this? I've never heard of this guy. Guess the proof readers were on vacation, per this article McNiven would have been a year old when this happened. I hope this information is not true...

Prior to the 911 tragedy -- and unknown to the majority of the American people -- our government proposed and devised mock terrorist attacks which fall under the label of "false flag operations."

Operation Northwoods was proposed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on March 13, 1962, to justify an invasion of Cuba.

The proposals included staging the assassination of Cubans in the United States, developing a fake communist Cuban terror campaign in Miami, other Florida cities and Washington, sinking a boatload of refugees, faking a Cuban air force attack on a civilian jetliner and other terrorist acts.

These proposals were approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but were not carried out because President Kennedy rejected them and fired some of the people involved.

Timothy McNiven, a 29-year Defense Department operative, stated in an affidavit in 2004 that in 1976, his unit, C-Battery 2/81 field artillery in Germany, was to create the perfect terrorist plan using commercial airliners as weapons and the twin towers as the target. He made the statement that if this ever actually happened, he would go public.

He was physically assaulted and later told if the plan ever happened, to bring it to the attention of the American people. Since then, McNiven has devoted his life to alerting the public to the similarities between 9/11 and that 1976 plan. To silence critics, McNiven has successfully passed a credible lie detector test.

Are the American people going to be the subject to another false flag operation to justify attacking Iran?

Bartow Van Ness

Deal Island

Thank You To A Soldier!


I am fairly new to your site and I wasn't sure how to post something so could you please help me? I work at Food Lion on Nanticoke RD, and I had a gentleman come thru my line who just returned from Afghanistan. He was telling me how he didn't have shave cream over there plus a lot of other things that we civilians could not fathom. I was so absorbed in what he said that I forgot to tell him Thank You! for protecting us. Could you pease get this out there so maybe this gentlman will read this and know that I appriciate all he has done. If by some chance he should get redeployed I would be happy to keep him in shaving cream. Thank so much Joe!

Caring citizen at FL"


The ONE day out of the week that I look forward to reading the paper is Sunday. HOWEVER, there's NO Daily Times! Did you get yours?

Salisbury News Takes Back The #1 Blogger Spot In The State Of Maryland

Maryland's Most Influential Political Blogs

1 Salisbury News

Once again we'd like to thank all of you for the continued support. The fact that more and more of you are visiting our Site, commenting and participating is how we can achieve such high rankings week after week. I can just picture the Chief and Mayor reading this article and spitting out that morning coffee and saying, DAMN THAT ALBERO!