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Monday, February 04, 2008

LouWeasle Didn't Get To Use Her Easle

It's going to be an interesting morning for posting tomorrow morning. LouWeasel freaked out and adjourned a meeting you can't get back! More to come.....

The Hero Of Chappaquiddick Speaks

The 'Hero of Chappaquiddick' speaks on why he supports amnesty for those sneaking across the Rio Grande. This just may be the quote of the century!!

Dr. James Dobson Endorses Andy Harris


State Senator Andy Harris announced today he has been endorsed by Dr. James Dobson. (Attached is the letter of endorsement). Dr. James Dobson rarely makes political endorsements.

In the endorsement letter, Dr. Dobson praised Andy Harris for his positions on issues important to families. "In stark contrast to Rep. Gilchrest, Dr. Andy Harris would be a splendid pro-family, pro-life voice inthe House-just as he has been in the Maryland Senate," Dr. Dobson wrote in theletter. "His willingness to take on a sitting U.S. Congressman is itself a testament to his tremendous courage and resolve."

"I am humbled by the support of one of our nation's foremost pro-family advocates," said Andy Harris. "I am proud of my pro-life andpro-family record in Annapolis."

Dr. Dobson pointed out many of Gilchrest's liberal anti-family positions from receiving a 100% rating from the pro-abortion group NARAL to opposing a constitutional amendment to define marriage.

Dr. Dobson expressed the importance of this election. "It is imperative that Dr. Harris win this election," Dr. Dobson wrote. "His defeat of Wayne Gilchrest on February 12th would send a strong signal that the days of anti-family, liberal Republicans are finally over."

"Republican voters can be assured that I will always support our traditional family values if I am elected to Congress," said Harris.


I seldom make political endorsements, but it is with a sense of great urgency that I announce my support for Dr. Andy Harris in the February 12th primary election for the U.S. House in Maryland's 1st District. It is imperative that Dr. Harris win this contest!

His opponent, Representative Wayne Gilchrest (who currently holds the seat in theHouse), is opposed to nearly everything that you and I hold dear, beginning with the sanctity of life. Rep. Gilchrest has the dubious distinction of receiving a 100% voting rating from the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), the nation's leading pro-abortion advocacy group. He has even voted tomake people like you and me provide funding for abortions through our tax dollars!

There are other major concerns, as well. Rep. Gilchrest opposes the Federal Marriage Amendment,which would protect traditional marriage from attacks by gay activists. He has also voted to allow homosexuals to adopt children.

In stark contrast to Rep. Gilchrest, Dr. Andy Harris would be a splendidpro-family, pro-life voice in the House-just as he has been in the MarylandSenate. His willingness to take on a sitting U.S. Congressman is itself a testament to his tremendous courage and resolve. His defeat of Wayne Gilchreston February 12th would send a strong signal that the days of anti-family, liberalRepublicans are finally over.

Please know that I am sending this letter as a private individual, and not as a representative of the organizations I lead. That being said, I want to urge you, once again, to cast your vote in the upcoming primary election for Dr. Andy Harris for the United States House of Representatives. Sincerely Dr. James C. Dobson

The Rumor Mill

O M G! Our COEIU Agents are working overtime today and ringing my phone off the hook!

It turns out, Louise Smith has prepared a 2-page speech to showboat in very bad taste to the taxpayers they know will be showing up in masses this evening at 4:30.

Don't tell me those people don't read this Blog! They are in damage control like you've NEVER seen before and quite frankly, this is not the time nor the place to showboat and take center stage.

That being said, should Louise Smith go into reading a prepared 2 page speech in the beginning OR the end of the Council Work Session, I strongly suggest everyone get up out of their seats and leave the room immediately.

By doing so, this will clearly send a message that it is too late for excuses. We as taxpayers have had enough of their lies and mismanagement of our funds. Louise Smith fed everyone her BS about accountability during her campaign, yet she is NOT the one finding these errors and instead comes out AFTER the fact with prepared speeches.

This is not a game. There are no rules and they cannot tell us we cannot get up and leave the room.

Mayor Tilghman Will Be At Council Work Session Tonight

My COEIU, (Crack Offshore Electronic Intelligence Unit) Agent just intercepted yet another telephone conversation confirming Mayor Barrie Tilghman is expected to attend tonight's City Council Work Session at 4:30 PM.

I'm also told they may want to relocate this particular meeting to the main Council Chambers as there is a huge crowd expected to be there to hear the excuses spewing from the Mayor. Word on the street is, bumper stickers may be available for those who attend.

Why Did Joe Albero Offer To Buy The City Of Salisbury A Digital Recorder System?

GO HERE and you'll clearly see why. GA Harrison delivered a powerful message in an earlier Post this morning using an audio clip of Shanie Shields. Shanie was clearly expressing her TRUST in Department Heads and outside Auditors.

For far too long it was almost impossible to use tapes and convert them to the Internet but now we can easily transfer such information and deliver it to you almost immediately.

Barrie Tilghman refused my offer to purchase a digital recording system and Brenda Colegrove quickly learned the cost of such equipment had dropped dramatically and now the Taxpayers are State of the Art.

So what does this mean for the Tilghman Administration? It means accountability! You better be much more careful about what you say any more because if your not, we're coming after you with more TRUTH.
If you haven't listened to the audio yet, DO IT!

Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner

In an earlier post we noted that Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman, "the woman who claims full responsibility", is not expected to attend today's Salisbury City Council work session to field questions. Now we have a new drop out.

Guess who called in sick today? Salisbury Finance Director Pam Oland. That's right folks. The woman responsible for the financial management of Salisbury doesn't feel well and is unable to face the taxpayers of Salisbury.

She's not at PRMC, I checked. Given the gravity of the city's financial condition I'm shocked that Oland would shirk her responsibilities and hide at home like a school girl trying to get out of a test.

Of course, she may just be making good use of her city medical benefits before Barrie Tilghman and Louise Smith try their pincer movement and sack her to deflect attention from themselves.

Perhaps John Pick and city auditor Herb Geary will come down with the same bug before 4:30 this afternoon. I saw Louise Smith on PAC-14 the other day and she wasn't looking well ...

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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In for a Penny, In for a Pound ...

... Does John Pick have any shame? Yes, that question was obviously rhetorical.

There appear to be no depths to which the Tilghman administration will not sink in their attempt to obfuscate the truth regarding what many consider the worst financial report in the history of Salisbury. In today's Daily Times, City Administrator John Pick again claims that staffing is to blame for the Tilghman administration's abysmal record of fiscal stewardship:
It's easy for somebody to be critical, and nobody is saying we don't have a responsibility to do it right, but give us the tools to get the job done.
Is staffing at the city's finance office a problem? Yes. The auditor has clearly stated so for at least the last two years.

Has the city council refused to give the Tilghman administration the tools that they need? No. For at least the last two budget cycles, Councilwoman Debbie Campbell (and Councilwoman Terry Cohen this year) has repeatedly asked the Tilghman administration (and city finance chief Pam Oland in particular) if additional staff or resources were needed in order to do their job properly and get the city's audit out on time. In each instance the response was NO!

Any attempt by Tilghman, Pick or Oland to deflect responsibility by pointing to staffing or other resources is disingenuous at best. But this is Barrieland, that magical land were truth has no meaning and lies (at least those from the city's ruling elite) are given credence on the front page of your morning paper.

cross posted at Salisbury News

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Shanie Shields and the Eloquence of a Great Mind

Salisbury Councilwoman Shanie Shields, that eloquent sage "who ain't never seen no wasteful government spending" believes that Pam Oland and her staff are doing a GREAT JOB! Case closed.

City auditor Herb Geary must have been dropping acid. Obviously, since Shields states that the Finance Department is doing such a great job, they couldn't have misplaced all of that money.

To play the audio clip, click here.

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Click on image to enlarge.
Look, I know the picture isn't all that but when you're shoting as fast as you can, sometimes it's all you can get. The BIG question is, how many people want one? Remember, you can comment here anonymously and NO ONE will EVER know who you are and that's a fact. Are you feeling the LOVE now Barrie?

Mayor & Council Have Failed Us

This is a letter from former Council Person Rachael S. Polk.

Both Mayor and Majority of Council have failed the citizens of Salisbury

Five years ago, while serving on the Salisbury City Council, I requested that the Institute of Governmental Service review our city charter to determine who had oversight of the municipal affairs of the City of Salisbury.

At that time, the city council was trying to exercise what it believed to be its fiduciary responsibility, as defined by the charter, to provide oversight of the administrative affairs of the city. We were compelled to take this action because the mayor had begun, as early as 2002, to show sign of an autocratic rule, i.e. withholding information from the council, providing the council with incomplete information,demanding that questions to department heads be directed through her office, refusing to meet with the council president, etc. In fact, to have timely responses to Freedom of Information Act requests, the council had to go so far as to pass a resolution for such documents to be handled by the city clerk’s office as opposed to the mayor’s office.

The mayor and council did receive an analysis of the charter from the Institute of Governmental Service and it concluded that: The mayor clearly heads the City administration, but the Council is required to exercise an administrative oversight function in order to perform its charter responsibilities. The Charter requires the Council to receive and judge not only the broad administrative policies of the City and its organizational components, but also the overall job performance ofcertain City managers, which further requires the Council to receive enough information about their departmental operations to make informed decisions about management performance.

The management and administrationof day-to-day operations clearly resides with the Mayor. The Council’s job is one of overseeing how those administrative activities generally are conducted by the Mayor.Upon receiving this critique of the charter, the mayor waged a public battle, unchecked by and thus enabled by the local press, including The Daily Times, to rid the Council of any members that challenged her autocratic reign.

Subsequent councils, instead of providing administrative oversight, abdicated their responsibility and thus allowed, as Bob Caldwell so adequately points out in the February 3rd edition of the Daily Times, flawed management at the wastewater treatment plant and the Salisbury Zoo, and a mishandling of the Salisbury Mall property and TIF process. This unchecked mayor has also allowed funds to be spent on change-orders before being approved by council, violated the policies ofprevious councils on annexation by providing water and sewer to Sassafras Village without annexation, and raised our sewer rates without knowing what the surplus was!

And the pattern continues. Councilpersons Campbell and Cohen are demonized and marginalized by the mayor and her sycophants on the council as they try to exercise their responsibilities to the citizens of Salisbury.Information about what is happening in the city has to be read on the blogs first before it appears in our local newspaper or on local television stations.

So as we seek credible answers to the indicting audit that was recently revealed, yes, address them to the one who relished and usurped this authority years ago, but also demand accountability from Council President, Louise Smith, who ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility, and Shields and Comegys who have failed us as well.

Rachel S. Polk

Rachael S. Polk is a former City of Salisbury City Council Person.

Congressional Candidate Andy Harris Points Out, 8 Days Left


Only 8 days remain until the election on February 12th that can change the way business is done is Washington. Each of you who read this, can help with that change.

Today I want to talk about our economy. The truth is our economy faces some uncertain times ahead. Families are finding it harder to make ends meet. Our elected officials must take action now to improve our economy.

I'm running for Congress because I believe it's vital to get our economy moving again. There is a clear difference between my opponent and me. Wayne Gilchrest thinks higher taxes and more government spending are the solution to improving our economy. He believes in big government - I believe in free market capitalism, less government and a lot less spending. Wayne Gilchrest is wrong. American free enterprise has created millions. I say, let's give free enterprise the chance to create opportunity for every family in America.

My plan for the economy is very clear. We must immediately make the Bush tax cuts permanent. Second, we need to cut wasteful government spending. Third, we need to lower taxes on every American.

Right now, Congress is talking about giving a little bit of our tax dollars back to us. If Congress believes it is a good idea to give us more of our money back; then they should permanently lower taxes so we can keep more of our money forever. I will vote to permanently lower taxes and I will oppose all new tax increases just like I have done in Annapolis.

I hope you will join my campaign to create a stronger economy.


The Tilghman / Smith Strategy to Deflect Blame on the Audit

The dynamic duo of Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman and her lackey-in-chief, Councilwoman Louise Smith, appear to have concocted a strategy to save their respective skins over what will probably be the worst financial audit in the memory of modern Salisbury. Their multi-front attack will also need the help of a compliant media.

Tilghman is claiming that she "bears full responsibility". Of course this is nonsense. Barrie doesn't TAKE responsibility, she merely claims to do so; but it sounds good. Rumor has it that Tilghman won't even bother showing up at today's council work session. Given the gravity of the situation, and the disgraceful state of the city's financial management, anything short of a child being on his or her deathbed is no excuse for not attending. We'll see at 4:30 this afternoon whether Tilghman shows.

Smith's role is more subtle, and convoluted. At first Smith attempted one of the classic Mike Dunn (her predecessor in the center chair) maneuvers - refusing to allow any questioning of the auditor or finance chief. Unfortunately for Louise, Councilwomen Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen would have none of that. Unlike Dunn, Smith simply didn't have the guts to risk an increasingly impatient media not toeing the Tilghman / Smith line.

Smith's next attempt was to adopt another Dunnesque tactic, to limit questions to five minutes per member. That one didn't fly either.

Smith (with the blessing of her boss, Barrie Tilghman) has now decided to claim that this matter is SO IMPORTANT that she will hold THREE work sessions to discuss the audit. Now, if Smith were an honest broker in city matters I would be applauding her. Unfortunately, I suspect that dark motives lurk beneath this seemingly responsible exterior.

Expect Smith to use her gavel freely to interrupt Campbell and Cohen during today's session. Expect Smith to claim that the council needs to "move on" and to claim that Campbell and Cohen will be given ample opportunity to ask relevant questions at subsequent meetings.

There is a rumor floating around that Smith wants to call for a closed session during the second work session. What could be the reason? Legal? No. Personnel? There you go.

I fully expect the unholy trinity of Smith, Councilman Gary Comegys and Councilwoman Shanie Shields to want to dump city finance chief Pam Oland. Think about it. It's a gift that keeps on giving for Tilghman and Smith.

Tilghman will have obviously agreed beforehand. She'll go on claiming to be responsible while sacrificing one of her sycophantic serfs. Smith gets to claim that "she's on top of the situation" and deflect attention from her disgraceful governance of council.

Tilghman will be able to basically shut down all meaningful debate on the pending budget, because there won't be a finance head to address questions regarding the impact of changes to Tilghman's budget. Without a finance chief, Tilghman can keep on with her bizarre brand of fiscal stewardship by claiming that things will get better, but they have to hire a new finance chief first.

In other words, the one individual primarily responsible for the current financial condition of Salisbury keeps her job by sacrificing someone who's greatest crime was to simply do as she was told.

There are just a few problems to this scenario. Once the council approves a department head, the ONLY input they have on that individual's tenure is through the budget process and through tough and thoughtful questioning in the Council Chambers. This of course, eliminates any real impact from Smith, Comegys or Shields who do little (or nothing) without Tilghman's prior consent.

While I am no fan of Pam Oland, her horrific job performance is primarily due to her inability to stand up to her boss. In this, she is no different than the City Attorney or the other department heads. I don't honestly believe that, left to her own devices, Oland is truly incompetent. Unfortunately for her, and the city, we will probably never find out.

Think for a moment what will happen if Tilghman sacrifices her finance chief two months before the budget must be presented and five months before the end of the fiscal year. Not only will things get worse than they already are, but the shenanigans will continue with a new chief because the people who truly are responsible for the current state of affairs are given a free pass.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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Debbie Campbell On Bill Reddish Monday Morning

Councilwoman Debbie Campbell will be on the Bill Reddish Show, WICO, 1320 AM Monday morning at 7:40 AM. This should be well worth listening too. Don't miss it!

FYI: U.S. Switch From Analog To Digital

As you are likely aware all US television broadcasts must switch over to digital effective February 17, 2009.

The United States Department of Commerce is providing each US household with two free $40 Off Coupons good toward the purchase of analog to digital converter boxes.

The analog to digital converter boxes will cost about $40, and will be available in February 2008 from retail stores like (Circuit City, Best Buy, etc.).

You can receive your two coupons by calling 1-800-388-2009, or by visiting the URL below and completing a short form: https://www.dtv2009.gov

Coupons expire 90 days after issuance. You will only need to get a converter box if your television is analog, and you watch *broadcast* television. Most newer televisions have digital reception capabilities, and do not need a converter box.

Gary Comegys to Salisbury - "This Audit Thang Has Been Blown Out of Proportion"

That's right folks. Mr. Comegys thinks that losing over $10 million of taxpayer money just isn't worth much of a bother.

To play the audio clip, click here.

Mr. Comegys also claims that equating the city audit to a family balancing their checkbook (as Councilwoman Debbie Campbell has asserted) is not a fair comparison. Comegys claims that the city does this on a regular basis. Well, if he had bothered to read the audits since he has been on council he would know that the city's finance department IS NOT balancing their checkbook on a regular basis. If our local Nobel laureate bothered to do a little digging he would know that many of the city's financial problems would have been solved if the Tilghman administration had kept their word and accurately reconciled accounts on a regular basis.

I think Salisbury taxpayers need to start worrying about how bad things have to get before Comegys feels that getting a timely and accurate audit is something to be concerned about.

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The Louise Smith Show

Today we will be treated to yet another attempt by Salisbury City Councilwoman Louise Smith to save face. She will yet again try to benignly chastise the Barrie Tilghman administration and claim that SHE (Smith) is the party responsible for putting the city on sound financial footing. I can't wait.

Go back to the December 10, 2007 meeting. Mayor Barrie Tilghman claimed that she heard Smith "loud and clear" and that the city would fix the disgraceful problems plaguing the Finance Department:

To play the audio clip, click here.

What a joke! These were the same problems (only far worse) that the Mayor promised would be fixed in FY 2007. More than half of FY 2008 has past and the problems have become so bad that her Finance Department lost over $10 million dollars belonging to the taxpayer.

Violating her own rules, Smith entered into a speech lasting more than five minutes where she claims to be "on top of the problem":

To play the audio clip, click here.

A paper trail of correspondence between Smith and the administration is not a solution. At best, it's "cover your ass" politics and at worse it smacks of a cover up. The reality is pretty simple. Tilghman keeps Smith under her thumb by allowing Smith to APPEAR to be independent. Check her voting record to see the truth.

When Smith again violates HER OWN RULES by delivering a speech today (don't expect any questions from Smith unless they have been previously rehearsed with Tilghman, Pick, Oland, etc.) you will hear a great deal of hand wringing and shirt tearing. What you won't hear are any real solutions, unless she has expropriated them from Councilwomen Debbie Campbell or Terry Cohen.

Do expect her to attempt to shut down Councilwomen Campbell and Cohen. Given that these are the only two members who have actually offered any solutions to these problems, that would yield too much embarrassment to both Tilghman and her lackeys on council (Louise Smith, Gary Comegys and Shanie Shields).

If readers are interested in hearing the complete discussion of the non-audit from December 10, 2007 it is below. Note that it lasts almost an hour. You can also download the file here.

To play the audio clip, click here.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
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