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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Beaking News

A young child was allegedly hit by car near Wawa tonight. Rumor has it that it was possibly 1st grader from Pinehurst. Allegedly he and his Sister were crossing the street, she made it and he did not. The injuries, (again, rumored) is that he may not make it. More to come.......

OMG, Can You Believe This?

"Joe, your blog has shed light on gang conduct at James M. Bennett Sr. High. The administration has tried to be vigilant in its efforts to protect students and staff. Now they have been told that the total of suspensions for this year is too high and from now on profanity will not be a suspendable offense and serious violence that would have been a given a 10-day suspension will merit only 5. Why are the statistics more important than safety? Lower suspension numbers don't mean students are behaving better; they mean the system is tolerating outrageous conduct. When the thugs are suspended, it might not help them, but the other kids can get an education. The thugs don't come to learn anyway so there's no real difference in how much education they get whether they're there or not. Suspend as warranted and let everyone see what schools are dealing with."

The Bird Feeder

I bought a birdfeeder. I hung It on my back porch and filled It with seed. What a beauty of A bird feeder it is, as I filled it Lovingly with seed. Within a Week we had hundreds of birds Taking advantage of the Continuous flow of free and Easily accessible food.

But then the birds started Building nests in the boards Of the patio, above the table, And next to the barbecue.

Then came the poop; it was everywhere: on the patio tile, The chairs, the table ... Everywhere!

Then some of the birds turned mean. They would Dive bomb me and try to Peck me even though I had Fed them out of my own Pocket.

And others birds were Boisterous and loud. They Sat on the feeder and Squawked and screamed at All hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it When it got low on food.

After a while, I couldn't even Sit on my own back porch Anymore. So I took down the Bird feeder and in three days The birds were gone.

I cleaned Up their mess and took down The many nests they had built All over the patio.

Soon, the back yard was like It used to be ... Quiet, serene And no one demanding their Rights to a free meal.

Now let's see .. ..

Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, and free Education and allows anyone Born here to be an automatic Citizen.

Then the illegals came by the Tens o f thousands.

Suddenly Our taxes went up to pay for Free services; small apartments Are housing 5 families; you Have to wait 6 hours to be seen By an emergency room doctor;

Your child's 2nd grade class is behind other Schools because over half the class doesn't speak English.

Corn Flakes now come in a Bilingual box; I have to 'press one' to hear my bank Talk to me in English, and People waving flags other Than 'Old Glory' are Squawking and screaming In the streets, demanding More rights and free liberties.

Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the Government to ta ke down the birdfeeder.

I Know, The $11,000,000.00 Is Over Here, Right?

As Mayor Barrie Tilghman starts pointing fingers at others in the hopes of explaining where the heck $11,000,000.00 came from. Pam Oland plays the straight guy roll knowing the stash is under her seat the entire time. Made you look!

Big Labor Secretly Launders Hundreds Of Thousands To Aid Gilchrest

Liberal Groups Scrambling to Protect One of Their Own

- One of the most liberal big labor organizations in the country, the Service
Employees International Union (SEIU), has secretly funneled hundreds of
thousands of dollars to aid in Wayne Gilchrest's reelection.

"This is an outrageous money laundering scheme from a left-wing democratic labor union attempting to assist Gilchrest's campaign," said Chris Meekins, Campaign Manager for Andy Harris for Congress. "It is clear Republicans and conservatives are no longer supporting Gilchrest, so he has to turn to people who do - liberal special interest groups."

The SEIU is an organization that supports amnesty for illegal immigrants and government paid healthcare. Gilchrest recently sponsored legislation to would provide amnesty to illegal immigrants and voted to expand big-government healthcare programs.

The FEC documentation ( http://images.nictusa.com/cgi -bin/fecgifpdf/ ) clearly outlines the connection between SEIU and Republicans Who Care. On January 14, 2008 Republicans Who Care received $200,000 from the SEIU PEA Fund. On January 28, 2008 Republicans Who Care purchased $180,000 in ads attacking Andy Harris.

The Harris campaign calls on Gilchrest and his staff to disclose what prior knowledge and discussions they had with the SEIU concerning this attempt to funnel money to support his campaign. "It's despicable, and even worse, it's illegal if Wayne Gilchrest coordinated this effort. He should immediately disclose what he knew and when he knew it," Meekins added.

"We sent Wayne to change Washington, but sadly Washington changed Wayne. It is time to elect a true conservative to represent the first district," said Chris Meekins.

The Gangs Of Wicomico County

While Chief Webster and Mayor Tilghman refused to participate in this meeting about Gangs and were the last to admit Salisbury did in fact have Gangs in the City, these photos show not only some of the Gang Members, it shows the stats right from the States Attorneys Office.

If policing doesn't go up another notch, Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury will continue to rise in crime rates and it is very important to know these Gangs start right at home. IF you do not take hold of your children and discipline them they're likely to fall victim of one of these Gangs.

That's OK though. As long as The Daily Times keeps this out of the Press Room and out of print, who will ever know, right? At least they're touching on it little by little. Remember those commercials back in the late 70's, IT'S 10:00, DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE?

Bob Ehrlich Endorses Andy Harris For Congress

Andy Harris was endorsed by former Republican Governor Bob Ehrlich. Governor Ehrlich was a strong advocate for traditional conservative principles in Annapolis during his time there. He was able to reduce a wildly out of control state budget, and took the State of Maryland from a massive deficit and left with a strong surplus, which has since been squandered by the current O’Malley Administration.

Bob Ehrlich was a fighter in Annapolis for Fiscal Conservative policies and he knows that Andy Harris will do the same for the 1st District. “Andy is a good man, committed to changing Washington for the better. The people of the First Congressional District deserve nothing less than leadership that fights for them, rather than the special interests. Leadership that stays committed to conservative principles throughout the year, not just at election time,” states Ehrlich. “Andy supports the conservative principles of fiscal discipline, a strong and stable military, and reducing the size of government.”

Governor Ehrlich also knows that Andy Harris has a strong record against illegal immigration. Harris has been an ardent opponent to legislation giving illegal immigrants in-state tuition, as well as being completely against amnesty for illegals.

Bob Ehrlich was a fighter in Maryland for the traditional conservative principles which helped make this country great. His endorsement of Harris shows that he knows that Andy will support traditional conservative policies in DC, and make sure that the concerns of the voters of the Lower Shore will be heard and understood in the halls of Congress. Bob Ehrlich was a strong advocate for the Lower Shore and its Republican values in Annapolis, and if he supports Andy then we should as well.

Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis Endorses Andy Harris For Congress

"Andy has served Maryland well and it is time to take it to the next level" "Illegal Immigration is a serious concern and Andy has a strong record against illegal immigration."

Wicomico County Council President John Cannon Endorses Andy Harris For Congress

"I have two criteria when endorsing a candidate: where they stand on the issues and character. Andy is right on the issues and a man of great character." "With Andy, we will have a congressman that can go and convince others that my problems are their concern." "Andy is a fiscal conservative who will fight for fiscal policies on the national level."

Wicomico County Councilwoman Gail Bartkovich Endorses Andy Haris For Congress

"Andy Harris will represent Wicomico County and the Eastern Shore well in Congress."

Wicomico County Councilman Joe Holloway Endorses Andy Harris For Congress

Councilman Joe Holloway: "His views and mine fall along the same lines." "Andy is against gun-control."

Lew Riley Endorses Andy Harris For Congress

"Former Secretary of Agriculture Lew Riley: "Andy was one of the first state senators to put agriculture on a level playing field."

Consumer Spending Slowed Down In December

There are two more signs the economy is weakening. Consumers increased their spending at the weakest pace in six months while applications for unemployment benefits soared last week.

The Commerce Department reported Thursday that consumer spending edged up just 0.2 percent in December, the year's peak shopping season, down sharply from a 1 percent gain in November. It was the weakest performance in this area since a similar 0.2 percent rise in June of last year.

In the mean time, the Labor Department reported that the number of laid off workers filing applications for unemployment benefits soared by 69,000 to 375,000. That was the highest level for jobless claims since the week of Oct. 8, 2005, when the economy was dealing with the disruptions caused by Hurricane Katrina and the other Gulf Coast hurricanes.

The increase in jobless claims was more than triple what economists had been expecting.

If You Get This Telephone Call, Hang Up!!!

The Internal Revenue Service has issued five warnings about telephone and e-mail scams aimed at defrauding you. If you receive any of these telephone calls or e-mail messages, do not fall for the con!

Telephone Warnings:
--Congress is still debating the details of an economic stimulus package that could put several hundred dollars or more into the pockets of most Americans. Even though it's not yet signed into law, the hucksters are out. In one scheme, people receive a phone call telling them that can only get this rebate check if they provide bank account information for direct deposit.
--In yet another telephone scam, the caller claims to be an IRS employee who notifies the hapless taxpayer that he or she has not cashed a refund check. The person is then asked to verify his or her bank account number.
--Bottom line: The IRS does not collect personal and financial information by telephone.

E-Mail Warnings:
--In a new scam, an official-looking e-mail notifies people that their tax return will be audited. They are instructed to click on links to complete forms with personal and account information. Do it, and you just gave away your identity.
--If you receive e-mail notification that you will only receive your income tax refund if you enter personal information on a special form, delete it ASAP. Do not fill out the form!
--Businesses and accountants are being sent e-mails that look like they are from the IRS with instructions to download information on tax law changes. Once those bogus files are downloaded, the scammer gains remote access to the PC's hard drive.
--Bottom line: Do not click on any e-mail link that purports to be from the IRS. It's guaranteed to be a hoax aimed at stealing your personal and financial information. If you receive a questionable e-mail, contact the IRS through phishing@irs.gov.

Delmar Delaware Has A Gang Too!

They used to be called, "The Chain Gang" back in the day but today they walk the streets cleaning up everyone else's litter. Your Delaware Tax Dollars hard at work. Kudos!

This Comment About The Audit Is Well Worth Posting

"We don't have $250k for filtration of the storm water management but we have $11 MILLION in unmanaged, unmonitored accounts? No one knew about this money? BULLSHIT. If no one else knew this money was hiding in these accounts, Barrie Tilghman knew it was there. Pam Oland knew it was there. John Pick knew it was there. Paul Wilber had to know it was there. I'm willing to bet it is safe to say Lore Chambers knew it was there as well as Louise and Gary. Shanie probably didn't know because she was to busy eating chocolates to pay attention. Maybe she would have blackmailed them to save her home from foreclosure, who knows how these criminals think. Thats right, I called you all criminals, you are nothing less than high powered thieves. You hide 11 MILLION dollars while the police, fire, ems and all other city employees have to beg for scraps that you call a pay increase. A 14% tax hike is put on the backs of the citizens of this town while you hide 11 million dollars.

Nice smoke screen last monday night at the council meeting. Lets make Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen out to be the bad guys for voting against your will. This was done to make Debbie look bad in the upcoming election. Debbie could never look as bad as this band of thieves. That is exactly what they are THIEVES. They are stealing and hiding funds from the taxpaying citizens of this city. Louise where is that sunshine you promised. Looks like GE just turned the lights on the books you are trying to help the mayor hide. That is called complicity LOUWEASEL.

Pam Oland, you are a bright young girl with no future ahead of you now. Will you raise your newborn from Jessup? You knew about this money, you cannot deny this fact, it's all here in black and white signed by the accounting firm of Trice Geary. Pam take my advise, contact an attorney and ask for immunity in exchange for your testimony. Barrie Tilghman doesn't care about you or your family. YOU are just one of many pawns in her game. Don't be a fool, friendship stopped the day she directed you to commit these acts. Is the job worth your integrity? Certainly it doesn't pay that much that you would compromise your integrity, your husband, your newborn child, your life as you know it, does it? You will never work as an accountant again after this if you do not tell the truth. What on earth will your parents think and feel when this hits the fan? Trust me, it will hit the fan and sooner than anyone hoped.

It looks like Barrie couldn't convince Herb Geary to sugar coat the managment letter this year like she did last year. How many times did she send the letter back to be "softened" because it put Pam Oland in a bad light? Is Herb Geary complicit in this act? We know the Daily Times, Greg Bassett and Gannett Corp is complicit. They printed exactly what Barrie told them to print. They aided and abetted the complicity and corruption of these city officials. Hmmm sounds like a lawsuit in the making.

It seems to me Mike Dunn and Lynn Cathcart should be involved in this mess somewhere. They didn't stash 11 MILLION dollars away in a years time. It's time to round these bastards up and put them out to pasture. I hear there is plenty of greenery around the prisons, it could be considered a pasture.

Barrie Tilghman, we all know you read this blog. My advise to you is RESIGN TODAY. Take whatever other hidden money you have and leave the country. I hear Brazil is a good hideout for criminals such as yourself.

Barrie Tilghman will hang all of you out to dry, she will never accept responsibility for any of this, she never does. Remember Miss 99% compliance? Her famous words of last year "THE AUDIT IS COMPLETE" when it really wasn't. No damned wonder the audit has been late the last 3 years. She's been hiding 11 MILLION DOLLARS.

We ride on roads that make bad Georgia roads look like superhighways while Barrie and friends hide 11 MILLION DOLLARS.

If you have never filed a complaint in your life...NOW would be the time to do it. Not only have these people been repeatedly raping the citizens of Salisbury we can add ROBBERY to the list of crimes against the people.

Jim Cabezas, Investigator for the State Prosecutors office can be contacted at 1-800-695-4058 or jcabezas@ospmd.org The fax number up there is 410-321-3851 just in case you wanted to fax the accountants management letter for reference.

To file a complaint against Paul Wilber go to: http://www.courts.state.md.us/attygrievance/complaint.html

To file a complaint against Herb Geary go to: http://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/cpa/cpacomp.htm

To open the complete file from the auditors go to: http://www.ci.salisbury.md.us/CityGovernment/CityCouncilofSalisburyMD/CityCouncilAgendas/tabid/143/Default.aspx

It's the first file listed, the one that says LARGE FILE. PRINT IT OUT, you know how things disappear in Salisbury.

Anyone that has anything to do with the city of Salisbury really needs to stand up and demand ACCOUNTABILITY from our elected officials. Don't sleep on this, ACT and ACT NOW.

Louise, you are really in deep shit now. This is what you get for lying to everyone that ever trusted and voted for you. See if Richard Insley stands up for you now. The rats will be jumping ship.


Another Record Day!

Yesterday marked yet another Record Day for Salisbury News. I can't help but wonder, did WMDT have anything to do with that? We beat the former numbers by around 100 people/hits but it was a record day nonetheless.

Bill Duvall is screaming LAWSUIT because WMDT allegedly picked him up without his permission and he's demanding they drop his Blog because of me and the fact that they don't have his permission.

WRONG BILLY! You're a typical Attorney that THINKS just because you scream people will listen. The fact is, when you signed up with Blogger, you gave up all your rights to your work through their RSS Feed and ANYTHING you produce is fair game to companies like WMDT.

Anyhow, thanks for coming by and visiting Folks and welcome to Salisbury News. We'll bring you everything everyone else won't.

NEWS ALERT: Left-Wing Labor Union Attempts To Rescue Wayne Gilchrest

Washington –On the off chance that you had any doubt about Wayne Gilchrest’s liberal record, all doubts can be safely put to rest. Wayne Gilchrest is so liberal—and so desperate to get reelected—the extreme left-wing labor Union, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), is funding a television ad on his behalf.

A press release yesterday states that Republicans Who Care, a sham group fronting for the SEIU, is running an ad attacking Rep. Gilchrest’s conservative challenger, State Senator Andy Harris. But a recent FEC filing (see attached) shows that the entire $180,000 ad buy was funded by the left-wing Service Employees International Union—the same union that tried to help John Kerry win the 2004 presidential election.

In addition to John Kerry, the SEIU has supported the campaigns of such liberal Democrats as: Presidential candidate Howard Dean; Senators Ben Cardin; Tom Daschle; Harry Reid; Chuck Schumer; Barbara Mikulski; and Russ Feingold; Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; Rep. Dennis Kucinich; Rep. Steny Hoyer; Rep. Charles Rangel; and self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders. “In other words,” said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey, “Wayne Gilchrest has more in common with John Kerry, Tom Daschle, and Nancy Pelosi than Republicans in Maryland’s First Congressional District.”

To make matters worse, the ad is completely disingenuous, attacking Andy Harris’s spending record , when Wayne Gilchrest has been a reliable and notorious supporter of pork in the U.S. Congress. This year alone, Gilchrest voted to fund such outrageous pork projects as California’s Mule and Packer Museum; a Texas zoo; a South Carolina aquarium; a jazz museum; and Maine’s Lobster Institute. In contrast, Harris is a true fiscal conservative who voted against 6 out of 9 state budgets because they spent too much of taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars.

“On the campaign trail, Wayne Gilchrest claims that he is a conservative, but it is clear that he doesn’t even come close,” Mr. Toomey continued. “Wayne Gilchrest is not a conservative, and one has to wonder how Rep. Gilchrest can even call himself a Republican when the same labor union that supported John Kerry and Howard Dean is funding his reelection effort.”

Andy Harris Gains Five Key Endorsements In Wicomico County

All cite Harris will best represent Shore Values

Salisbury - Today State Senator
Andy Harris picked up five key endorsements from elected officials in Wicomico County. Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis, Council President John Cannon, Councilwoman Gail Bartkovich, Councilman Joe Holloway, and former Secretary of Agriculture Lew Riley all endorsed Andy Harris at a press conference held at the Chamber of Commerce in Salisbury. These five individuals who currently represent or have represented Wicomico County join Senator Rich Colburn and Senator Lowell who previously endorsed Andy's campaign.

While each of the individuals expressed different reasons for endorsing Andy Harris, they all agreed that Andy will best represent Shore values. Here are some comments from the press conference:

Sheriff Mike Lewis:
"Andy has served Maryland well and it is time to take it to the next level" "Illegal Immigration is a serious concern and Andy has a strong record against illegal immigration."

Council President
John Cannon: "I have two criteria when endorsing a candidate: where they stand on the issues and character. Andy is right on the issues and a man of great character." "With Andy, we will have a congressman that can go and convince others that my problems are their concern." "Andy is a fiscal conservative who will fight for fiscal policies on the national level"

Councilwoman Gail
Bartkovich : "Andy Harris will represent Wicomico County and the Eastern
Shore well in Congress."

Councilman Joe
Holloway: "His views and mine fall along the same lines." "Andy is against gun-control."

Former Secretary of
Agriculture Lew Riley: "Andy was one of the first state senators to put agriculture on a level playing field."

"I am humbled these elected officials from the Eastern Shore believe I will best represent Shore values in Congress," said Andy Harris. "In Washington, I will fight to lower taxes and decrease wasteful government spending, so our economy will produce high-paying jobs for families across the first district."

Andy has been endorsed by former Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, six of the eight state senators who represent parts of the district, ten members of the House of Delegates, Gun Owners of America, National Right to Life Committee PAC, Eagle Forum PAC, RNC Life PAC, The Washington Times, and numerous other former state and local elected officials.

Look At Today's Title On The Daily Times

What should be Front Page News is buried in the Delmarva Section with a very misleading title. Lewis Riley was the former Maryland Agriculture Secretary and rather than putting up an appropriate title such as, Sheriff Mike Lewis Endorses Andy Harris, they throw a twist to it.

Not that it's that big a deal but they also mislead everyone by NOT clearly stating that John Cannon, Gail Bartgovitch & Joe Holloway All ENDORSED Andy Harris as well. What did you think Joe G, they were there for the photo op? More to come......

The AUDIT Is In!

Before The City of Salisbury pulls this Audit Report down, GO HERE and read the Report. Seriously, I believe they're going to pull it before anyone gets a chance to read about their scam!

Ladies & Gentlemen, read the last paragraph on page 1 and the first on page 2. I'm just getting into this thing and I'm thinking, O M G! You won't get this information anywhere else, check it out!

A Local Rescue Story

Ed went to look at a piece of property to possibly purchase, and when he got back, he told me there was a dog at the back of the property, and she looked really hungry. Being the person I am, I took her some food and water. She looked like she hadn't eaten in a month. It was one of the saddest things I had to look at. And her cage, so small, with no shelter, and her standing in 3 inches of S**T!

Immediately, I call the Humane Society, (1/16/08) and they come pick her up in the next few hours. I actually bugged the hell out of the staff every day, by calling daily to see how she was. They were very nice to me though. After 14 days in protective custody, I took my daughter to visit her, and I fell in love with her all over again.

Today I took Eddie and Joey, and they informed me that she had not passed her heartworm test........( I was devastated, because they told me it could possibly kill her with her first shot of heartworm medicine.) As they were doing that, they ran our application and approved us. Kai then came out of that backroom alive! And because of the persistance I had calling everyday to check on her, they knew that I (and Eddie) would provide a good home for her. They let us take her home TODAY!!!!

They told us that if it had't have been for my persistance and visiting, she would have to stay til the end of February. (That would have sucked!) She isn't allowed to run, because of the heartworm medicine. (and she wants to so bad!) She goes back at the end of February to get her second treatment as well as getting spayed.(they couldn't do it, because of the severity of her heartworms)

$150 for 1 heartworm shot
$125 for adoption fee plus extras.......
$275 after all is said and done
1 Happy Healthy Puppy.............PRICELESS!!!!!!!

The Bust!

Although we were 400 to 500 yards away from the actual bust, I was able to get some pictures of Joshua Lehman in hand cuffs and being placed on the Police Cruiser to be processed.

I have to admit, I stood next to Todd from The Daily Times where he had a $7,000.00 lens on his camera in which I truly couldn't believe my eyes with the quality shots he was able to achieve from such a long distance. Hopefully The Daily Times gives him more than one shot in tomorrow's paper, we'll see?

The stand off went on for hours while there were two women that came out of the home, a Mother and Daughter. One came out of the home after the WCSO arrived and said Joshua had left the home. The second one came out and said he was in the attic with a gun. So far as I know they WCSO found 5 guns in the home so far. More photos and details to come.