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Thursday, January 31, 2008

This Comment About The Audit Is Well Worth Posting

"We don't have $250k for filtration of the storm water management but we have $11 MILLION in unmanaged, unmonitored accounts? No one knew about this money? BULLSHIT. If no one else knew this money was hiding in these accounts, Barrie Tilghman knew it was there. Pam Oland knew it was there. John Pick knew it was there. Paul Wilber had to know it was there. I'm willing to bet it is safe to say Lore Chambers knew it was there as well as Louise and Gary. Shanie probably didn't know because she was to busy eating chocolates to pay attention. Maybe she would have blackmailed them to save her home from foreclosure, who knows how these criminals think. Thats right, I called you all criminals, you are nothing less than high powered thieves. You hide 11 MILLION dollars while the police, fire, ems and all other city employees have to beg for scraps that you call a pay increase. A 14% tax hike is put on the backs of the citizens of this town while you hide 11 million dollars.

Nice smoke screen last monday night at the council meeting. Lets make Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen out to be the bad guys for voting against your will. This was done to make Debbie look bad in the upcoming election. Debbie could never look as bad as this band of thieves. That is exactly what they are THIEVES. They are stealing and hiding funds from the taxpaying citizens of this city. Louise where is that sunshine you promised. Looks like GE just turned the lights on the books you are trying to help the mayor hide. That is called complicity LOUWEASEL.

Pam Oland, you are a bright young girl with no future ahead of you now. Will you raise your newborn from Jessup? You knew about this money, you cannot deny this fact, it's all here in black and white signed by the accounting firm of Trice Geary. Pam take my advise, contact an attorney and ask for immunity in exchange for your testimony. Barrie Tilghman doesn't care about you or your family. YOU are just one of many pawns in her game. Don't be a fool, friendship stopped the day she directed you to commit these acts. Is the job worth your integrity? Certainly it doesn't pay that much that you would compromise your integrity, your husband, your newborn child, your life as you know it, does it? You will never work as an accountant again after this if you do not tell the truth. What on earth will your parents think and feel when this hits the fan? Trust me, it will hit the fan and sooner than anyone hoped.

It looks like Barrie couldn't convince Herb Geary to sugar coat the managment letter this year like she did last year. How many times did she send the letter back to be "softened" because it put Pam Oland in a bad light? Is Herb Geary complicit in this act? We know the Daily Times, Greg Bassett and Gannett Corp is complicit. They printed exactly what Barrie told them to print. They aided and abetted the complicity and corruption of these city officials. Hmmm sounds like a lawsuit in the making.

It seems to me Mike Dunn and Lynn Cathcart should be involved in this mess somewhere. They didn't stash 11 MILLION dollars away in a years time. It's time to round these bastards up and put them out to pasture. I hear there is plenty of greenery around the prisons, it could be considered a pasture.

Barrie Tilghman, we all know you read this blog. My advise to you is RESIGN TODAY. Take whatever other hidden money you have and leave the country. I hear Brazil is a good hideout for criminals such as yourself.

Barrie Tilghman will hang all of you out to dry, she will never accept responsibility for any of this, she never does. Remember Miss 99% compliance? Her famous words of last year "THE AUDIT IS COMPLETE" when it really wasn't. No damned wonder the audit has been late the last 3 years. She's been hiding 11 MILLION DOLLARS.

We ride on roads that make bad Georgia roads look like superhighways while Barrie and friends hide 11 MILLION DOLLARS.

If you have never filed a complaint in your life...NOW would be the time to do it. Not only have these people been repeatedly raping the citizens of Salisbury we can add ROBBERY to the list of crimes against the people.

Jim Cabezas, Investigator for the State Prosecutors office can be contacted at 1-800-695-4058 or jcabezas@ospmd.org The fax number up there is 410-321-3851 just in case you wanted to fax the accountants management letter for reference.

To file a complaint against Paul Wilber go to: http://www.courts.state.md.us/attygrievance/complaint.html

To file a complaint against Herb Geary go to: http://www.dllr.state.md.us/license/cpa/cpacomp.htm

To open the complete file from the auditors go to: http://www.ci.salisbury.md.us/CityGovernment/CityCouncilofSalisburyMD/CityCouncilAgendas/tabid/143/Default.aspx

It's the first file listed, the one that says LARGE FILE. PRINT IT OUT, you know how things disappear in Salisbury.

Anyone that has anything to do with the city of Salisbury really needs to stand up and demand ACCOUNTABILITY from our elected officials. Don't sleep on this, ACT and ACT NOW.

Louise, you are really in deep shit now. This is what you get for lying to everyone that ever trusted and voted for you. See if Richard Insley stands up for you now. The rats will be jumping ship.



  1. I would love to see this in the Times!
    Help, anyone?

  2. Great..super...we have far more to report than this, though this is great...remember the money Debbie Campbell found in the Water and Sewer fund..and she and Terry stopped the rate hike...intersting?

    It is time to do our civic duty. It is time to help ourselves. I have had all I can take, of this lousy government. Donna Thank Y ou

    How about the triple pay off to the mall folks? The lies about the bonding, and who bought the bonds? What about the pay offs to the contractors of the Landfill? What about the new fire house? There are hundreds of incidents in 9 years...and we have records on tape of every single one of them, lets go folks, we have the person, the phone number, and the fax number to complain to. If you know anything, I would use it now. Maybe we can do our civic duty, and feel good about the City of Salisbury once again.

  3. Does this amount include the 8 million or so discovered in the water/sewer account?

    You can "copy, paste" it into one of the blogs on the times web site. Just give credit where it's due.
    Question is where & will it be posted?

  4. How can the Daily Times NOT report this major lack of governmental accountability? Besides citizens' complaints, what happens next? A discrepancy of $11 million may lead to indictments, correct?

  5. The mayor will dismiss this like she does all concerns and criticisms.

    Or she'll hang Pam Oland out to twist in the wind.

    The citizens of Salisbury need to get off their complacent duffs and demand the resignation of the mayor. And tell her to take her pet louWeasel with her.

    Otherwise, they deserve every screwing they get.

  6. There's more people, there's more. Keep reading, preferably with an experienced CPA at your side to translate for you. Criminal mischief abounds!

  7. http://www.ci.salisbury.md.us/CityGovernment/CityCouncilofSalisburyMD/CityCouncilAgendas/tabid/143/Default.aspx

    Here's the link everyone wants.

  8. I have contacted today those resources you have listed here. Please, others do the same; this is a pattern of operation which we cannot tolerate another day.

  9. Isn't Louise going to start her PAC 14 show this week--what 'fluff' will she put out there when the real story is this $11 million. She's a gal who thinks all is rosey--she better not go on that show with "the City is doing so fine" crap.

    We all told you, Louise, but you didn't believe us--hitch your wagon to Barrie's and you'll go down with the ship. I suggest you meet with your minister right away.

  10. Donna's right. It's way past time the people took their city back from this group. Some of the movers and shakers who live in the city should organize a march at the GOB. Get a lot of people to show up and the media won't be able to ignore it. Any media group who continues to ignore it will confirm the suspicion that they are in bed with these people and lose any support they had from those who doubted it. Can anyone deny that the hiding of $11,000,000 is criminal?

    An organized march on the GOB against corrupt Govt. demanding the resignation of the mayor.

  11. Barrie should take the advise and head for Brazil. I've contacted every governmental acronym I thought would be interested in the affairs of the city and some that might not be so interested.

    SHA was pleased to know that Gary Comegys, Head Project Engineer has no idea how a project is run. If he spent more time on the job and less time in Barries office he might have an inkling as to what his job duties entail.


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