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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Somerset County Plays By Salisbury Rules

This is a Somerset County Dog Cotrol vehicle out side the County on Monday January 14 at 10:13 am. It would appear that the Somerset Co. Gov has some of the same issures with there Government vehicles that Salisbury City does.

League Holds Candidate Forum - Pipkin and Arminio Are No Shows

The League of Women Voters hosted a forum with candidates for the First District Congressional seat. The forum was held at Chesapeake College outside of Wye Mills, MD.

Conspicuously, two Republican candidates failed to show - Maryland Sen. E. J. Pipkin (R-36) and Joe Arminio.

One interesting feature of the forum was that ordinary citizens were permitted to ask questions directly. For those familiar with candidate forums in the Salisbury area (such as the PACE / Salisbury Chamber Forum) this is strictly taboo. The powers that be want to be able to filter the questions presented to candidates.

More on forum to follow.

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I'm Bored!

Joe, your columns sometimes are really thought provoking, and this one is especially good. Especially the constructive comments by Mr. Chaney are great.

I am a senior citizen, and I thought, what did I, what did my kids do? The word bored in my house meant "I want to do chores" so when my kids were looking for something to do, I said here is the list of chores, please do one and I am sure when you have completed the chore, you will think of something productive to do. They did, and I got the bathroom cleaned, or the vacuuming done in the process.

So my first suggestion is help your parents do a chore for them, then do something for yourself.

When my kids hung out in the boring winter, they went to an arcade and played video games, they went to a batting cage and hit base balls, did indoor miniature golf. They got together with friends and played musical instruments (much to my dismay, but hey it was winter) They had people over and played board games and video games. A couple of them did art work, one made model cars. These were boy things I guess, never had girl children.

When I was a kid the world was so much different, that I think what we did was not even close to a teenager today, but I will tell you a couple of things anyway. We did things in the winter that we mostly did not do in the summer. We were mostly at home, or in other kids homes. We played ping pong, and board games, we listened to records, we played music, we went to the skating rink, we went to the movies, we went for walks, we took photographs, we collected stuff, like stamps, and baseball cards, and pictures of movie stars, and did craft things, and read. I did art work, and made crafts stuff, like scarves and hats for my young sisters. My mother taught me to knit, and sew on the sewing machine.My uncle sent me stamps from all over the world, which I collected, money too. My father spent time with my brother in the garage with the car, let my brother learn to work on the car and change the oil and taught him how to work around the house fixing the plumbing, electrical and small projects.(sometimes I got to do it too)

We did chores, so did my kids, but we also volunteered (I worked with kids doing art projects at a local "camp" strangely today it would be an "after school center"
I did that when I was 13, at 17 I was a girl scout leader
And at 35 I did both of those things again.

No one is responsible for kids entertainment, I seems to me there are far more things to do now then there used to be. A metal detector at a thrift store is $2.00 the beach and the woods in rural areas are wealthy with "finds"

Since Joe has opened up this discussion, I would like him to invite comments as to what other generations did in their spare time. (I said spare, I studied, worked around the house, and baby sat as a job.)And perhaps this generation will get some good ideas.

My favorites from 50 years ago. I still do some all of them.

Collecting glass from the beach. Sometimes I found "treasures"

Being outdoors riding bikes, we went to some really great places, miles and miles from home.

Drawing, painting, making stuff from kits. Playing and making music.


Retired Fire Fighter Joe Perdue Spreads The Love

If you GO HERE you will be taken to a Website Joe Perdue is promoting on his Website, FUJA. It shouldn't take much to figure out what it means. They have Tee Shirts, you name it, you can purchase these items on line and show just how much you hate Joe Albero.

The Salisbury Fire Fighters, (SOME OF THEM) have clearly proven that if you are close to See & Gordy, they will go to any extreme to bash Joe Albero. Sad Boys, Very Sad.

Joe Perdue is the guy in the tan jacket in the second photo.

UPDATE: I missed another one. GO HERE for another link to bumper stickers from his Site.

Not Just Any Building For Sale

What do you think Folks? Do you think they priced it out of the market so I couldn't or wouldn't be interested in buying it? This is the one and only Daily Times Building up for sale. You see, they lied to everyone a year ago when they said they were ONLY moving the new Press to a new location, not their entire facility & staff.

Oh well, I expected it and knew it but today they ran a Full Page Ad in the front section of their paper advertising their building being for sale. I'll check into it tomorrow and see how ridiculous or fair they're being. A smart business person would have ran an ad a year ago when they market was much better. Knowing them though, they're probably pricing it as if we're in a great market anyway.

The Daily Times Is Unprofessional & Stupid

Notice how they got the Gilchrest name right and screwed up Pipken and Harris! Was this a mistake? I DON'T THINK SO! When you see the rest of the srticles throughout the paper today, they bang on everyone else and praise Gilchrest.

Greg, you're pushing me more and more to compete. One reason why people would choose my business over yours is I would never pull this kind of crap. I mean, Lord knows how fair I've been on the Mayor, right? LOL

Bundle Up Boys, It's Gonna Be A Cold One Today

This photo was taken a year ago and clearly it was just as cold.

One Year Celebration

Today, Bill Martin will celebrate their 1 year Grand Opening.

One Year Ago Today

County Council President John Cannon sets a perfect example of how to address and stand next to former City Council President Mike Dunn.

Extraordinary Biblical Find In Jerusalem

An underground drainage channel that archaeologists believe was an escape route that Jews used to flee the Romans in 70 AD has been found buried under the rubble of the Second Temple, which was destroyed by Roman conquerors in the Siege of Jerusalem.

The BBC News reports that scores of people are thought to have once taken refuge and actually lived in the tunnel until they were able to flee the city. The head of the Israel Antiquities Authority said in a statement that he thinks the tunnel, which stretches beneath the city to the Dead Sea, was Jerusalem's main drainage channel at the time of the Roman conquest. Several parts of it have been found intact.

"The channel...is covered with heavy stone slabs that are actually the paving stones of the street," said Eli Shukron of the Antiquities Authority in the official statement. "In some places the channel reaches a height of about three meters and is one meter wide, so that it is possible to walk in it comfortably. It was a place where people hid and fled to from burning, destroyed Jerusalem." Also discovered inside the tunnel were pottery shards and coins from the end of the Second Temple period. The tunnel is still being excavated.

The Second Temple, which stood between 516 BC and 70 AD, was the reconstructed Temple in Jerusalem and served as the center of Jewish worship. Solomon's Temple was also known as the First Temple; it was destroyed in 586 BC when the Jews were exiled into Babylonian Captivity. The First Temple was rebuilt 70 years later by Cyrus the Great in 515 BC. On Aug. 4, 70 AD, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Second Temple, which ended the Great Jewish Revolt that began four years earlier. All that is left of the Second Temple in Jerusalem today is the Western Wall, the so-called Wailing Wall. The Jewish fast Tisha B'Av is the annual mourning of the destruction of the Second Temple.

Another Nursing Home Horror Story

I have another horror story to tell. My elderly mother was there at Genesis recuperating from a flareup of CHF. She was rather weak and unsteady of her feet. Her meds made her unsteady on her feet. Fearing a fall and a busted hip, I told her that she should not go to the bathroom without someone helping her get there. A couple of days later, she told me she asked for help late at nite and the nurses aide told her that she should just urinate on herself, and they would clean her up later. Needles to say, my footprints are probably still on the DON's desk from when I when in there and raised absolute hell!! I got an apology and she got help with no problem from there on out!

A bit of advise from someone who has dealt with many nursing homes in many locations. What you need to do is establish early on that you have a watchful eye on your loved one's care, and will raise hell if it not up to par. Have a cow over the first thing that is out of line. It will be passed around quickly to take good care of that particular person, because that pesky son/daughter/etc. will stop by at anytime, and raise hell if things are not right. Do just that, stop by at different times on all the shifts. Get known as a staunch and motivated advocate for your love one. They will get much better care.

I feel so sorry for the lost souls in these places who have no one to look out for them. They are the ones who really get screwed.

Three Weeks to Go!

There are just over three weeks to go until Maryland's primary. Republican voters in the First District will have an opportunity to cast their vote in one of the most hotly contested Congressional primaries of the year when they choose between Wayne Gilchrest, Andy Harris or E. J. Pipkin. You can read a detailed analysis of each campaign at the Campaign Edge.

The biggest question is - will voters be sufficiently informed as to who stands for what on immigration, taxation, fiscal restraint and the war to actually vote for the candidate who best reflects their views or will they be sufficiently confused to vote for the wrong guy ... or not to vote at all?

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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The Big Question?

When Andy Harris Wins the 1st District Congressional Seat, just what will the Bassett's do? If you're not familiar with that name, Greg Bassett heads The Daily Times while his Wife works for Wayne Gilchrest's Office. If Wayne loses his job, well, looks like the Bassett's will be in a bit of a pickle financially.

It's no wonder you're seeing three articles a week in The Daily Times pushing to keep Wayne Gilchrest's seat! Desperate people do desperate things.

Answer me this one too? Did you see the separate pictures of Gilchrest in one photo and Bush in another on the Front Page of The Daily Times? If you ask me, when someone endorses you, wouldn't you expect to see the two of them standing side by side in ONE photo?

The Logic of E. J. Pipken

Congressional candidate, Maryland Sen. E. J. Pipkin (R-36) appears to be getting desperate in his attempt to unseat incumbent Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R-1). Pipkin is not a stupid man, yet his response to recent charges, by candidate (Maryland) Sen. Andy Harris (R-7), that Pipkin supported the budget of Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley screams poor judgment and desperation.

Pipkins response:

Since other GOP Maryland senators also voted to support the budget his vote could not be a liberal vote.

Think about that one for a moment. Using Pipken's logic, a Republican Congressman voting to support Ted Stevens' (R-AK) "Bridge to Nowhere" makes the vote a conservative vote? If a majority of Republican Congressman voted to support amnesty for illegal immigrants, does this somehow not make the vote a liberal vote?

I realize that Pipken must be feeling the frustration of this campaign. This is one more in a string of (apparently losing) attempts for higher office. Pipken lost in an attempt for the U. S. Senate and unsuccessfully challenged Maryland Sen. J. Lowell Stoltzfus (R-38), a true conservative stalwart, for the Senate Minority Leader post. Now Pipken has entered a largely self funded race that will be almost impossible for him to win. If I suspected Gilchrest of being a less than honorable man I would believe that he persuaded Pipkin to enter the race.

He, and his campaign staff, have resorted to calling Harris a liar and contending that he is "hateful". The type of rhetoric seldom seen so close to a responsible campaign. Pipkin's surrogates have even resorted to the Democrat tactic of filing lawsuits to gain media coverage.

While it is no secret that I am a strong supporter of Andy Harris, I would far prefer the return of Gilchrest to office than the election of Pipkin. A Reagan conservative could hold his nose and vote for Gilchrest, but to elect someone who shows such malevolence and poor judgement as Pipkin (coupled with a seeming lack of ideology) is simply too much.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

The Funniest School Excuses Ever

All parents have written school excuse notes for their kids at one time or another. When words are misspelled, participles dangled and infinitives split, the results can be hysterical.

Dear Teacher,

"My son is under a doctor's care and should not take P.E. today. Please execute him."

"Please excuse Lisa for being absent. She was sick, and I had her shot."

"Please excuse Gloria from Jim today. She is administrating."

"Dear School: Please ekscuse John being absent on Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and also 33."

"Please excuse Roland from P.E. for a few days. Yesterday he fell out of a tree and misplaced his hip."

"John has been absent because he had two teeth taken out of his face."

"Carlos was absent yesterday because he was playing football. He was hurt in the growing part."

"Megan could not come to school today because she has been bothered by very close veins."

"Chris will not be in school cus he has an acre in his side."

"Please excuse Ray Friday from school. He has very loose vowels."

"Please excuse Tommy for being absent yesterday. He had diarrhea, and his boots leak."

"Irving was absent yesterday because he missed his bust."

"Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father's fault."

"Please excuse Jennifer for missing school yesterday. We forgot to get the Sunday paper off the porch, and when we found it Monday, we thought it was Sunday."

"Sally won't be in school a week from Friday. We have to attend her funeral."

"My daughter was absent yesterday because she was tired. She spent a weekend with the Marines."

"Please excuse Jason for being absent yesterday. He had a cold and could not breed well."

"Please excuse Mary for being absent yesterday. She was in bed with gramps."

"Gloria was absent yesterday as she was having a gangover."

"Please excuse Burma, she has been sick and under the doctor."

"Maryann was absent December 11-16, because she had a fever, sore throat, headache, and upset stomach. Her sister was also sick, fever, and sore throat, her brother had a low grade fever and ached all over. I wasn't the best either, sore throat and fever. There must be something going around, her father even got hot last night."