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Friday, December 19, 2008

Work Release Inmate Escapes

This morning while the work release van was transporting prisoners, one of the Inmates actually jumped out of a moving van and took off. When you get closer to the Holidays these things tend to happen as some Inmates get the Holiday Bug.

Hopefully we get word as to what the outcome is on this particular situation but we also received RUMOR that another Work Release Inmate took off from a local Elementary School but that could not be confirmed and no one actually heard of it happening.


  1. I'm pretty sure that it was just one inmate who escaped.They sent WCSO Deputies to the schools that were closest to the incident, just as a precautionary measure.

  2. Why do work release people work in our schools? Or did I read it wrong??

  3. That last minute shopping sure can be a bitch.

  4. With our courts giving out such harsh sentences, I'm sure they'll get another 30 minutes in time out!

    They need to charge them to the letter of the law. The jump is considered a "jail break", capture them, they have to complete their first sentence 100% (no good time off), then start serving time for the jail break. Until courts get tough, this stuff will continually happen.

  5. 2160 will catch his ass.

  6. My son goes to one of the schools and when I called to ask why the WCSD Deputies were there they gave the response as to "It's just because of the holidays there was nothing wrong!". When my son got home he said that they were on lock down in the cafateria.

  7. There was no inmate in a school. He jumped out of the transport van on the way to the landfill.

  8. it is 10 years for escape, and what is his name joe, lets get em

  9. well this happens all the time throughout the year ,but it occurs more often on the western shore. inmates on minimum security (work release) are transported and supervised by unarmed officers there is nothing that prevents them from walking off exept getting in more trouble with the courts in most cases they want to so they dont have to leave the system. when these guys "walk off" thats what they call it the officer can not shoot or physically restrain the inmate all they can really do is say stop! wow that works well. on avereage this happens over a hundred times a year.

  10. This man stabbed a man to death on Christmas morning in the 70's. I attended Midle school with him and he is a career criminal. Consider him very dangerous.

  11. Joe,
    Please show a photo of him. He is very recognizable. Thanks and lets catch him.

  12. Believe me, an escapee rarely gets ten years. Some get off with 18 months or even some with much less. Our system definitely does not treat this seriously. It is work release and the inmate is trusted. He earned that privilege, it is up to him or her to fulfill that commitment.

  13. Looks like another job for "Joe's Angles". When do we meet to organize the man hunt? Instead of all the bashing of our local cops ,lets help out.

  14. If he was trying to catch the sale on those RCA home theater systems at target....I can understand!

  15. The work release "detail" has nothing to do with an earned trust. We know guys on work release from the beginning of their sentence. It is not yet known if they're to be trusted.

  16. The picture that they put out is not current. he has shaved his face and head. What was he wearing when he escaped? That would probably be good to know. I heard that the officer has medical issues and would not have been able to chase him anyway.

  17. He's back in jail. Evidently his mother is in bad health and he wanted to spend xmas with her. They talked him into turning himself in


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