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Friday, December 12, 2008

Wicomico County Detention Center Officer Resigns

A female Correctional Officer has resigned recently due to a pregnancy. Not just any pregnancy though. You see, she's pregnant from an Inmate detained at the Detention Center.

I'm told by several sources that there is actually an investigation going on as there may be criminal charges placed against this Officer, time will tell.

While our last Post about the WCDC brought in more than 250 comments, things are heating up everywhere you look down there and it became obvious there are some serious issues with the Warden, Management and Staff.

Wicomico County must be one horny County with all the sexual charges flying around, especially in the last places anyone would suspect! I'm told one female inmate who has refused to do what she's told had been ordered by a Judge she could NOT have visitation with her two children. Word on the street is, the Warden recently over rode the Judge's Order and in fact gave emergency visitation for this Inmate and questions are roaming everywhere as to just how this could have happened all of a sudden.

Maybe some of the Staff can pop in this morning and express their feeling with one of their co workers getting pregnant by an Inmate AND how this other Inmate got visitation with her children out of nowhere.


  1. The hidden tragedy here is near Salisbury there are always roughly 87 currently non-incarcerated, usually employed/student, men for any woman sitting at any bar's happy hour/karaoke night. As a woman, you almost have to have a wooden leg and lazy eye not to get a date(and even in that case they usually cash in at last call when the Jager has rendered the lesser bucks temporarily blind and insane). How desperate do you have to be to troll for felons currently still in the clink?

  2. Joe:

    Love conquers all!

  3. I cant believed that the HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD WAS THAT DUMB with out the judges permission.To go against a judges order is unspeakable.

  4. There is another officer other then the one from last year? Does anyone know who it is?

  5. Joe,

    Just thought you would like to know they had a shake down yesterday at WCDC in the pods containing US Marshal's prisomer's. They found cell phones, checkbook's and marijuana. I wonder how that's getting in? Hmmmm!

  6. All of this CRAP has no base to it. No facts. No proof.

    We need proof.

    This just seems a little too far fetched. The CO got pregnat from an inmate while he was locked up. How? It's 99% impossible. Every thing is visible from either central or a POD. Everything is monitered by camaras. EVERYTHING.

    Also the inmates are dying to tell on each other as a ploy for a reduced sentence. It happens all the time.

    This didn't happen. Sorry. Not buying this one.

    And the order from the judge regarding the "non-visitation" was to be at the descrition of the warden. The order was the warden could suspend visitation. He could do that now anyway, without a court order. LOL.

  7. anonymous 10:04,

    Perhaps you didn't read my Post well enough. I said, SOURCES. Not one, a few! I am NOT at all wrong here and you are in damage control mode.

    You'll hear aout it soon enough from the rest of the MSM. You're just pissed I got to it first.

  8. I can tell you how she got pregnate, they dropped thier paints and did the wild thing...... seriously, I know it's being going on, and thats only the beginning, just wait.

  9. Yea you guys can see it all kinda like the kid that swinging in his cell that you guys checked and signed that u checked. Manslaughter at least but all skated again in the house of Wi-Oz. Soo save your bullshit the only differance in most gaurds {I will not call them COs} Is your uniform is bblue and the rest look like the hamburgler. Hire corrupt ex-cops to fill spots and the dope and corruption runs deep. Let the Feds or Sheriff Lewis take over the shit hole fire them all

  10. Probably... Ayres is who the
    Pregnant One, By an Inmate, is....
    And she is Pregnant, just Look and See .............

    She and that Low Down HO , James
    Puggy are just the Low down type
    to Frigg an inmate.
    They ARE an inmate, in a Uniform
    Fire them and the REST of those
    Hater....Females who are WORTHLESS

  11. Yea.... the SHAKEDOWN yesterday

    The Officers were not told until
    TIME TO GO HOME from their shift
    that they had to stay for that....

    This sensless keeping of officers
    after they have worked their shift
    NEEDS TO STOP....They are being BURNED OUT and USED UP without
    any CARE or REGARDS for them.....

  12. Let me tell you a story...there was a bright light and a bunch of moanin' whipsers and if by magic...poof, this CO found out that she was pregnant. She happened to be doing rounds and was enraptured by this one guy's cell, so of course she had to run and tell his family. This child will be wonderful, deliver us from WCDC, and the ultimate salvation of the Eastern Shore. Please, please spread the word, the next special holiday is coming in 8-9 months...mark my anonymous words...and Joe had it here first. Even smart women guarding the dumb guys who get caught fall for the "bad" boys.

  13. FIRE K I M B L E NOW

    He has Already started making WCDC WORSE since he has came to
    Haunt it.....

    DD needs to GO TOO.....

    Alright Pollitt and County Council, lets step up and GET
    R' DONE !!!!!!!

  14. Ayres and James (PUUGGY) are the low down type who would bring in cell phones, and whatever else
    an INMATE wants........

    Better Watch them on Camera !!!!!
    Even the LAWYERS who visit the inmates are often the LOW down type
    who may be bringing the contraband
    into the INMATES.....It DOES Happen
    Put cameras in to watch them TOO !!

  15. Joe Albero, as arthor of 10:04, I'm not in damage control mode what so ever... I'm just simply stating that your sources are indeed false.

  16. You can do or get anything you want if you work in the kitchen or the laundry. It's the way it is.

    She ain't the first and won't be the last...count on it.

    As for the caretakers not being told about the shakedown until the last minute...WHY do you think you were not told until then? Obviously there are trust issues in the joint...imagine that.

  17. anonymous 4:14,

    I will assure you I'm not the author or as you say arthor of that comment. Unlike you, I have the ba((s to put my name on every comment here or anywhere else.

  18. Yes, we're a horny bunch here on the shore. It's either drunken charges or sexual charges. The shore needs a new hobby!

  19. Some of the female officers @ WCDC are doing more then just having sex with inmates. They are marrying these fools. (Lt's, Sgt's and correctional officers) Some have even travel to other correctional facility and marry inmates. Very sad. Give good female CO's a bad name. Not all of our female CO's are Ho's. But, their are quite a few new and 'ole cougars in the pack. But don't forget how it all got started. Listen to the 'ole tales told about the 'ole jail crew. Then one would understand perfectly why the jail is in the perdicament that they are in now.

  20. Fire Devenyns, Roberts, Roberts, Robert and Kimble. Take the old jail cronies with them.

    Fire Devenyns, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts and Kimble. Take the old jail cronies with them.

    PPPPlllleeeeaaaasssseeee. The way it is being run now is too eeeemmmmbbbbrrrraaaassssssssing

  21. There are no bars in the RSAT program. Inmates are in a separate building and not locked up. The program was intended for drug offenders only with no violent history. Contact between inmates and staff is free and easy and they interact daily during counseling. It could be a good program but with Devenyns and Roberts running it, it becomes a total failure and worthless. DDD has even allowed fellons into the program. I would not be surprised if the DOJ is looking into this matter. If they are not, they should. Wicomico County obviously is not going to do anything about it.

  22. F I R E K I M B L E


    After that, everything else can be
    Fixed.........Until then Naa Daa !!!

    That DD needs to go T O O
    Only then, can Progress be made!!

  23. so this is the time of year when we are all sold for the price of a free turkey and a Christmas party.the county allows devenyns and our evil administrators the cheap shot of giving out turkeys.We are the turkeys for accepting them.We get treated like dung all year long and all is supposed to be well at Christmas because you give us a turkey.then we have a jail food sponsored Christmas luncheon in the wcdc gym and "my goodness we are truly blessed".it works every year.how pathetic-The Selling Of Our Integrity For The Price Of A Turkey And A Shabby Christmas Luncheon.Once it's over our heads will be on the chopping block again.We could do better and have more respect for ourselves.

  24. kimble and devenyns giving out Chrismas gifts-well listen to this.each year around this time devenyns,kimble and rosalind roberts reflect on their evil actions and schemes and as as a result feel lead to give certain of us a few personal gifts.hers my questions: where is their hyprocritical heart when we need to leave work for an emergency?,pick up our kids?,try to get a shift change so that we can attend school?,visit a dying relative?,not on county time of course,but using our own leave time.the anwsers always "NO you can't leave" where is their kindness when our kids are sick and need mommy?,don't fall for their gimmicks,they are,and always will be wolves in sheeps clothing.don't believe the hype.they don't have our best interest at heart,talk to our co-workers ,hear their stories.MERRY CHRISTMAS-WE DESERVE IT! there are men and women dying in far away lands for our freedom and all these three evil tyrants can do is continue to use their freedom to mistreat us.GOD PROTECT AND BLESS OUR SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN.

  25. 1032 am,

    Praise the Lord and how sweet it is somebody is still awake. You are exactly right. The Correctional Officers at WCDC have given up on their integrity, the truth and they have all turn scared. But, that is ok Devenyns, Roberts and the other one. Your time will come. Today, tomorrow, five years from now or ten years from now. You guys thinks your above the law. Well, there is one law you can't ignore. And that is GOD's Law. GOD's Wrath will be upon you. Remember, GOD's Wrath will defeat you. Merry F___ing Christmas to the Powere of Be. May the New Year for you guys be as it always have been from the Correctional Officers. Hell in the Jail.

  26. F I R E KIMBLE

    the Sooner the Better
    Make that the NEW YEARS RESOLUTION
    AND SOLUTION ..... for WCDC

    Make this (2008) the LAST Year he
    gets to have any job at Wicomico
    County, on DelMarVa , the Eastern



    Do the SAME jobs as the Male Officers have to to do
    (Everything, except strip searches)

    DO NOTHING....as has been done here
    at WCDC for 20 + years now.....enough Discrimination against the MALES is ENOUGH !!!!

  28. The GOOD OFFICERS Will Prevail

    over the Scum of the Earth ,Evil,

    k i m b l e

    send him back across the bay
    with his Tail Wagging ......

    Make Major Elliot SECURITY CHIEF

    ON K I M B L E

    MAYBE then , he will get FIRED

    He never should have gotten HIRED

    ASK ECI / DOC about him
    and EVERY WHERE ELSE he has been

    Why, did he leave those places, and
    end up here, at WCDC ??????????

  30. FEMALES .....Can , and Should,

    Work the Male block floors, and Don't need a Male to hold their hand, either.....You can put TWO
    Females on the floor, with a Male
    in the pod.....ALL LEGAL !!!!

    ALso this goes for Midnight shift !! HINT....HINT....HINT
    So Far....NO Females Work the floor....Read this .. KIMBLE.....

  31. WHAT DID..... A/W Roberts
    ever do wrong ?????

    Enlighten us readers !!!!

  32. Here's a bit of advice to all of you who work at the Detention Center and use the blogs to complain: CONFRONT THE MANAGEMENT STAFF AND LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOUR CONCERNS ARE OR JUST FIND ANOTHER JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's as simple as that. If you don't have the guts to sit down and speak with these people, then you should just be quiet.

  33. 8:40 pm,
    As the Operational Officer of the Detention Center, A/W Roberts has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to carve the hatred in the jail. Does she roll here azz in the back to speak to her staff? No! Does she know who works for her? No! Has she done anything to improve the moral of her staff at the jail? No! She is one Stuck Up Bitch that know nothing but revenge. She has no people skills. And, she not FAIR. She has been given the role of the Deputy Director and has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for her staff. Nothing.
    Does that answer your question, R.

    2:23 pm,
    Are you flucking crazy. Any confrontation in a professional way will lead to termination. That group ain't listening to the underclass @ WCDC. They really do act like the "Power of Be". Let's be for real. They ain't listening. If they were, the moral would be great. The favortism would not exist. And, people like Rowley would be fired. Or any other staff member who feels they are untouchable.

  34. F I R E K I M B L E .... AND

    Most of WCDC problems will go away ......

    Hey Murry..... was he good in Florida ????

    Promote Maj Elliott to Security
    Chief NOW ........

  35. G E T K I M B L E



  36. 2;23PM it is a waste of time to confront the management staff.it has been tried over and over again.we need a class action suit.


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