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Monday, December 08, 2008

P.S.A. to All Men About to Buy a Woman a Christmas Present

Brought to you by all of the women who love you, who you want to have love you, and want to continue to love you.


  1. But Honey...

    I *REALLY* Thought you would like the "Recipe for a perfect marriage" plaque from South of the Border for our 10th Anniversary.

    You have a LOOONNNGGG Memory

  2. Man is this ever true. What a great clip. You've been warned. Now take the toasters and vacume cleaners back before its too late. Get her something that vibrates or sheds money. You'll be walking the dog.

  3. How bout another woman???

  4. At least she got something Boss. There are those of us who don't always. (and that's a longer memory ;) )

  5. What about the womans cat box ? lol

  6. makes me feel alot better about the nose hair trimmers I bought my wife this year

  7. Don't plan on sitting down after you give her those nose hair trimmers Anon. She'll likely put them where the sun doesn't shine!


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