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Wednesday, December 17, 2008


(Salisbury, MD) – In an effort to reduce violent crime in the region, a coordinated weekend law enforcement operation involving dozens of police officers, deputies, troopers, and federal marshals who saturated Wicomico County resulted in the arrest of scores of individuals for charges including armed robbery, assault, fugitive from justice, drug distribution, and prostitution.

From Thursday, December 11th through Sunday, December 14th, teams of municipal, county, state, and federal law enforcement officers zeroed in on drug distribution, prostitution, gang activity, gun crimes, and criminals wanted on warrants, throughout the greater Salisbury area. The early indication is that the operation was very successful.

Using covert investigators and overt enforcement, police arrested 62 people. The arrests included 11 for drug distribution, three for drug possession, 28 for outstanding warrants, 16 on prostitution related charges, one for assault on a police officer, one for disorderly conduct and two for traffic offenses. In addition to the actual arrests, police also identified where a number of others wanted on warrants were currently incarcerated and filed detainers on them. Police recovered a variety of drugs during the arrests and more than $3,700 in drug-related money. A complete list of those arrested with accompanying charges is still being compiled.

Due to this operation, extra law enforcement officers were in the area Friday afternoon and responded when an armed robbery of an armored truck occurred at a bank in the 1300-block of S. Salisbury Blvd. Police made one arrest and recovered a shotgun, a handgun, and the stolen money. A search for the second suspect is continuing.

The weekend enforcement operation involved multiple law enforcement agencies that included the Salisbury Police Department, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, Maryland State Police, Fruitland Police Department, Wicomico Bureau of Investigation, Wicomico Narcotics Task Force, Wicomico County State’s Attorney’s Office, U.S. Marshal’s Service, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Units from the State Police included the Salisbury Barracks, Firearms Task Force, Gang Enforcement Unit, Auto Theft Unit, and the State Apprehension Team.

“We are proud to have been a partner in this coordinated multi-agency operation that reminded criminals in the Salisbury region that we are serious about protecting our citizens,” said Colonel Terrence B. Sheridan, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police. “We will continue to work together in support of our allied law enforcement partners to impact crime not only in this region, but across Maryland.”

Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis said, “In response to the concerns of our citizens, we answered their calls by strategically deploying a multi-agency approach to criminal enforcement throughout Wicomico County. The success of this operation will undoubtedly be repeated in future enforcement efforts.”

“This was an excellent example of the cooperation that exists between local law enforcement as well as state and federal agencies,” Salisbury Police Chief Allan Webster said. “Due to the commitment of the heads of all the agencies involved, the operation was very successful. The impact of the arrests during the operation will ultimately benefit all the citizens of Wicomico County.”

“This joint operation is just another example of how effective law enforcement can be when efforts are combined,” said Lt. Dan Nelson, Commander of the Maryland State Police Salisbury Barracks.


Sheriff Mike Lewis – Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office 410-548-4892

Chief Allan Webster – Salisbury Police Department 410-548-3158

Chief Mike Phillips – Fruitland Police Department 410-548-2804

Lt. Dan Nelson – Maryland State Police 410-749-3101


  1. Now theres a hard-luck story...four guys plan a bank robbery, and forgot to check to see if there were extra cops going to be in the area that day. Oops.

    If they can only figure out how to charge that state vehicle that keeps illegally parking in the cemetery off Division St. during working hours....

  2. What did this cost???

  3. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Come up with a figure in your head and ask yourself how much is your life worth?

  4. Anon 904 this task force took 62 criminals off the streets and you ask what did it cost? Good lord, some people will never be satisfied. The cops are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Here's an idea, if someone commits a crime against you or your family ask the officer on duty what it will cost to come to your aid before you ask them to assist.

  5. It would be nice to see the specific arrest defined a little bit more. What do you have 52 nol-pross.

  6. Anon 9:04 you are simply an idiot. Keep trying to find the bad in everything, when law enforcement are only trying to keep people safe. If you were a victim of one of these people that were arrested you would complain that they aren't out doing there job....Most of them were getting paid there normal salary and not asking for anything more to protect YOU!! Oh did i mention you are simply an IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Funny, I see they are finally admitting we have gangs around here. If you want to find the gangs just go to Wicomico Middle School. They have two I know about. The first is KOA (Knock Out Artists)the second is called the "Green Mob".

  8. I think it is great that all the county L/E worked on this project. I think we the county need a proactive enforcement unit to work strret crime. It would be great to see each agency committ to something like this. A criminal on the run has to lead a criminal life style. This county has enough to go around. The concept could be much like the WINTF concept. I know it would be great all citizens of the couty. The unit could also serve warrants of high priority. The Sheriff, Chief Webster, Chief Phillips, and Chief Saylor and lt. Nelson should all be commended for thier efforts in this mission. The average person does not see the immeadiate effects of this type of operation. The results are significant in that the crimnal activity that hangs in the area of prostition can not be denied. There was at least one murder directly linked to this acitivity and there was also the guy that was basically kidnapping and assaulting these women. That behavior is usually progressive in nature and could have led to a real serial problem. The thefts and degrading of neighborhoods when this type crime occurs is also a major issue. Great job by all be safe and keep up the outstanding work. There will allways be those that step to the front that make a differance. Then there will be those that stand on the sidelines talking about the problem.

  9. 904 anon the cost was peace of mind for those that lived in and around where this was taking place. Tell us where you live then we can push them in your front yard and you and your family can deal with all of the crime that goes along with it. It obviously cost you nothing I am sure you are on the sidelines. I guarantee you are the type to call when your mail box gets damaged or your neighbors dog barks to loud. Go back to the couch and look for fault. Great Job by all. I think if the weather had not been so bad the numbers would have been double.

  10. Anon 9:04
    You can have your two cents back.

  11. Looks as if EVERY agency was involved except for Delmar. They don't have the man power to participate anyway.


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