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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I Need A Bell Ringer For Macy's

The Salvation Army needs a Bell Ringer for ONE hour this Thursday at Macy's inside the Mall from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. Please e-mail me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com if you have the interest and can spare the time. Thanks, Joe


  1. Joe I'll do it. Send you an email now with my cell number.
    Jason S.

  2. Don't you mean The Salvation Army needs someone?

  3. anonymous 9:52,

    I posted, "The Salvation Army needs a Bell Ringer for ONE hour this Thursday at Macy's inside the Mall from 12:00 to 1:00 PM."

    Perhaps I should have added HELP in the title. However, I believe I covered it properly in the post itself.

  4. and perhaps you are taking credit for the bell ringing of others that has been going on for years.I don't mean to take any thing away from your very very good help to them and all , I was just hoping to check that ego.Sorry.

  5. Whatever makes you happy. We needed a bell ringer or "I" would have covered it. Get over it, will ya. YOU didn't offer to fill in the spot so quite frankly you look like a fool for challenging me.

  6. Joe has taken it upon himself to make sure the Salvation Army doesn't have to pay people to ring the bell this year. If he wants to say "I," he'e entitled, imho. He's doing one hell of a lot of work to accomplish this goal, including many hours of bell-ringing himself.
    Have YOU stepped up to the plate, 9:52 PM and 10:18 PM? Where did the comment, "and perhaps you are taking credit for the bell ringing of others that has been going on for years" come from? That doesn't even make sense!


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