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Friday, December 19, 2008

Florida Woman Says Former Church Plans To Make Her Sins Public

A 49-year-old Florida woman says her former church is threatening to reveal her sins to its congregation after learning that she is in a "sexually immoral relationship."


This is why admit nothing.


  1. This really angers me as a chistian. These are the type of people who turn the unsaved off when it comes to church. Everyone sins and God sees all sin as equal. Your sins should be between you and God. Whatever happened to "Judge not lest ye be judged"? These "elders" are airing this woman's dirty laundry and holding themselves as righteous people. They are no better than the Pharisees who judged Jesus for befriending Mary Magdeline.

  2. This gal needs to keep her sins between her and God. I don't wanna know.

  3. I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints anyway-the sinners have much more fun {Insert Billy Joel piano solo here}.

  4. Not that I agree with the Church airing her business...

    but by making it national news, Isn't she causing worse harm to herself and her kids than just letting the church air this stuff to the small congregation? We are here in MD and have heard about it from Fl. Would we have if she hadn't made a stink?

  5. Don't you realize that most church going people are some of the biggest hypocrites you will ever meet? Not to mention attention ho's.

  6. She beat them at thier own game now didn't she. Yes it has been aired, but with her side of the story first.
    Most Bible beaters are the most critical of others instead of forgiving and showing the love of god. In the end there is only one judge and his name is god.

  7. Are we democrat and republican or God and no God, getting a bit confusing. Wait a minute thats the way the rest of the world is, no, no couldnt happen here, do ya think..... Denial in any form is against neture.

  8. Only Christians shoot their own wounded, didnt' you know?


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