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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Breaking News

The Salisbury Daily Times has LAID OFF 12 Employees so far today. More to come........


  1. Do you think layoffs are good news Joe?

  2. I feeel sorry for the employees--this is a really lousy time to lose a job. good luck to them, I hope they can find decent jobs somewhere.

  3. and let me guess your responsible because your blog has made the daily times go out of business..grow up Joe


    As Gannett's mass layoff spreads, tally passes 600; Second big wave to slam papers on Wednesday; Thousands more employees are still vulnerable.

    Gannett launched what is likely the biggest mass layoff in newspaper industry history yesterday, slashing 655 jobs by early this morning, in an increasingly desperate bid to return the troubled 102-year-old publisher to prosperity. The
    final tally could run into the thousands.

    Source: http://gannettblog.blogspot.com/2008/12/

    Request -- please post info on any layoffs at the Daily Times this year.


  6. so the only person working there now is the publisher? no wonder nothing gets done and it looks horrible when you have 3 people doing the job of 300

  7. The number I heard is 10% of the staff at the DT.

  8. This bothers me that you have this written in big bold letters. Our economy is in the crapper and yet The Daily Times is the only place of business you are (what looks like to me) celebrating people loosing their jobs. There are jobs all over Delmarva that are laying off. These are hard times and I am praying for all the people who are loosing their jobs this time of year. I just don't think this kind of thing is necessary.

  9. It doesn't look to me like Joe is celebrating, but merely publishing a big news story. If he were so awful as you imply, would he be out ringing the bell for the Salvation Army and encouraging others to do the same? Would anyone who publishes pictures of adorable animals needing new homes in spite of his differences with the Humane Society really be that big a threat to society?

    Joe is most certainly an opiniated man who sometimes goes over the top with his criticism, and evedently has a big ego (no offense meant, Joe), but deep down, I think he's a good-hearted man. I don't believe he would get pleasure at the thought of these people losing their jobs.

    The DT just gets sorrier and sorrier as a newspaper. I have a very dear friend who used to work there and was smart enough to jump ship months ago.

  10. Those who don't like this post should consider that the Daily Slime is both the worst and (per page) most expensive daily newspaper of general circulation in the US, and possibly the world.

    Sure, it's a disaster for those who are being fired, but the point of the post is the awful and heard-hearted ownership and management of the house organ for the rule of Barrie Tilghman, Salisbury's worst and most expensive mayor.

  11. Remember this when you see Joe ringing his bell for the salvation army!!

  12. joe is a small, VERY small man. its VERY evident. i'd love to see him run all these business he gloats about losing their asses... joe, your just a schmoe

  13. We better get this home building going again or we are in big trouble. Some manufacturing jobs wouldnt hurt a bit.

  14. Essentially, all of their former customers have now gone to SBYnews.

    I knew it was going to happen. Same thing happened to NBC, CBS, CNN, when FOX came into its own. The handwriting has been on the wall for quite some time now.

    SBYnews has made 'inroads' in what was previously the traditional media. I've got new for the DT, it's probably going to get worse before it gets better.

  15. My sympathy goes out to those who lost their jobs. This could not come at a worse time. As always the management causes the problems and the workers suffer. You are seeing the end of an ers and this paper will soon fall. Not because of the economy, but the poor corporate and management deeds.SBYNEWS will probably be the only nontelevision news left standing.

  16. Well albero you got em, well it was not really you
    But what ever the reason, most likely the economy and your bashing them.
    There are 12 more familys that dont have income.
    How many children did this effect.
    Our country is in real trouble and i dont think it will be fixed this time.
    Everyone take a good look at what is going on in our country, It is all but gone.
    This is just 12 people who are jobless in our country
    however they will hurt just like the others we dont know.
    I only wish some people would put there knowledge and positions to good use. Mr Albero you are in a position like that , I have seen the good you have done as well, like the humane society, thanks for helping the poor animals that we all love. I think if you could you would help the people that have been layed off as well. Well with that, WHOS NEXT.
    god bless them and god bless all of us.

  17. Canned goods and bullets.

  18. If you think this has ANYTHING to do with Joe or his postings you are delusional! Many papers , as well as many other , business's have been doing horribly in this crapping economy. I lost my job 5 weeks ago and am still looking for work and I have 16 years experience in my field. Shits tough people and gonna get tougher so be nice ,kiss ass ,do what you gotta do to keep the job your at and HOPEFULLY you don't get laid off before christmas.
    I feel for them but this is getting very wide spred.
    Happy Holidays.

    Jason S.

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  20. I have to agree that it is sad for anyone to lose their jobs, especially this time of year.

    But for those slamming Joe about his post I have a statement and then a question for you.

    If the DT's was selling enough papers AND enough advertising, they wouldn't be laying off people.

    Now, having said that, when was the last time you placed an ad in the DT's? THIS is how YOU could help prevent people from losing their jobs! It is NOT Joe's fault. He is reporting the facts.

    Now, I have to say one more thing, where I work there have been a few layoffs too. Sometimes it is a matter of weeding out the ones who are costing you money but not helping your business to make money.

    Teamwork on the job is becoming a thing of the past. If we all worked together as a TEAM on our jobs, we would be helping our employers keep their doors OPEN!

  21. Anyone wonder how the DT can afford a new office building and new printing press while still hiring new folks? Doesn't make sense.

  22. Any names yet of who was let go?

  23. According to Gannettblog, the total is now 25 jobs lost at The Daily Times. Also, Anon 5:10, the worst newspaper in America award unquestionably goes to USA Today.

  24. As much as I don't like Shanie's politics I hope she wasn't laid off. She has had enough go south on her this past year. She lost her husband then lost her home I certanily wouldn't want to see her lose her livelihood. I don't want to see anyone lose their livelihood.

  25. Yeah they want to hire people for less money after they can people there on the higher pay scale. Right before Christmas? It don't suck any worse than that buddy. The almighty dollar screws the little guys again. Now that they are dropping employees watch Gannett get in line for some bailout money.

  26. Shanie dug her own hole voting with dunn cathcart and bubba. then with bubba and weasal, her own constituents are tired of it. i have spoken with shanie many times and we've always been cordial and treat each other with respect. However it is the constituents that she has let down, bad year or not it effects everyone. I wish shanie the best. everyone has had hard times, you just have to pull yourself up and work harder or that dreaded second or third job. It's a sad time for a lot of people.

  27. Sounds a little too over zealous to me. There's quite a diference betwen a self will , run riot blog and a city newspaper the doesn't partcipate in charcater assassination, for the most part. Joe has a highly opinionated blog that represents his right to free speech but it is hardly a newspaper and the demise of either one would be a tragedy.

  28. I never said he was awful nor was I slamming him and I also never implied he was a threat to society. I just thought it tasteless that people loosing their jobs have a headline as big and ugly as that.

    I think it is great he is out there ringing the bell for a great cause and helping animals find homes.

    I just think that this piece of news could have been reported differently.

    26 people lost their jobs today, it is sad very, very sad. I hope a little more empathy is to come tomorrow, that is all I was asking for.

  29. If Shanie is laid off, it may not affect her health insurance -- doesn't the City give that to her in addition to her pay.

  30. We reap what we sow. I'm not saying that any person is rersponsible for what has happened, but the MSM in general has fallen way off course from what their function is. They have really stepped over to the dark side in the way they operate. There is not much fact seeking journalism. There always seems to be an agenda. The stories always seem to be targeting one type of political party, one type of values and morals or the lack of. They seem to all be steering us away from the Christian nation we were founded as.

    As sad as losing a job at Christmas is, there are millions of people in this world who are much worse off than anyone in America that loses a job. It's all relative to the person next to you. I'll bet the people who are getting laid off are still better off than those working in sweatshops making clothes. They are better off than the slaves in Africa working just to survive another day. They are much better off than the disabled veteran who has a very limited income. Who can't sustain his family without praying every second of everyday that there will be food on the table next week. That the tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills will get paid next year.

    Everyone that is getting laid off needs to reflect on how they live their lives. How they treat their fellow man. If they are doing wrong, this is the time to ask for forgiveness. If they are a good God fearing person, it's a chance to get away from people that force them to do something they are not comfortable doing, but seemed forced to to pay the bills.

    All of us are going through changes. It's called life. It's one big roller coaster. When things are good, most people spend and spend until they spend more than they have. Then when the hard times hit, they are crying for help. But the reality is the Lord helps those who help themselves.

    My prayers are with all who are struggling thru this economic crisis. But keep doing what you can to survive. Learn the lessons of past mistakes and have faith that better days lay ahead. This ride will start to go up sometime in the future. Hang on for now and keep helping others worse off than you.

  31. Remember that 150% pay raise that Barrie got as mayor -- let's cut that down asap.

  32. The Daily Times has had a decline for many more years than Joe's blog so get over it. Joe does a great job in reporting the news, but the truth is we do need other ways to get information about what is happening around us and a daily paper is in fact the main source for sports, games and other things in the community. This blog does a bang up job, but we do need a "decent paper" Remember the Salisbury Advertiser. it was a local paper, maybe we need to start one of those again and leave the big people like Gannett to Baltimore and the likes. We need to take back our county.

  33. Theres a dead silence in the air, I can feel it. Its like the calm before the storm. Its a correction in more ways than one.

  34. We were gonna run out of trees eventualy anyway.

  35. Hes got your number Joe, and he dont even know it"Always an agenda", (Mob Tactics, slide in). This all cant be by acident, theres gotta be something. Whats the master fkn plan dude. Cause if you dont have a master plan , your as sick as me. Its like looking into a "Mirror"...

  36. I have been out of work since August. To the new people who were just let go, let those of us who have been out longer then you get a job before you. I have been trying to be positive but it is very hard.

  37. OBAMANOMICS has hit us already!

  38. I am so sorry for all of those out there who have lost their jobs,not just those at the Times but at all the other businesses that have folded up.No,Joe did not shut down the paper-the newspaper business across the country has declined and is laying off staff in many communities.Maybe being objective and not kowtowing to the interest of local politicians(Salisbarrie??) would stop people from dropping their subscriptions locally but the whole paper trade is in decline,not just any one paper.All of you who have lost their jobs are in my prayers-it can happen to any of us.....

  39. All you need to know is that newspapers make money from advertisers (not sales of newspapers, as some ignorant folk among us still believe).

    Advertising is down. Costs had to be cut. That's it.

  40. To the person who said this:

    "and a city newspaper the doesn't partcipate in charcater assassination"

    Bullsh*t. That newspaper reprinted every lie Barrie Tilghman said about Tim Spies. The have printed editorials slamming Debbie Campbell as not playing nice with others when Debbie Campbell functions just FINE with others outside of the bullsh*t inner sanctum of the Tilghman administration. That newspaper went with online comments to compete with those NASTY blogs...and now has a commenter who refers to councilwomen as C's and B's while spreading lies about them.

    I do not delight in ANY one losing a job. And I appreciate the defense of Joe's blog. But let's not artificially elevate what the Daily Times is as a newspaper.

    It's terrible and getting worse.

  41. Can't wait to hear smart-ass Bassett on that radio show he does sometime.

  42. Knock-knock . . .

    Hi, my name's Greg, and I'm your new paperboy!

  43. With Salisbury's lousy TV local news reporting, the Daily Times has squandered a golden opportunity by becoming a house organ for Barrie Tilghman and Rick Pollitt.

  44. Well I'm currently working at the times and the actual in house daily times lay offs were three people today. two of which were un warrented. The other lay offs were of other Gannett owned papers (printed at the DT building) and from what I understand some had a hefty severence package associated with them. Something crazy like 48 weeks. And no, Bassett wasn't canned.

  45. Sorry Mardela, I have to disagree
    with your statement that "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW" This from the Bible was meant to help your brother in times of need. There are many innocent, good people who have no control of what they sow. We do have control of what we reap by helping those less fortunate just as Joe is doing with the Salvation Army.

  46. Anon 1:45am-Your comment is inaccurate. I will not give out the details of how many people lost their jobs yesterday or who, but it was more than 3. Believe it. And this was not The Daily Times choice this was Gannet telling them who to let go.

  47. I think the headline was "big and ugly" because the story is big and ugly.

  48. I am perplexed as to how they "lay off" a bunch of employees but then in todays paper they list 2 job openings in the classifieds. Thats gotta be a slap in the face to the employees who were let go..and sure doesnt send the message of job security to the applicants!


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