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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bay Bridge Accident

The widow of the truck driver killed on the Bay Bridge in August just found out yesterday that Candy Baldwin (the teenager that caused the accident) is only being charged with the following:

(1) Negligent Driving
(2) Failure to Stay Right of Center
(3) Violation of a License Restriction (alcohol)

The top two are only fines that can be paid. The bottom one is a court appearance but still mainly just a slap on the wrist.

John's wife is devastated feeling there is no justice being served with these charges. They can not charge her with anything more severe because her blood alcohol level was not tested until several hours after the accident. When tested she showed a trace amount of alcohol, but not enough to be charged for DUI, DWI, etc....


  1. why was she not tested for several hours? Something smells here

  2. How sad...there is no justice anymore given by the law makers...but that girl has to live with this and maybe that's justice well deserved...may she not get another good nights sleep for thinking of that accident and how it was SHE HERSELF AND HER BAD JUDGEMENT changed the lives of that family!!!

  3. drunk driving should be prosecuted like voluntary manslaughter.

  4. This is outrageous....First of all,why was this girl NOT tested immediately?Were the shoe on the other foot,and the truck driver had caused the accident and killed a civilian(non-professional)driver,he or she would have IMMEDIATELY been detained and whisked off to a DOT physical and DOT officials would have been called to the scene.
    As much as I hate to even say the word "lawyer",I am wondering if Johns widow has a civil case against this driver-after all not only has the family lost a husband and father,they also have huge financial losses as a result of someone elses recklessness.I am furious about this.

  5. Hey guys..there are two (or several more) layers to this onion:

    1) Not guilty-her breathalizer appears to speak for itself.

    2) When will some people understand that even "driving while drowsy" (I believe this tragedy occored around 4 a.m.) is equally destructive/reckless as any chemically skewed pee test.

    Put away your damn cell phones, botched last-minute homework assignments at Ches. College, poor judgment and last-call munchie sandwiches while driving dammit' !!

    For the record, during this holiday season, and even more importantly before/after...please do not BE IRRESPONSIBLE (this includes DUI factors as well as acting like a reckless jag-off, even if sober). Driving is a privilege; not a right....Stay safe...

  6. God always keeps score. Justice will be served when it is least expected.

  7. Hate to say it but when Law Enforcement Officers and High Ranking Public officials get off with DWI's, how can you have any faith in the system to bring about justice?

  8. It IS voluntary manslaughter.Ms.Baldwin VOLUNTARILY and illegally drank alcohol and she VOLUNTARILY got into her car and drove it impaired.Getting to the beach was apprently such a priority for this young girl that she felt it necessary to drive drunk ad endanger others and as a result she killed an innocent man, who was obeying the law and doing what he was supposed to be doing, out on the road and making a living for his family.
    As far as justice,well,we may already have it. If she does not have enough control over alcohol to refrain from drinking and driving, then she is on the slippery slope to full-blown alcoholism-I just hope she doesnt kill anymore innocent people before she is taken off the road.

  9. I want to emphasize my point..DUI is BAD; driving while tired/distracted is equally destructive. During the summer, gas prices were high enough she could have flopped inexpensively at that time...even if stone cold sober.

  10. Obviously, this person didn't drink and drive. The breathalyzer proved it. You'd argue that the sky was green probably.

    BTW, "god" doesn't keep score, if he doesn't exist. Another crutch the weak-minded use.

  11. Since there's no proof that she drove drunk, it's all accusations. INNOCENT of DWI.

  12. She wasn't drunk, she was sleepy. You cannot convict her of DUI when she wasn't drunk. This is a tragedy for all involved, but let's not crucify the girl. You know who else killed someone in a car accident when they were a teenager? Laura Bush. This was a terrible accident--she was too sleepy to drive. How many of us have done the same thing and just were luckier?

  13. This is the investigating officers fault...why was she not tested????

  14. I can't imagine what the widdow is going through, but I can't also imagine what the young girl must be going through as well. You don't cause the death and walk away thinking life goes on smoothly. This was a horrible tragedy for all involved. May the grace of God be with them all.

  15. The lady should accept it was an accident. There is a clear way to determine hours after alcohol, how much was in the system at the time of the accident, if "a trace amount" does not warrant the charge, than so be it. This young lady will forever regret the loss of the truck driver, to "hang" her because of vengence is not right either

  16. blutothetotom, DRUNK, when does "trace amount" become drunk, you label her so bad, yet know so little. I bet your dam glass house is so big even Obama's family would fit.

  17. My husband is a truck driver and he encounters acts of common stupidity every single day. ie. women fighting with the kids in the back seat and swerving all over the road, people on cell phones trying to text and all over the place, plain out stupidity of people cutting him off to get into a parking lot to catch the latest sale. So many people, probably some that have posted on here, act very irresponsible behind the wheel and jeopardize innocent lives.
    I can say this much that girl and her passenger would have been a speed bump if I were driving that truck. Actually I know many truck drivers who said the same thing, there is no way they would risk dying to save someone who didnt give a rats ass about other people on the road. My heart goes out to his family, he obviously cared very deeply for others to take such a major step to avoid killing that girl. Now she will walk, the most productive thing for the family is to concentrate on tougher penalties for acts of stupidity(take your pick) of those operating vehicles.

  18. I love the way conscientious people assume that these killers will be haunted by their own conscience.And even so , how it atones for the death they have caused.Or the lives they have changed.Or the lives they have taken from the innocent.Most of which could of been prevented.

    Maybe there are circumstances involved around this case that allows the driver to get a free pass for causing a death.One should not dismiss the action on the grounds of "many of us have done the same only to have been lucky" . With this line of thinking being true, then why do we not hold those that are not so lucky at fault.Would not a life sentence for killing a person also fall under "being unlucky".Our society has become so sympathetic( or pathetic)that we will not hold enough accountability for such hannis crimes.

    My experience with this type of crime causes myself to wonder who or how this killer is conected to those with the power to enforce accountability equal to the crime committed. Perhaps they attend the same church? Or are socially involved? Either way , it is not written in are oldest law book that a eye is to be amended by a spanking.I think it goes like this,"a eye for a eye"That is equal.I am sure there are some who will not beleive this even. And I am sure there are some who have not had to deal with this sort of tragidy either.And I am also sure that there are those, that beleive this way, that are knitting themselves a "saftey net" just incase they committ the same crime. How ignorant. A death of a loved one is life long missed by those who continue to live. If anything , A person who unintentionally kills another should be forced to amend for their crime for the rest of their life . And this does not mean with their conscience either.That is not giving back for what they took.I am amazed at all the lackadaisical veiws of those who have not experiencd that of which they speak. This in its self is a crime. Just remember,"what goes around comes around".I have found this to be true.The only way to break the circle is to atone for the crime committed by restitution equal to the offence committed. And it would be a favor to the offender by helping them with their atonement to those they have infringed upon. So it is written and so it should be done.

    Now ...tell me I am not writing the truth. And I allow you to show others your azz.

  19. Drinking, sober, makes no difference. In court, it's not what you know, it's what you can PROVE.

    Regardless, there isn't any person on this Earth who probably feels as bad as she does that a man died as a result of her actions, voluntary or not. Give her a break!

  20. Look two in a row.

    If people really feel sorry for those who have killed unintentionally then the best help to give would be to see to it amends are made.No matter what the cost. And you know what the cost is do you not? Why make up your own cost? You are not the ones paying. It should be left up to those that are.

  21. anonymous 8:43

    It is not vengence , it is amends or atonement that should be made.You mis-directed fool.

  22. First of all, they arent accidents, they are crashes. Especially when avoidable. If her blood alcohol level showed trace amounts of alcohol several hours after the crash, and your body basically rids itself of a drink every half hour or so, then what is probable her blood alcohol level was at the time of the crash. There are not many ways I can think of where you can kill someone and get away with it except behind the wheel of a car. People can say "the breathalyzer proved it" all they want. Dont piss on my leg and tell me it is raining. Technically she may have beaten the breathalyzer by not being tested for quite some time, but she knows the truth, and its not very hard to figure out. I guess her spending 7 to 10 in jail wont bring this man back to his family, but people still need to be held accountable for their actions.

  23. A death has occured. Is saying it was a accident a way of committing this crime and not being held accountable for your actions?

    If that is the case then I suppose I can accidently rob a bank and face no consequences huh? After all I said it was a accident, Who made others able to decide what my actions are? We are all born with the same rights.

    Sounds silly does it not? No more silly than If I was to kill someone and say" it was a accident". Or drive a vehicle and not be able to control it. I am responsible for my actions , period.And I should be held accountable for them. As should all. It was a accident, give me a break. It may not have been intended, but it did occur . We MUST hold those responsible for their actions. This and this alone is why there would be less "accidental deaths". It should be common sense.And it is , if you spend some time with the man in the mirror you to can know this truth.Daah!

  24. I'm sorry, no I'm not sorry, but weather she was drunk or stone cold sober, she killed. And call me callous but I do not feel a once of pity for this person. "Give her a break" Ha! Give ME a break. This woman killed.And it was not in the line of duty.It was not to protect her self or others.It was not while defending anything. Our persons we have appointed to protect us of just such occurances have let us all down yet again. It looks like a crap game on weather I myself will be killed "accidentally"or not. I for one do not want that bet. The pay-off is already at my choice. The loss is not. Because I have been born, I have the right to live. And NO ONE has the right to end me.

    Make her pay , and the price should be set by those she has harmed with her action.

  25. to OC said...

    Whats to prove? A man has been killed. It was by a vehicle driven by this person. Sorry but I cannot condon their action. If your gonna except the benifit of driving then you must also except the consequences of driving poorly. Or stay the F--- off the road.

  26. Shannon-
    My husband is also an OTR truck driver,so my sympathies lie with this mans widow and if people cannot accept it,well they just do not understand where you or I are coming from.
    Even if she was not legally drunk, she still broke the law.

  27. The girl's insurance will likely pay their injury policy limits. If that is not enough than there is the potential that her parents will become personally liable. Althought the law is clear, the girl and her mistake will live with her and her family the rest of their lives. Thank people who don't pay attention for your high insurance rates.

  28. Hey cc said....

    I feel a whole hell of alot worse.You see, I too lossed a loved one to a driver who did not pay attention to what they were doing. I posted this tragidy only to get bashed by others for MY own pittfalls. The driver got a $140.00 fine and I got tongue lashed for HIS actions. In the meanwhile I have been cheated the enjoyment and peace of mind knowing "my boy was just like me"... This person who killed my son attended the same church as our local D.A. And his own mother bailed the person out of jail. They clouded the issues with alot of horse crap that had nothing to do with this persons irresponsibility and subsiquently allowed my sons killer to go with out atonement for his crime.

    If the reason we have laws is to protect the rights of all. And our constitution has been written to see to this, why is not it followed by those we choose to up hold it?

    I will spend the rest of my life with out my son. I feel that real amends would be that this person spend the rest of his without those he loves. But this just will not happen. Why?, is what you SHOULD be asking your self. This is what he caused, and this is what he should experience. Some how we as people have some how strayed from what is right.Maybe because of the unthinkable horror of what has taken place? I do not know.What I do know is that the pain I have been forced to live with could only be felt with the same pain lived with. As time does not stop the pain has not either. I think over time I become accustomed to living with it. And weather you agree or not does not make this not so.

    My hand has been forced to accept my loss. And the person who killed my son has not been forced to accept any reconing for his action.

    So go ahead and keep writing out your backside. One thing I agree with from what I have read here is that when our time comes we will all be held accountable for everything we were not during our time here on earth. If someone really wants to help others while on this earth then the best help is to help those to amend for the wrongs they have done to others.Weather the others are aware of their wrongs or not.

    I have not been atoned for my loss, and neither has the person for the killing he caused.

    I apoligize if I have offended anyone here with my sorrow. Everyone with the exception of my sons killer and my sons mother,who aided this killer in his goal of not being held accountable for the life he took from us that is.

    Thank you for your time, for that I am indebted to all.

  29. Blame the failure to bring this girl to justice on two things. 1. Our elected legislators for watering down our laws. (other states it is a felony to kill another person as a result of negligent driving) 2. The Maryland toll police I mean Maryland Transportation Authority. They are not real cops and are not use to real police work. Way to go toll trolls.

  30. Totmom,
    Youre right. She broke the law and she is charged with what she broke. If she was not near .08 she shouldnt be charged. So they charged her with what they could.

    I feel for the truckers family. But you want this girl to hang from the highest tree in the land for a mistake. She should be held liable for that mistake. Not hang for it.

  31. And I am sure he never broke the law. His truck never crossed the center line ever. His speedometer never goes over the posted speed limit. RIGHT.

    My husband is also an OTR truck driver,so my sympathies lie with this mans widow and if people cannot accept it,well they just do not understand where you or I are coming from.
    Even if she was not legally drunk, she still broke the law.

    10:19 PM

  32. She has been to a her Mother's wedding and was driving home. She was not given a breathalizer at the scene. A blood test was given to her several hours after the accident in the hospital. It showed a trace amount of alcohol but not enough to be charged. Before you jump me yes, I know the facts I'm a very close friend of John's wife. My facts come straight from her.

    Joe, the Prosecutor on this case is Frank Kratovil. He never told her his decision until after the election on this one.

    A Family Friend

  33. Should Laura Bush have spent 7 to 10 years in jail for killing someone in a car accident where she was at fault? Raise your hand if you have EVER: driven when sleepy, answered a cell phone call, looked down to change a tape or cd, drifted into another lane, driven while eating. If you raised your hand (and 99% of you will if you are being honest with yourselves), count yourselves LUCKY that you didn't kill someone. When you picture this girl sitting in jail for 7 to 10 years, picture Laura Bush doing it. It is easy to put an abstraction in jail, much more difficult to do with someone you sort of know. What good would it have done to stick a 17 year-old Laura Bush into jail?

  34. TOTMOM: Have you ever...

    a. driven while sleepy...

    b. talked on a cell phone while driving...

    c. looked down to change the radio station...

    d. driven home after having an alcoholic drink or two...

    Answer up honestly.

  35. If the trucker had been driving slower he would have been ten miles behind her and still alive.

  36. Anonymous 9:15

    You are an a-hole.

  37. Anon 9:15
    You obviously don't know John Short or you would know he was one of the most responsible truckers and if it wasn't for him risking his own life the girl would be dead and he'd most likely be alive.

    John's wife doesn't want her to spend the rest of her life in jail, but this girl is most likely getting off with just fines. It doesn't even look like she will lose her license at this point.


  38. I've read through all the posts and felt I wanted to chime in as well.

    I understand that she was not tested until several hours later. I understand that the test did show a trace of alcohol but below the legal limit.
    DUI stands for Driving Under the Influence....it does not stand for drunk driving.
    I would have to fight it if it was me.

    What I don't understand is why we have a limit.

    If I drink ONE drink, I will NOT drive. I grew up with both parents drinking and driving drunk.
    I know how it feels, looks and sounds from inside the vehicle. Let me tell you...it is very scary.
    My mother eventually died in a drunk driving accident when I was a teenager. The lucky part of this was, she was by herself and no other vehicles were involved.

    THIS is why I have the rule for myself that I have.
    If I am out somewhere and I do not have any resource for someone else driving, who has not been drinking, then I will NOT drink.

    It's that easy! More people should do it.

  39. For those of you asking if anyone else has ever driven drousy, or on a cell phone or whatever is irrelevant unless it is followed up by "and killed someone". It is not the same to have driven drousy as it is to have driven drousy (with alcohol in your blood) and killed someone. For those asking if the truck driver had ever sped, or crossed a centerline, you are an a$$hole. If you were murdered, should someone suggest that because you have sped before that somehow that makes it less wrong for the person who murdered you.

  40. Lets see.....I do not use a cell phone while driving because (drum roll),I actually do not have one!I do not have "one drink" and drive because I RARELY imbibe and when I do it is usually at home and since a drunk driver killed my husbands dear Uncle we are both kind of inflexible when it comes to "buzzed driving".I have a 5 yr old so I am ALWAYS sleepy and I usually do not look down at the radio to change it because I have presets and much like typing,I do not need to "look at the buttons" to hit the right one.
    12:12 Please let Johns wife know that she has a lot of support from many of us-WE know who is at fault.Nobody wants this girl to hang, but we do not think she should get off so lightly either.Read the billboards people-if you are under 21,ANY amount of booze is illegal,driving or no.

  41. So bluto, I hope you don't drive when you are sleepy! And the comment that says it only counts if you actually kill someone misses the point--it is just luck that you haven't killed someone if you are guilty of any of these things. Admit it--you have all done stupid things behind the wheel at some point in your life. One life has already been lost here--what does society gain by losing another? Make the kid do community service going to highschools and discussing what happened!

  42. It is not for gain that the girl be held accountable for killing another.You say we have been lucky because we have not killed anyone while driving tired? Is that what I face when I drive? It is a prevledge to drive.And a preson assumes a responsibility to all when they accept this honor. I also do not feel we need to lose another life because of a careless act that kills someone.Yet a fine and a slap on the wrist is not enough deterent to end this type of crime.

    The laws should fit the crime.Lets not down play what this girl has done.Perhaps she should be liable for a higher degree of the crime she committed since she was not so "lucky".Remember if she ,or anyone else thought for a moment they would be loked up for this crime You can bet your behinds they would be more attentive while driving.I do not believe we should be driving relying on "luck" to get us to our destination.The problem has been touched upon here. People are not willing to provide the attention that is needed to operate a motor vehicle. And because some lack azz has some how got them selves in to a position of inforcement,or lack there of, our laws do not cover this sever of a infraction.

    Times have changed and I know that our laws must change to be of any use in protecting us all, even those of you who live your lives on "luck".You are the ones who will end up in this very situration.And I think deep down you realize this.There needs to be more of a deterent for stopping people from killing others.

    If there was , people would pay more attention to what they are doing or suffer the consequences.What does it matter if she was drinking or not! If people want to put them selves in anothers shoes then why not the guy who was killed. Why coddle the killer. Is it because you have a greater chance in killing someone your self,instead of being killed? Why make a simple issue so confused with a bunch of would of ,could of ,instead take it for face value.That way a person does not have to wonder what the penalty is for killing another human life is. I think the fine for shoplifting is much higher than killing a person in a neglectful car crash. And this makes sense how ? OH ! I get it now! The world is over populated so lets not hold any one accountable for killing people. It just makes more room for us all.

    Anyone who argues against this driver from being accountable for this death is just not thinking clearly.(probably been drinking)I just hope they are so nonchalant if the same happens to one of their own. I betcha they are the same people who spout off about killing anyone who kills one of their own huh? Is it self centerness that makes a person think this way?

    We do need change.And I'm not talking about the tax rate here. If It is against the law for me to protect myself today then there better be stronger deterents to help those who ARE suppose to protect me.

    A restitution of $ 1.00 a week for the rest of the killers life paid to those directly connected to the one killed may be a idea? At lest that way one time every week the killer will have to conciously remember what they have done.And show remorse. Not just a "you were wrong , see you next time". Perhaps they should make amends for the rest of their life? After all they took one. Give one back.

    I personally have taking on a quest to have a law passed here that is enacted in most other states. It is a very up hill climb because of the stupid thinking like those who have commentted negatively about this tragity.But as my life has been ended as I knew it, I have nothing but time. And welcome any support to, at the very least, help to get our laws modernized.

    I have been where the wife of the man who was killed is, AND I hope you are strong enough to allow time to heal. As I , you will never forget but know the path does continue for us.It just takes us smaller steps to continue on. There is a plan for us. It just is being hidden behind the greif we feel for our losses. Please take advantage of a local group of people who have been in the same situration. It will help. And as for those heartless people that read this this far....Be extra careful on the roads because this very occurence may be heading your way.Funny how that happens.

    This is not right. I'm a personal friend of the Short's and I blame the fact that there was NO BREATHALIZER IMMEDIATELY!!!!!
    My friend has had a double wammy this year. In April she lost her Mom due to a stranger invading her Mom's house stabbing her to death. CASE UNSOLVED!!!! In August loosing her husband to a person who evidently did not take DUI SERIOUSLY!!!!! IT IT SERIOUS!!! and she should not be on the road where she will probably end up killing someone else before the end of her life.

  44. Did everyone happen to notice, (ONCE AGAIN) that WBOC took all three of their big local news stories right here from Salisbury News, yet WE told them here yesterday. They did have a cancer story they did on their own but every single night you go to WBOC they are ONLY teling news told earlier by Salisbury News.

    I can't believe the advertisers pay for that kind of service. They sit back and wait for us to produce the news, then they call whomever we just exposed and they do a story. Pretty sad that one guy is killing all of the local news people.

    Hey, here's another one. Tomorrow Salisbury News will break a story in which we have invited one reporter from WMDT this time to cover with us. They had NO CLUE about this big news story, only Salisbury News had it. Nevertheless, we'll be the ONLY ones with fotage and information from the event and WBOC will be clueless until we expose it.

    WBOC should be renamed "Follow The Leader" and Salisbury News obviously deserves their title they gifted themselves with, "Delmarva's News Leader."


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