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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

An apology from "Totmom"

It came to my attention shortly after I submitted a post earlier that the material within was not original and I have removed the post in question and I want to apologize to everyone for my oversight. I frequently receive info from my many friends in "Webland" and the item regarding the Adam Walsh case was one of them. It was sent to me without any source acknowledgement and I should have checked it out first BEFORE creating a post in haste. I have apologized to Joe and now I apologize to YOU, the readers. Integrity means alot to me and without it, no one can be taken seriously, whether it be in your personal life or online via blogs.


  1. well Im impressed, you don't get that from the daily times


  2. Been there and done that. Accepted without prejudice.

  3. Integrety, this from the idiot that wanrs to fry a young lady for "trace amounts" of alcohol.

  4. Now, if only wymzie would apologize for her long and nonsensical "contributions" to the blog. Or at least stop making them as though we care.
    Her husband isn't nearly as annoying, so it's not the water in P'moke.....I think she needs a reality check.

  5. This was a sincere apology. Accept it or not but don't make it into something else. It doesn't have anything to do with anything or anyone else. Maybe you need the reality check. Apology accepted. No harm done.

  6. To the anonymous commenter who wants to personally attack others, your comment will not be posted here or anywhere else. Man those anti Albero Bloggers are realy ticked off for some reason or other.

  7. Hey Joe...

    I'm PRO JOE!


    Just trying to keep it real regarding some of your contributors.

    Peace Out.

  8. If what you say is true, stay off the personal attacks.

  9. Totmom, no harm done.

    Anon 824 Wymzie has as much right to her opinions as anyone else. If you knew history you would know that not all she posts is so far fetched. The world is not as warm and fuzzy as some would like to believe.

    My suggestion, if you see a post that is of no interest to you, scroll past it. Nothing says you must read each and every post. I don't and I contribute to this blog.

    Merry Christmas!

  10. Joe:


    Merry Christmas to you and the family!

  11. Totmom, leave it alone. You are a waste of time. Your movie reviews are copied from the newspapers and other resources. You never use your own wording.


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