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Tuesday, December 09, 2008


At last night’s meeting of the Salisbury City Council, the leaders of that “task force” (or whatever it’s called) that wants to seize control of PAC-14 – namely Mr. Pretl and Mr. Tilghman – spoke at great length. One of them stated (inadvertently -?) that they will be meeting with Wicomico County today.

But, there is no scheduled meeting of the County Council until next week.

So, is this another of those “off the record” unannounced sessions with certain select officials but not the entire Council? Or perhaps it’s a meeting with the County Executive, Rick Pollitt, alone? Maybe someone will inform the media of the details, including the time and place, and whether the meeting(s) are open to the public.

Inquiring minds want to know!


"I know of no meeting of the “task force”. I am invited this morning to what I think is a meeting with Tom Jones, provost of SU and Mayor Tilghman at SU to talk about what’s left of the University’s role in PAC-14. As far as I know, it’s just the three of us and does not involve any of the proposals being circulated about future management of PAC-14. I am aware that the city and county councils are considering a joint meeting at Wor-Wic to talk as partners about the topic. That’s about it for me.

Rick Pollitt"


"The one and only purpose of our meeting this morning turned out to be Provost Jones’ agreeing to continue to provide for payroll administration and facilities for PAC-14 while we sort out the mess that’s been created. Period.

Rick Pollitt"


  1. Joe what was all that shit on city meeting last night about closed session over a property deal? What are they up to now?

  2. I hope that "attitude" that Mr. Pollitt has was because he's got the flu or something, and not because he resents having to answer. ?????

  3. Pretl & Tilghman = most dangerous pair in Wicomico County!

  4. Was the "mare" toasted last night?

  5. 11:57-

    If the lights had gone out you would be able to see her exhaled breath glowing in the dark!

    For once she remained until the public comment part because her pals Pretl and Phil Tilghman were there to propagandize.

  6. Last time I heard Phil Tilghman he was speaking against the VOICE tax cap proposal. He's a big time loser. And that Pretyl person is a pompous know it all.


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