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Friday, November 28, 2008

The Three Stooges Play Robo Cops This Morning

It's Black Friday and See, Gordy and Hoppes, (The Three Stooges) are running around Salisbury giving people crap for parking in Fire Lanes at the Mall and Shopping Centers. They don't do it any other time of the year, only when it's the busiest day of the shopping season.

Now don't be alarmed. They cannot do anything to you but act like tough guys and while I agree, you should NOT ever park your vehicle in these lanes, the Three Stooges should be out enforcing this all year round rather than sitting on their fat asses doing nothing, especially See. See is about as useless as a sh!t flavored lollipop.

Hey, Three Stooges, You've Been Blogged!


  1. And if you saw them riding by & not doing something about people parked in fire lanes, you would bitch about that.

  2. Who are they trying to impress?
    I,ve told the salisbury police
    and the manager at Food Lion several times about the same issue(Pecan Square). The salisbury police won't even respond anymore.
    ( you are up early this morning)

  3. Isn't that a job for the police to
    enforce ? I know that the Delmar
    police enforce that issue. A very
    large fine!

  4. See and Hoppes are getting paid with our tax dollars to drive their families around to the stores for Black friday shopping. They are dropping them off at the front door and then acting like a 'Super Trooper' patrolling the fire lanes while their family shops!!

  5. Actually they can call SPD to ticket anyone in the fire lanes.

  6. In some FDs, firefighters are certified to write tickets for fire lane & fire hydrant violations.

    They are certified & issued a ticket book & county ID number. This is the same ticket book as the police use. Again, only for fire lane/fire hydrant violations.

  7. Funny that they for once go do something positive and you want to bust their balls for it.

    Lets empower the fire fighters to issue tickets for fire lane violations. As stated the cops are to understaffed to focus on the little issues. Instead of sitting around the firehouse all day they could be bringing in some revenue.

  8. anonymous 8:08,

    364 days of the year these three fat ass lazy pieces of sh!t do nothing and one day when tey can drive around in their car and give people crap during the Holidays, they're finally working.

    You're a sorry excuse for a Firefighter or a Firefighters Wife. Then again, you could be married to someone running for Office too.

  9. actually it states on Salisbury Law books. That the Police, Department heads, council and the fire chief can issue parking tickets. However, they never do

  10. Joe, I love this site. I appreciate the fact that you tell it like it is. I also enjoy reading all the comments some of which make me laugh. Thanks for keeping us informed. Keep up the good work.

  11. You need to check you facts. The Chirf officers of the fd were given authority to write citations several yers ago unde Higgin and Lewis I believe..

  12. To 6:10 Anon:

    Are you kidding???? The Joint Council in Delmar has tried to get Delmar Police to enforce the fire lane parking for YEARS! One excuse after another as to why they don't do it.
    You'll see them out there every now and then but I've also personally seen officers go into get chinese food up there and walk right by 3 cars parked in the fire lane and do nothing about it.
    And I know for a fact, they were ON DUTY!
    Please don't try and make Delmar Police look like they are so good when they are NOT.

  13. Im with Joe if you dont do it all year long then why a day when people are out enjoying themselves. Must be getting OT hmmmm

  14. They are each enjoying themselves while trying to look official. Everyone knows what a$$holes each one is and how they are the laughing jokes of Salisbury. I sure would like to know how fast it'll be the get rid of them once there are new leaders in Salisbury. Have fun today boys because it's coming to an end.

  15. joe your an idiot. you ought to be home checking your driveway the other 364 days a year.
    get a life!
    whatever became of your big reward. you talk a lot of talk and like your so called friends, no one will back you up.

  16. anonymous 2:24,

    Don't you worry. I've got the name of who did it and the people who turned HIM in wouldn't take any money. They were dying to give it up.

  17. You mean the dead dear lie?

  18. Are you threatening my Wife now, you fat piece of shit?

  19. they should ride through the college and on onley rd and do their job the rest of the year. OOPS!!! i forgot they only watch the young ladies then.

  20. They should start by having thier trucks and medic units park properly when getting groceries, lunch, dinner, and whatever, all around town. they always park illegally - in or out of fire lanes.

    Much like State Troopers speeding all the time.

    Why is it the worst offenders of these laws are the ones that are suppose to enforce them.

  21. Fat boy, Fatter Boy, and Fatest Boy are showing what they do best....NOTHING!

  22. You know what's funny? The real proffessional firefighters all retired a few years back because they saw what was the future of the SFD! They wanted no part of it.

  23. They should start by having thier trucks and medic units park properly when getting groceries, lunch, dinner, and whatever, all around town. they always park illegally - in or out of fire lanes.

    Hoppes has to park in the fire lane,
    he is too FAT to walk very far. Now there is a man who really needs a handicap sticker. Also when he is not using it, he can let Gary borrow it.

  24. Pocomoke's police department did the opposite, the day before Black Friday they left a police vehicle parked in the fire lane at Wal Mart. They usually park there anyway, even when there's a dedicated police officer spot at the front of the lot.


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