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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Salisbury News Gets The Associated Press Talking

Remember last week when the Washington Post did an article about Ehrlich NOT running for Governor again? Then I sad with the Governor the following day and he flat out said the MSM had lied. Get this, now even the Daily Slime has produced THIS ARTICLE once again FOLLOWING yet ANOTHER Salisbury News Interview.

Here's another TIP for you Daily Slime. There's a serious issue going on at PRMC, in case you hadn't noticed. There's also a serious situation with a questionable $700,000.00 change order in the County, yet you refuse to do anything on that.

But considering this Ehrlich situation is FAR more important than what the CUSTOMERS locally really want to know, I can see this Ehrlich situation being a PRIORITY. It's OLD NEWS you Idiots! Then again, so is just about everything you produce any more.

Did you get the notice in today's mail, even Home Deliveries are going way up in price too. I cancelled that rag, how about you?


  1. Whats going on at prmc?

  2. They have lost so many good people at The Daily Times that they are 'literally' incapable of distributing any credible news anymore. Even their distribution channels are in shambles.

    They have now become a vanishing vision for most eastern shore natives.

  3. PRMC just let go of all of the anestesia docs at the hospital and brought in an outside company. they basically pissed on the people that have been there FOREVER!! No wonder why new nurse grads and others DO NOT want to work there. The current administration is made up of nothing but a bunch of ASSHOLES including the one who runs the hole of a hospital...Mr. "Range Rover"!!!


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