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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Royal Farms On Rt. 50 Coming Soon

This is the first time I've seen storage gas tanks above ground and maybe this is the way of the future. Nevertheless, Royal Farms is moving right along and should be opening in the very near future.


  1. Its because of the Paleo water table.

  2. Great news. This place has been held up for years now. How will Gordy deal with YET ANOTHER lower priced gas station right next to him?

  3. Why are there so many gas stations and car washes in the area? Let's build something that actually helps the economy...At least build some new restaurants.

  4. At least half of the workers on this site were legal americans, i quess thats better than none, Right???

  5. That place has a lot of gas pumps. I hope they are aggressive in their pricing to keep them all pumping gas.

  6. I think this business will kick some major a$$, being located just where all the OC visitors will come off the bypass. Look out, Shore Stop and Chickenman!

  7. Big companies don't build stores like that without the market data to support them. What we don't need is more mediocre restaurants that are on a steady decline.

  8. Yes this is just great. Another local business will be run out of town by the franchises. Chicken Man just down the road a few miles provided excellent gas prices, and good take away food. In comes RF and he will be hard pressed to survive. The Wal Marting of America continues!!!
    River Rat


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