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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fright Night

"Do you know the feeling you get when you are on the top of a ferris wheel and it starts to move or when in an elevator and it moves how your stomach kind of drops? That is sort of how I feel today. Worse than watching any horror show that keeps you on the edge of your seat and you keep trying to guess the end results. I have never known a scarier Election Day ever before! It must be how a new prostitute feels on her first day on the job. Will I get screwed tonight?"


  1. I thought i was just gettin sick.

  2. That was a pretty accurate and thought provoking post until I read about the prostitute....come on now....I go on this site to read the news, not this kind of stuff. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way, am I?!?


  3. It's a damn shame , but I got it too. Not much sleep last night ,
    1 more night to go.

  4. Yes, no matter who wins, we will all get screwed.

  5. After I voted I went to Walmart, stocked up on bologna, bread, mayo and ammunition. I'm ready now.


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