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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Don't Throw Away Your Andy Harris For Congress Yard Signs!

While yesterday was a huge day for Frank Kratovil, the new 2010 Campaign for the 1st District Race started as of yesterday.

Yes, voters made a clear statement during this Kratovil/Harris race but in 2 years it will be a completely different picture. The pressure is now on Frank Kratovil to prove he can and will deliver what he's promised and quite frankly, I doubt most of it will happen.

Frank will get slapped around like a West Virginia Step Child and he better get to know his Wife and Kids really fast because from this point forward, it's not going to be easy or the cake walk he thinks it will be. Things will be quite different in two years and from the language I picked up on over the past few days, after asking Andy Harris is we should throw away our Yard Signs he replies, NO!

So congratulations Frank. There will be many people out there watching your every move for the next two years and one of two things will happen. Either you'll get pushed around like that West Virginia Step Child I spoke about earlier or you'll vote the other way simply because you'll be scared of the record you'll have and either way it's a win, win for Andy Harris in 2010.

Many have said it in the past, I wouldn't want Joe Albero looking over my shoulders, that's for sure. Two years is a VERY long time.

Let me close with this. Thank You Andy for coming all the way to Salisbury to concede. That was first class and top shelf, unlike that piece of trash Gilchrest who never even conceded, period. Interesting how Frank Kratovil refused to come to Salisbury as well yesterday. Wait till all of you see the letter I received the other night from Frank Kratovil as well. More to come...........


  1. Harris got the message loud & clear, he can't win.

  2. OMG!!! Give it a rest. Let the man serve this district and quit being so petty!

  3. NO! I will not give it a rest, period. The campaign for 2010 is now ON and I will be all over Frank Kratovil asd I will force the man into delivering his promisses.

    If Andy Harris ran as a democrat he would have won, it's as simple as that.

    "I" do not make the decision to choose if Andy Harris will run again, Andy made that decision and I support him, period.

    Let's see what 2010 brings us. Frank Kratovil is now sweating bullets and he knows it.

    He wanted the job, get used to the pressure Frankie.

  4. If Republicans are serious about winning back this seat, we should nominate a more centrist Republican. This IS a predominantly Republican district.

    If you can convince Wayne Gilchrist to run again, that might be the best thing for the district. Wayne would retain his seniority, and when congress flips parties, he'll be in line for an important chairmanship.

    And Wayne would easily defeat Kratovil, even as an incumbent. I just don't see Harris as having a realistic chance unless he changes his tone and his stance on a few key issues (e.g. his energy policy).

    This same theme needs to be applied again and again nationwide. If Republicans are to return from the wilderness anytime soon, we need to be seen as less wild.

  5. I didn't vote for Harris, but he was the only state senator or congressman that cared to show up at the Veterans memorial yesterday.  He's earned my respect.

  6. I really, really want to see this letter "Frankie" sent to you. LOL. Frank Kratovil is a decent human being. He does not read this filth. You can kid yourself all you want about people being afraid of you looking over their shoulders-LMGDFAO!!! And I'm sure of this-the republican party WILL NOT have to ask Harris to run again. He will have to throw his own hat into the ring. They are already looking for someone else. If Harris ran as a democrat he would have won-that's a joke, right? Right? Please say it is. You cannot be serious. No one is scared of you, Albero. You and your ilk are a laughing stock.

  7. Joe, I know that you are disapointed. But your immature and threatening words are childish and will not do any good whatsoever, if you really want to bolster your party you should be constructive and choose candidates that are less arrogant, more intelligent, and less radically to the right. Harris lost the race because of Harris.

  8. Speaking as one of Joe's (ilk)?? We will see who is the laughing stock when Pelosi snaps here fingers and (independent??)Kratovil falls into line.

  9. Does this mean this blog will be an "Andy Harris for Congress" commercial for two more years?

    If so, goodbye. I woun't be able to stomach it.

  10. your meds are not working

  11. If Harris runs again he'd better hope and pray that no Libertarian runs as well. As long as there is a Libertarian option, I'm taking it. I like fiscal conservatism, but want the government (and the church) to stay out of my private life - which current Republicans can't seem to do. I will be keeping in touch with Rich Davis and hope others do to, encouraging him to "try again in 2010!"

  12. How does a Delaware resident "force" a Maryland Congressman to do anything?

    Just curious.


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