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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dog Laws

"Possessions, outward success, publicity, luxury--to me these have always been
cotemptible. I believe a simple and un-assuming manner of life is best for every-
one, best both for the body ------- and the mind." Albert Einstein


County will hold its meeting , open to the public for discussion, this Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Meeting is held in the Gov Bldg, 3rd floor. Please inform that the " Dog Laws" refer to ALL animals ,& the importance for the public to attend.

Food for thought for you Joe---- I ask my vet about choke collars. He does not uphold them because of the damage he has seen to dogs trachea's from improper use. My personal opinion: In the hands of a TRAINER perhaps they are OK, in the hands of the average person NO. I do believe we have to think of the animal first & foremost. There are so many irresponsible pet owners out there using them. An alternative would be a pinch collar, which was my vets suggestion also. Think about it Joe----- I know you were undecided from the last meeting.

Hope you attend for your input for the animals, & you find this interesting enough to post. Keep up the good news."

Edna Walls


  1. What a bunch of bull. This is just another attempt to take our freedoms away. I should have the freedom to raise and train my dog the way I feel is best.

    You cannot legislate morality and these attempts to do so will only shackle us. We can only take so many shackles and at some point we as a society will revolt.

    Instead of forcing people to do something, we should give folks all the information that they need to properly care for and train their animal.

  2. What does the quote have to do with anything?

  3. It's a shame you couldn't be in a
    vets office when a dogs brought in
    with damage from an improperly used choke collar. Not everyone
    knows how to use them, thats why
    they should only be used by trainers.

  4. Take your dogs to obedience
    class, let it wear a regular
    collar like it should.

  5. Mardela, I sure agree with you about giving all the info. people
    need to properly care for & train
    their own pets, BUT , pets can't
    choose their owners, & God knows
    they all aren't as responsible as
    you probably are. I'm thinking
    these animals are the ones that need to protected . A choke collar , falling into the wrong hands ,can cause devistation to an animal. Taking this into consideration and really thinking
    this through ,for ALL the
    animals benefit, it gives a new
    perspective to the idea of elimination . Protection from harmful & cruel treatment
    many animals get from their
    irresponsible owners is definately

  6. Doesn't look like the comment has
    anything to do with it, But, that
    Einstin was sure one Hell of a
    smart guy, huh.

  7. how about these bunch of dum ass ppl leave the dog owners alone and worry bout ur own dog!!

  8. Reply to 11:54 p.m.-----The fact
    that animals can't speak for them-
    selves allows those who care to speak out for their protection.
    Those who have vast knowledge of
    the animal, their training, their
    personal care etc. is who we rely
    on to guide us as to what is best
    for the animals. They are not here
    to be abused or handled incorrectly,
    as one might think is correct procedure to train them. Certain
    mentalities might think this way,
    however to be open minded to the
    animals care is the best mentality
    you can have as a responsible pet
    Peoples rights are not going to be
    taken from them concerning their
    animals. This is far from truth.
    What is being done is to make sure
    all pets are cared for in the best
    possible & humane way. Again, I,
    as others have stated here, must re

  9. Hay , liked that quote at the be-
    ginning of that ladys mail to you, I've got that on all my mails too.
    Now , for the dogs & other animals.
    Whatever can be done by this County
    to make Laws for animal protection,
    I'm all for it. Even if I used a
    choke chain on my dog, once I've
    been told why these are deadly in
    the wrong hands of irresponsible
    owners I'd sure seek another
    alternative. Someone told me once
    a dog was tied on a porch with a
    very short chain, attached to his
    choke chain. The dog jumped off
    the porch & strangled himself.
    To think things like this don't
    happen, think again. The one you
    protect is the animal against


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