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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Was There Two Saturday Daily Times Newspapers?

There was two different papers printed on Saturday. They called it a re-plate. The photo of Fernando came in after they went to Press but chose to stop the Presses and insert the late photo of Fernando Guerrero.

While the Daily Times wished the article would accompany the photo, there was some sort of mishap corrupting the article and it simply didn't work out.

I thank the Daily Times for returning my call and letting everyone know that there were in fact two different newspapers out there on Saturday. I was one of the fortunate ones that received the paper with the Fernando picture on the front page. I will also say, my hat is tipped to them for going the extra mile to get one of the most exciting events in a very long time up as this must have cost them a small fortune, especially for a Saturday paper. My guess would be that Saturday is probably their slowest day in sales.


  1. yeah I just happened to run into the one w his photo on the front page and poster inside. But I was unhappy that there was no article on the front page along w the picture...


  2. Don't take up for them Joe. This company has run a great service into the ground. This event should have been given top billing. People should have worked all night to make sure this was on front page with the headline.

    I grew up reading the paper. I use to be a delivery boy as a kid. To me it's relaxing and was a ritualistic part of the day. However, that part of my life has long left me.

    Now I read the blog. It gives me more up to date topics, it gives me the ability to respond, and it gives me a way to interact with others.

    The only problem I have with the blog is that it is useless when it's time to eat crabs! But the Daily Rag gives away free rolls of paper, so that's covered.


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