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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Vote for Slots or ...

... You'll lose your house, your job and your children.

No, even Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley isn't that brazen.  But he's close.  While Barack Obama is running for President claiming to be the "element of change" and claiming that Democrats offer "the politics of hope", O'Malley proves that Democrats are doing what they have always done in the modern age - practice the POLITICS OF FEAR.

In yesterday's Baltimore Sun, O'Malley's chief apologists outlined O'Malley's argument that slots are needed or Marylanders will face severe budget cuts and a draconian reduction in state services - most notably in education, public safety and healthcare.  There is only one problem with O'Malley's scenario.  It's simply a political ploy.

Last week, O'Malley Watch predicted that this is EXACTLY what O'Malley would do; calling it O'Malley's "October Surprise".  O'Malley and his tax and spend cronies might even be forgiven this blatant attempt to sway Maryland voters EXCEPT that he has already established a record of this type of behavior.   Read More ...


  1. We can show O'Governor how we feel about his policies by voting against slots. I was for the slots, however at some point we need to show O'Malley who is really boss and here is the chance the ball is in our court.

  2. Typical Democrat strategy. Vote against everything and discredit everything a Democrat cannot get credit for. Democrats get power back and everything they discredited and voted against is now the best thing around and is desperately needed.

  3. Why were slots so bad when a republican was our governor?

    Why did the democrats work hard to block four years of a republican push for slots?

    A vote for slots should only come AFTER the O'Governor balances the checkbook.

    A vote for slots should only come AFTER carefull consideration where and how to place this gambling system. Putting them in close proximity to the poor will only increase the burden that people who get government handouts put on our society. Once they take that government check and put it all in a slot machine, they will need another check.

  4. two different people! Although there is a underlining base to a Democrat or Republican, each and every person is an individual. You have to look at the individual instead of the party. Those who say they have never voted "outside" of their party, are not looking at the person and would probably vote for Hitler if he was the candidate from their party! The CEO from WAMU that took somewhere near $20 million dollars was a republican. Does that mean EVERY republican is a thieving vulture? No, well unless you live by the ALL Republicans or ALL Democrats are this theory!

    Wake up, pay attention to the issues, do your homework and investigation. You've obviously got the internet since you're here.

  5. The more money Manperm Miller and O'Guvnah get, the more they will spend. Get those bastards out of office then lets talk slots.

  6. you people just don't get it!!!! vote against slots and hundreds, if not thousands, will lose their jobs. idiots!!

  7. O'Malley has completely disregarded the safety of correctional officers if he does follow thru with his planned cuts to hiring at DOC.I understand that ECI is already in need of more staff.The rest of the cuts appear to be aimed at "entitlements" like purchase of care daycare.

  8. what are the democrats doing with my tax money for the 80% raise in my home assessment last year? I'd be lucky to sell it for what i paid for it 20 years ago

    10:43 i totally agree
    10:53 lose what jobs? slots aren't here yet and with it comes REAL organized crime, comes with the territory. are you ready for real crime?

    mardela is all over it, why wasn't it a priority for michael bushe, democrat majority leader when republican bob was governor? This comes from a registered democrat

  9. Slots bring crime, poverty, pawn shops,...

    It just makes everything worse, and preys on the people least able to support an "industry" like gambling.

    For every dollar earned by taxing slots, it will cost the taxpayers $2 to deal with increased crime and welfare associated with gambling...

  10. Nobody promised O'Malley slots. Now he wants to throw fear into taxpayers if we don't vote for slots that are taxes will go way up. What does he want? More people to move out of this state?

    This clearly explains how O'Malley left Baltimore a dump again.


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