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Thursday, October 23, 2008

NYC Mayor Bloomberg Gets The Votes To Extend Term Limits

NYC Mayor Bloomberg gets the votes to get past the term limits and will attempt to run for another term. More to come........


  1. Why should we care? And, I don't mean that in a dismissive way...I'm truly curious. Why would the readers of this blog care who the mayor of NYC is?

    Just wondering.

  2. the issue speaks more to the failure of term limits, which we all want, but alas, the pols aren't for, so we'll never have them, apparently.

  3. I am for term limits on all of congress because they do nothing, and get paid too much, and finally because they only protect themselves and their re-election.

    As for Bloomberg thinks he needs more time, perhaps he does, too bad. I do not think this is germaine for us here, however, the discussion of term limits for congerss of the u.s. perhaps would be a good discussion.

  4. It's too bad Bloomberg will never get a fair shot at the US Presidency. The same people who take racist shots at Obama (e.g. the writers of this blog), would punish Bloomberg even more severely.


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