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Monday, October 13, 2008

The Kratovil Station Lowers Their Prices

Give credit where credit is due. The Kratovil Station on Rt. 50 lowered their prices while the competitor across the street is still holding stead above $3.00 a gallon.

Although many other Stations have dropped their prices much lower than this, it's good to see the Democrats getting on board and slowly lowering their prices.


  1. ....Only to jack them up somewhere else.

  2. Joe, Although I know better, sometimes I think you're mildly retarded!

  3. Joe, you're a mildly retarded good sport....and a hellava guy...often misunderstood..but a hellava guy!

  4. I knew you'd get it. The compliments are real, the humor is just that.Have a nice evening!

  5. The customer service is much better at the Seven Eleven.

  6. I still wont shop at gordos exxon.

  7. The best place to buy wine is Giant Grocery or Superfresh. Gas stations always charge too much for wine. It is a good beer store. The Subway isnt as good as it use to be. Wawa is king.


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