Although Kenneth Townsend, (charged in the Landfill case with Ray Lewis) was sentenced to 15 years in jail, the Judge dropped all but 1 1/2 years and that's all he'll serve. More to come.
Not only that but he also gets to spend it in the Wicomico Detention Center and on work release. It's not not even a slap on the wrist for a criminal that stole from all of us.
Who offered this deal? Someone needs to explain how the heck did someone of this level get offered such. This dude stole from every taxpayer and he doesn't have to pay.
Let me release at the landfill?Please tell me he did not get to keep his job!What other job would he have-who would hire a convicted thief???????
So let me get this straight, You steal 500K from the government and you get a 18 month sentence which is work release, which means you go back to jail to eat and watch TV then go to bed, then you get a wake up call and go to work. ?!?!?!
Well I need about 50K to pay off all of my bills, so if I steal it from Wicomico County then I should get a 6 week jail term. Doesn't sound bad to me. Anyone else wanna do it along with me.
Darkhawk prime won't be alone pulling off these crimes against Wicomico. I bet there were some who filled their trucks up on our fuel today especially after they heard Townsend's sentence. Who do we thank for this, Davis Ruark????
This is just too crazy! I mean, stealing from the County flat out and most of his jail time dropped must be some money deal in it. Who was the Judge that reduced his jail time? And who someone pay off?
That means Ray Lewis will probably walk free! This county is so screwed up!
He squeeled on the big fish, who also will get a slap on the wrist if they get any time at all.
Vigilante justice maybe all that is left. Boycott any business that any of these crooks are involved with. If they advertize anywhere, boycott that source as well.
The judges in Wicomico County are too soft on the bad guys and too often good police work is wasted because a bunch of PUSSY judges don't have any backbone. This guy will probably not even serve the full year and a half term. I wonder what Mike Lewis must think when he sees all the efforts of the Sheriff's Dept go to waste with such a lame sentence.
dark hawk 5:38 pm--another surprise for you.He will only do a total of nine[9.5] months max.The states attorney office is aware of time a convicted person serves when sentenced. they are not the ones to blame.The sitting judicial robes are the problems.You ain't seen nothing yet.
Well what did you think would happen. Born in Wicomico Couty connected to the right people. If this was the average dumbass that moved here to committ a crime he would have gotten the book thrown at him. If you live here and are of the right ethnic persuasion you are good to go. Joe If you were born and raised here the bullshit they threw at you would have never happend. I think someone needs to request a audit that goes back 15 years to see just how much theft has taken place. I bet it cant be tracked. Wicomico County was run by Peterson and Cramer for a long period of time. They used to misplace millions. Hmmmm misplace interesting word. If i did that it would cleary have been a theft. Some of the current Council was present through all of this. Hmmm again. They would find it six months later. Where did nte interest go. Cramer is still around I think. Peterson is down south living the good life. Joe one could live here fifty years and you are still not from here !! No matter how hard you try to improve this place. Something smells in this county I just hope Rick Pollit and Mike Lewis can wade through the shit to find the truth and burn em all. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Lets clean house next election. Then do a thorough check of all the counties finances. Hmmm was that a frog I just heard fart. Oh no it was it was some ass puckering. 500K stolen 1.5 years which means 6 months active. This was not a one time thing but an ongoing Criminal Enetrprise that netted big money. A lot of people had to know. I bet if you broke into Cannon's house and stole his hair gel you would get at least 1.5. BullShit Kill all the lawyers. Well now that I have throwm a tantrum this is still a great place to live as long as you are out in the county. Hey do yourself a favor at least once a week ask you district rep. What have you done for the county lately. One might get an honest answer or they will just smile and lie to you like they did before the election.
Thats what they always do no matter who they are. Sentenced to 5 years all suspended but 2. Its not like he pulled some string somehow secretly beat the system and got 13.5 years knocked off his sentence. Get Real People.
My Six week sentence will now be down to around 3 weeks. Hell I have that in vacation time right now. Hey Joe you're always talking about how much you spend filling up the fleet at Sam's hows about joining me at the landfill and we'll really save us some money on fuel. You think Townsend would be kind enough to help us fuel up?
I'm not surprised at all. I said months ago that really they had No evidence on these guys and i knew they would get off. I'm surprised they got anything at all. This county, this state and this country in general is going to hell in a hand basket. I also told you people that there were bigger fish to fry and you see those fish are still swimming. Thats why these guys got off, they were the small fish and knew to much on the big ones. Tell me as to how Sharma and Politt didnt know what was going on and there were NO real records kept down there. The audit was a crock and the only real reason they were indicted was for show just to hush people up. It was all a smoke screen. Theres more to it then was reported on the news. How in all good faith and justice can Davis Ruark get these guys convicted when he is the biggest criminal of all. wE ALL LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE GOOD OLE BOYS CLUB. Never ever forget that.
15 down to 1.5 not 5 down to 2, You do the math what a crock of shit. The county spent an additional 60k between the WCSO and the forensic audit. maybe more who knows. This shit stinks to high heavans. make em pump gas at the landfill they stole from and at the county fuel pumps. Wearing the Hamburglar Suit from WCDC. Anyone see all cameras around the dumps what did that cost. These idiots stole more than just money they stole the publics trust. Do the math crime does pay. Stole ten years worth of pay and will serve 7-9 months and on work release. I was in court and saw a homeless guy get more time for breaking into a greenhouse to stay warm. He should have just got a job at the landfill he could have flown to Fla. for the winter. Now that shit is funny. Now let this be a lesson to ya. The 500K could have went towards getting the Sheriff's Office and County Jail and the county roads guys some disability insurance that fits the risk they take. Well strong work to the Sheriff's Office and the State Police on the case.
Since everyone else is speculating, so will I. I think he's going to provide evidence against Lewis. He's the big one who's going down, mark my speculative word!
Like 9:16 said, what happened to SHARMA and his using county services for church work? If thats not stealing, then who do I call to get a little fill dirt to cover all the bullshit that keeps appearing?
I think if there had been a huge public outcry, which there was not, things might have turned out different. It seems to me that this theft didn't matter much to a huge number of Wicomico taxpayers and I think that gets sensed by the judges and attorneys as well.
I think it's a real shame that someone can steal from the taxpayers like these guys allegedly did and get away with it but it seems like it's pretty easy to do for some. Especially if you have "connections" like these guys apparently did. Or you belong to a major group like a Fire Department because they think they are untouchable.
Does ANYONE know if he was allowed to keep his job?If he did thats just as bad if not worse than the lame sentence he got.For those of you ready to quit honest work and be a crook,do not do it unless you have the "right" Eastern shore last name or else you are screwed.Wicomico,Somerset,Worcestorall the counties run on the same corrupt principal.
totmom he was fired immediately as far as I remember or maybe he was suspended without pay, I forget. I don't think Ray Lewis should get anymore time than Kenny Townsend. Ray didn't put a gun to his head and make him give him tires or fuel or anything else. They were in cahoots together and should get the same sentence. How sad is that, both of them run off with nearly a half million bucks in property and then some and only go to the County Hotel for 18 months. You would get more time for a DUI.
Theres two social classes and it isnt black and white, its have money and dont have money. Welcome to the home of "if you can get away with it, its right" America.
(I quess smoking a joint is the real crime, huh mike).
it's nice to know that if we steal 400,000 dollars from the county we only have to serve 18 months in work release detention center. So the message is if you need cash or you are just greedy steal it and you will be off the hook in a short time. Mike Lewis is busting his butt to catch these losers and this is the reward he gets. Can i sue the courts for not giving him what he deserves? Let's just hope he gets raped in jail and maybe at least he will learn a lesson.
Its obvious that they allowed enough time to pass by to let all this settle down. The only means that a person has is to vote these people out of office starting at the top.There is no responsibility and no accountability in this County or City. We will never know the total losses to the tax payers by these felons.
Just as I said months ago, the time for the crime was going to be minimal. I guess Lewis who can afford a hot shot lawyer will get off with a year supervised probation !!! You can get 18 mos on a DUI. Damn our judicial system !!!! Crime does pay !!!
Have any of you ever thought that the reason why they aren't getting anymore jail is because Mike Lewis screwed up the case? Yea thats right...your good ole' boy Mikey did illegal searches and traffic stop!(Which by the way, he has done for years and no one can seem to catch him) How can Ruark prosecute a case screwed up by the Sheriff?
One more thing, the County wants this go away because of their embarrasement with their screwy bookkeeping. Come on people, how many times have we heard the "County found money" in their contingency? Rick Pollitt knew this was going on and let it continue. Where is Rai in all this? He knew more than Townsend. I am sure his is sunny Pakistan living it up!
If the FBI comes in, then more mess uncovered. The County would be more embarrassed when it comes out how they always lose money. The FBI would have to investigate the whole crooked county, not just the landfill.
joe, why are you being so easy on run on more about a person parking in a handicapped spot. he shouldn't even be in the same class as a man.he's a crimial and a drunk.
Trust me, I have voiced my opinion to Davis Ruark and Mike Lewis about this LOSER.
I am NOT at all happy with the outcome and right now there's not a thing I can do about it.
I should add, Davis & Mike can't do a thing about a Judge's final decision in this case and I'll stop there as I would never want to speak for either one of them.
Well I will speak on it agian. this anon7:45 and no I am not GrandDad. I do know him well. I feel the same he does about the bullshit going on in this county. We have policals that wont do what the people have asked of them. The State's Attorney's Office is all screwed up. Davis and sam have thier hands full with young attorneys working for peanuts. Thank God Sam V. is still on the payroll. As for the comment on Sheriff lewis and the stop. The stop was totaly legal and put an end the to thefts that have been going on for some time. It does not matter how he knew to stop the truck just that the stop was based on legal grounds and it was. A little proactive policing by all would have prevented this whole situation. Lewis did the right thing period. Pollitt was new to the office and had no way of knowing what was going on. Pollitt stepped into a pile of dung that had to be cleaned up. All one has to do is look no further than those in office prior to this to point the finger.We the poeple keep putting them back in office. Clean house next election keep Lewis and Pollitt they are the best thing going for this county at this time. I agree a major audit is needed to see just what has happened over the last ten years, who knows what skelatons will be dug up. We the people need to be more involved if we truly care. I may not agree with Joe's Blog or his political views at times but this is America and this Blog has allowed the common man or women to voice thier concerns. Hats off to Joe for that. Where else can the common man be herd in this county without being shut down or called a trouble maker. There will be problems in goverment but when out right criminal enterprise in allowed to operate under the cover of county goverment they need to pay in both resitution and time served. I for one am sick to my stomach with this current council and thier hidden agendas and a court system that protects goverment every chance it gets. The countless man hours alone spent on this case and tax dollars spent to protect the county are staggering. It was not just the thefts but all the residual monies spent as well. The black eye the county got was nothing to be proud of. At some point the people need to speak up at council meetings and elections. I think the members of council should serve no more than two terms it breeds a form of political corruption. It may not be intentional but never the less it happens when an elected person is allowed to stay too long. As allways have a Delmarvalous Day !!
The Judge that allowed this verdict to happen, Brett Wilson, used to practice here in Salisbury years ago when he first started out in the law practice. So, its not like he was just a Judge in another county. As a matter of fact, he handled my case right here in Salisbury several years ago and came up with some lame court document that I now have to live with. A beginner could have done a better job than what he did in the courtroom. So by saying Townsends case moved to another County is pretty biased. This Judge has or still does here cases right here in Salisbury. It would be interesting to see how many cases recently he has handled right here.
Not only that but he also gets to spend it in the Wicomico Detention Center and on work release. It's not not even a slap on the wrist for a criminal that stole from all of us.
ReplyDeleteWho offered this deal? Someone needs to explain how the heck did someone of this level get offered such. This dude stole from every taxpayer and he doesn't have to pay.
ReplyDeleteLet me release at the landfill?Please tell me he did not get to keep his job!What other job would he have-who would hire a convicted thief???????
ReplyDeleteWho on earth would hire him???
ReplyDeleteHopefully, nobody!!!!
No restitution Joe?
ReplyDeleteSo let me get this straight, You steal 500K from the government and you get a 18 month sentence which is work release, which means you go back to jail to eat and watch TV then go to bed, then you get a wake up call and go to work. ?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteWell I need about 50K to pay off all of my bills, so if I steal it from Wicomico County then I should get a 6 week jail term. Doesn't sound bad to me. Anyone else wanna do it along with me.
Well there you go who's having the last laugh.
ReplyDeleteDarkhawk prime won't be alone pulling off these crimes against Wicomico. I bet there were some who filled their trucks up on our fuel today especially after they heard Townsend's sentence. Who do we thank for this, Davis Ruark????
ReplyDeleteThis is just too crazy! I mean, stealing from the County flat out and most of his jail time dropped must be some money deal in it. Who was the Judge that reduced his jail time? And who someone pay off?
ReplyDeleteThat means Ray Lewis will probably walk free! This county is so screwed up!
He squeeled on the big fish, who also will get a slap on the wrist if they get any time at all.
ReplyDeleteVigilante justice maybe all that is left. Boycott any business that any of these crooks are involved with. If they advertize anywhere, boycott that source as well.
You have to look no further than the States Attorneys Office.
ReplyDeleteThe judges in Wicomico County are too soft on the bad guys and too often good police work is wasted because a bunch of PUSSY judges don't have any backbone. This guy will probably not even serve the full year and a half term. I wonder what Mike Lewis must think when he sees all the efforts of the Sheriff's Dept go to waste with such a lame sentence.
ReplyDeletedark hawk 5:38 pm--another surprise for you.He will only do a total of nine[9.5] months max.The states attorney office is aware of time a convicted person serves when sentenced. they are not the ones to blame.The sitting judicial robes are the problems.You ain't seen nothing yet.
ReplyDeleteWell what did you think would happen. Born in Wicomico Couty connected to the right people. If this was the average dumbass that moved here to committ a crime he would have gotten the book thrown at him. If you live here and are of the right ethnic persuasion you are good to go. Joe If you were born and raised here the bullshit they threw at you would have never happend. I think someone needs to request a audit that goes back 15 years to see just how much theft has taken place. I bet it cant be tracked. Wicomico County was run by Peterson and Cramer for a long period of time. They used to misplace millions. Hmmmm misplace interesting word. If i did that it would cleary have been a theft. Some of the current Council was present through all of this. Hmmm again. They would find it six months later. Where did nte interest go. Cramer is still around I think. Peterson is down south living the good life. Joe one could live here fifty years and you are still not from here !! No matter how hard you try to improve this place. Something smells in this county I just hope Rick Pollit and Mike Lewis can wade through the shit to find the truth and burn em all. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Lets clean house next election. Then do a thorough check of all the counties finances. Hmmm was that a frog I just heard fart. Oh no it was it was some ass puckering. 500K stolen 1.5 years which means 6 months active. This was not a one time thing but an ongoing Criminal Enetrprise that netted big money. A lot of people had to know. I bet if you broke into Cannon's house and stole his hair gel you would get at least 1.5. BullShit Kill all the lawyers. Well now that I have throwm a tantrum this is still a great place to live as long as you are out in the county. Hey do yourself a favor at least once a week ask you district rep. What have you done for the county lately. One might get an honest answer or they will just smile and lie to you like they did before the election.
ReplyDeleteThats what they always do no matter who they are. Sentenced to 5 years all suspended but 2. Its not like he pulled some string somehow secretly beat the system and got 13.5 years knocked off his sentence. Get Real People.
ReplyDeleteThanks Anon 7:45,
ReplyDeleteMy Six week sentence will now be down to around 3 weeks. Hell I have that in vacation time right now. Hey Joe you're always talking about how much you spend filling up the fleet at Sam's hows about joining me at the landfill and we'll really save us some money on fuel. You think Townsend would be kind enough to help us fuel up?
I'm not surprised at all. I said months ago that really they had No evidence on these guys and i knew they would get off. I'm surprised they got anything at all. This county, this state and this country in general is going to hell in a hand basket. I also told you people that there were bigger fish to fry and you see those fish are still swimming. Thats why these guys got off, they were the small fish and knew to much on the big ones. Tell me as to how Sharma and Politt didnt know what was going on and there were NO real records kept down there. The audit was a crock and the only real reason they were indicted was for show just to hush people up. It was all a smoke screen. Theres more to it then was reported on the news. How in all good faith and justice can Davis Ruark get these guys convicted when he is the biggest criminal of all. wE ALL LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE GOOD OLE BOYS CLUB. Never ever forget that.
ReplyDelete15 down to 1.5 not 5 down to 2, You do the math what a crock of shit. The county spent an additional 60k between the WCSO and the forensic audit. maybe more who knows. This shit stinks to high heavans. make em pump gas at the landfill they stole from and at the county fuel pumps. Wearing the Hamburglar Suit from WCDC. Anyone see all cameras around the dumps what did that cost. These idiots stole more than just money they stole the publics trust. Do the math crime does pay. Stole ten years worth of pay and will serve 7-9 months and on work release. I was in court and saw a homeless guy get more time for breaking into a greenhouse to stay warm. He should have just got a job at the landfill he could have flown to Fla. for the winter. Now that shit is funny. Now let this be a lesson to ya. The 500K could have went towards getting the Sheriff's Office and County Jail and the county roads guys some disability insurance that fits the risk they take. Well strong work to the Sheriff's Office and the State Police on the case.
ReplyDeleteSince everyone else is speculating, so will I.
ReplyDeleteI think he's going to provide evidence against Lewis. He's the big one who's going down, mark my speculative word!
Townsend already agreed to narc on everyone else without a plea deal. He took his sentence like a man.
ReplyDeleteI know if he was a brother they would have throwd away the key. must be nice to be white for real.
ReplyDeleteWhats up with the ex director Rai Sharma (sp)? No way he didn't know about this.
ReplyDeleteLike 9:16 said, what happened to SHARMA and his using county services for church work? If thats not stealing, then who do I call to get a little fill dirt to cover all the bullshit that keeps appearing?
ReplyDelete"The 500K could have went towards getting the Sheriff's Office and County Jail and the county roads guys some disability"
ReplyDeleteBetter to give it to thieves called sheriff or cop?
"Wicomico County was run by Peterson and Cramer for a long period of time."
ReplyDeleteCramers' got a good looking split tail with him doing most of Newtown.
"Well what did you think would happen. Born in Wicomico Couty connected to the right people"
ReplyDeleteWorking at the dump would be considered connected to the right people only if screwing your own daughter was like having a date to the prom.
Is that meatball related to the Kenny Townsend that was a paid fireman and got fired from Salisbury?
ReplyDeleteI think if there had been a huge public outcry, which there was not, things might have turned out different.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that this theft didn't matter much to a huge number of Wicomico taxpayers and I think that gets sensed by the judges and attorneys as well.
I think it's a real shame that someone can steal from the taxpayers like these guys allegedly did and get away with it but it seems like it's pretty easy to do for some. Especially if you have "connections" like these guys apparently did.
Or you belong to a major group like a Fire Department because they think they are untouchable.
And you know what? Looks like they are.
Sad. So sad.
Anon 7:45 pm.
ReplyDeleteGood point Granddad!!
ReplyDeleteYou're wrong in this case. This guy was making GOOD MONEY working at the landfill.
There was no shame with his position or payscale out there.
Does ANYONE know if he was allowed to keep his job?If he did thats just as bad if not worse than the lame sentence he got.For those of you ready to quit honest work and be a crook,do not do it unless you have the "right" Eastern shore last name or else you are screwed.Wicomico,Somerset,Worcestorall the counties run on the same corrupt principal.
ReplyDeleteBTW Nate it aint just black folks,a white person without the right pedigree has no chance either
ReplyDeleteThat is one UGLY man. In the day we would call that FUGLY!
ReplyDeleteBetter question.... who was the lame a$$ judge that gave him the light sentence?
ReplyDeletetotmom he was fired immediately as far as I remember or maybe he was suspended without pay, I forget. I don't think Ray Lewis should get anymore time than Kenny Townsend. Ray didn't put a gun to his head and make him give him tires or fuel or anything else. They were in cahoots together and should get the same sentence. How sad is that, both of them run off with nearly a half million bucks in property and then some and only go to the County Hotel for 18 months. You would get more time for a DUI.
ReplyDeleteAnyone seen the Metropolitan? nice 1/2 pages asap ad.......paid for with your tax dollars.
ReplyDeleteTheres two social classes and it isnt black and white, its have money and dont have money. Welcome to the home of "if you can get away with it, its right" America.
ReplyDelete(I quess smoking a joint is the real crime, huh mike).
it's nice to know that if we steal 400,000 dollars from the county we only have to serve 18 months in work release detention center. So the message is if you need cash or you are just greedy steal it and you will be off the hook in a short time. Mike Lewis is busting his butt to catch these losers and this is the reward he gets. Can i sue the courts for not giving him what he deserves? Let's just hope he gets raped in jail and maybe at least he will learn a lesson.
ReplyDeleteIts obvious that they allowed enough time to pass by to let all this settle down. The only means that a person has is to vote these people out of office starting at the top.There is no responsibility and no accountability in this County or City. We will never know the total losses to the tax payers by these felons.
ReplyDeleteJust as I said months ago, the time for the crime was going to be minimal. I guess Lewis who can afford a hot shot lawyer will get off with a year supervised probation !!! You can get 18 mos on a DUI. Damn our judicial system !!!! Crime does pay !!!
ReplyDeleteThe FBI needs to be brought in and look at the cover-up in this case. But that will not happen because of Ruark!
ReplyDeleteHave any of you ever thought that the reason why they aren't getting anymore jail is because Mike Lewis screwed up the case? Yea thats right...your good ole' boy Mikey did illegal searches and traffic stop!(Which by the way, he has done for years and no one can seem to catch him) How can Ruark prosecute a case screwed up by the Sheriff?
ReplyDeleteOne more thing, the County wants this go away because of their embarrasement with their screwy bookkeeping. Come on people, how many times have we heard the "County found money" in their contingency? Rick Pollitt knew this was going on and let it continue. Where is Rai in all this? He knew more than Townsend. I am sure his is sunny Pakistan living it up!
If the FBI comes in, then more mess uncovered. The County would be more embarrassed when it comes out how they always lose money. The FBI would have to investigate the whole crooked county, not just the landfill.
ReplyDeleteThis one needs to go to the top again Joe, Your call, your blog.
ReplyDeletejoe, why are you being so easy on run on more about a person parking in a handicapped spot. he shouldn't even be in the same class as a man.he's a crimial and a drunk.
ReplyDeleteanonymous 2:05:
ReplyDeleteTrust me, I have voiced my opinion to Davis Ruark and Mike Lewis about this LOSER.
I am NOT at all happy with the outcome and right now there's not a thing I can do about it.
I should add, Davis & Mike can't do a thing about a Judge's final decision in this case and I'll stop there as I would never want to speak for either one of them.
ReplyDeleteThen blog that judge Joe.
ReplyDeleteWell I will speak on it agian. this anon7:45 and no I am not GrandDad. I do know him well. I feel the same he does about the bullshit going on in this county. We have policals that wont do what the people have asked of them. The State's Attorney's Office is all screwed up. Davis and sam have thier hands full with young attorneys working for peanuts. Thank God Sam V. is still on the payroll. As for the comment on Sheriff lewis and the stop. The stop was totaly legal and put an end the to thefts that have been going on for some time. It does not matter how he knew to stop the truck just that the stop was based on legal grounds and it was. A little proactive policing by all would have prevented this whole situation. Lewis did the right thing period. Pollitt was new to the office and had no way of knowing what was going on. Pollitt stepped into a pile of dung that had to be cleaned up. All one has to do is look no further than those in office prior to this to point the finger.We the poeple keep putting them back in office. Clean house next election keep Lewis and Pollitt they are the best thing going for this county at this time. I agree a major audit is needed to see just what has happened over the last ten years, who knows what skelatons will be dug up. We the people need to be more involved if we truly care. I may not agree with Joe's Blog or his political views at times but this is America and this Blog has allowed the common man or women to voice thier concerns. Hats off to Joe for that. Where else can the common man be herd in this county without being shut down or called a trouble maker. There will be problems in goverment but when out right criminal enterprise in allowed to operate under the cover of county goverment they need to pay in both resitution and time served. I for one am sick to my stomach with this current council and thier hidden agendas and a court system that protects goverment every chance it gets. The countless man hours alone spent on this case and tax dollars spent to protect the county are staggering. It was not just the thefts but all the residual monies spent as well. The black eye the county got was nothing to be proud of. At some point the people need to speak up at council meetings and elections. I think the members of council should serve no more than two terms it breeds a form of political corruption. It may not be intentional but never the less it happens when an elected person is allowed to stay too long. As allways have a Delmarvalous Day !!
ReplyDeleteThe Judge that allowed this verdict to happen, Brett Wilson, used to practice here in Salisbury years ago when he first started out in the law practice. So, its not like he was just a Judge in another county. As a matter of fact, he handled my case right here in Salisbury several years ago and came up with some lame court document that I now have to live with. A beginner could have done a better job than what he did in the courtroom. So by saying Townsends case moved to another County is pretty biased. This Judge has or still does here cases right here in Salisbury. It would be interesting to see how many cases recently he has handled right here.