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Friday, October 10, 2008

Do YOU Think We Need A New Library?

Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce

General Membership Luncheon

Where: Ramada Inn (Salisbury)

When: Thursday, October 16th @ Noon

Cost: $15.00

Guest Speaker: Tom Hehman, Wicomico Public Library

Topic: The New Wicomico Public Library

R.S.V.P. by Noon on October 14, 2008 by replying to this e-mail, thanks!!

Phone: 410-749-0144

Fax: 410-860-9925

E-mail: chamber@salisburyarea.com


  1. Why is this City and County so hellbent on spending money unnecessarily in economic times like this? Wouldn't it be more prudent to set that money aside for the necessities or emergencies that might come about? This is not the time to be dumping millions of dollars into anything. A new, larger facility would be nice but not at this time. People will continue to use the library as it is and the taxpayers would be grateful for a more fiscally responsible administration. Tighten your belts, it is not your money to spend.

  2. Perhaps, but somewhere besides downtown Salisbury, where people are afraid to go at night.

  3. No, the Library in Wicomico County is a "Gem," but in no way, shape or form should we finance a new library. It is high time that our elected officials live within their means. I took my kids to the library on Tuesday evening to check out some books for them to read and the place was not crowded at all. What we have at this time is sufficient for years to come. If the new library director is on a mission to get a new library then I challenge my elected officials to go on a mission to get rid of him.

    With the advent of the internet and its widespread use you would think the need for a library would decrease. Guess what? It has decreased. All the library is these days is a place for parents do drop off their hoodlums, I mean kids for a babysitting service. There were a lot of kids on computers at the library, but I don't think a library should be used for free computers and internet service.

  4. No. There is no new library needed at this time.


  5. We do not need a new library at this time and our economy is in the tank....but a project of this magnatude would put many x-tra dollars in the local economy, put some people to work, and be a stimulus. Now if the contractor is local, if the construction workers were local and if a local bank financed it with some matching grant money then and only then would I ever support such a project. Also since everyone is so hungry for work we may just get a real bargin, but if we go like the Mayor wants for the low income housing project she has proposed, we are screwed

  6. Has Tom Hehman explained what's wrong with the OLD library? If he needs more room, why can't he use some of the rooms in the library that are currently loaned (or rented, whatever) to other groups? I use the library fairly often, and it's rarely crowded (other than the couch area where the homeless people seem to hang out).

  7. Do I think we need a new library? NO. Everyone is hurting right now and all they want to do is spend money that is not theirs. STOP IT, NOW! Does anyone in either administration (city/county) know what fiscal responsibility means? What part of NO don't you understand?

  8. There is nothing wrong with our Library. If, and only if it is necessary for more room, then get local contractors and carpenters and go up another story or 2. The location is perfect with the parking lot next door. Now is not the time to be building a new building. What will happen to the old library? Just another empty building like the one across the street from it. Get all new city goverment and things will be better. Those people are not looking out for the city, only their own pockets. It's time people take back the city.

  9. We could tax the drug dealers that hang out in front of the library to pay for the new one.

    Children do not need a library due to the internet. Faster and updated information.

  10. Before anyone answers that question take a trip to the Centre Branch and see the game room the Lirary has set up. The Wii, Xbox, PS2, and not to forget the many televisions to play these systems on- especially the giant TV for the dance video game.

  11. NOOOOOO!!!!

    Like Anon 10:35 and 12:38 said it is apparently a glorified day care center and the games and computers for the internet need to be taken out of their immediately. I don't have a problem with the county paying for WiFi, but computers and games is rediculous.

    Why don't those two Grandstanders on the County Council make an issue out of this just like they did the Liquor Board. I am sick and tired of being raped by these elected officials.

  12. You would think that as high as the taxes are, we could build three libraries and everything else we might want. There are many small cities with much lower tax rates that seem to have the nicest things and buildings for their citizens.

    A library will always be the center of education for any community. Hopefully they will reverse the trend to put in games and replace this with educational material.

    Instead of replacing the library, let's replace most of our elected officials. Lets reduce the tax burden on the people. Lets reduce the size of our government. Lets bring in highly educated, highly experienced people that will take our city and county into the future. So long MARE!

  13. I guess you think they'll use local contractors to build the new library just like they are using them to build the new Bennett High School.

    FYI Wicomico County Taxpayers, there is only ONE, count it, ONE, local contractor working on the new high school. We need to bombard Rick Pollitt and Brian Foret with emails and find out WHY money being spent in this county, by this county's taxpayers is not being kept here in THIS COUNTY.


    Email away folks.

  14. Local contractors cannot handle a project of this size. Take any project in the last 10 years that was over 10 million dollars and let me know if a local contractor didn't screw it up, lose their butt, or have lengthy delays.
    The problem is the local boys are not technologically advanced enough to handle a big project, nor do they have the ability to discipline local subcontractors.
    Unfortunately only Whiting-Turner and NASON have the resources to get the job done.

  15. They're holding this on a Thursday, which is one of my dialysis days, so I can't be there. But I would oppose my friends supposition that we need a new library soon. I served in that building from its ground breaking until mid-90's and that is one efficient building as far as heat goes, with its 45 solor panels on the roof providing 70-75 % of the heating needs of a 50,000 sq. ft. bldg. If more space is needed, expand out back, or buy the Cannon bldg. and expand that way. I really think such expansion would not be too necessary, if the Regional System were told to find other quarters, even though they do provide some funding to the library. I have thought for some years that a regional system is no longer needed. Also get rid of the other agency that uses the building. As for location, I happen to think its fine where it is. Also, they could take the old Fire Station and use it as a Childrens Library and they would have lots of room right away. Sorry, I have to be so negative Tom, but this is how I really feel. I was told the new library back in 1979/80 would be it for the next 50 years and the building is only 30 years old now, even though the old armory part is much older, but back then they made bldgs. to last for ever.

    A. Goetz


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