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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Daily Times So Desperate They're Repeating Articles

What happens when the Editor of the Daily Times is in bed with Gilchrest's top employee? You get OUR VIEW Editorials over and over again endorsing Frank Kratovil.

Today's Daily Slime even goes into a message on how Andy Harris twisted words that those SOB's at the Daily Slime PRINTED. Are you people that crooked, well, you obviously are. You're the ones who PRINTED Frank Kratovil stating, "We Solved The Crisis," you freakin morons!

Yep, between old man Billy and the Daily Slime, two people so pissed off at Joe Albero, they'll do anything to support the other candidate out of spite. FRANK KRATOVIL IS A BOLD FACED LIAR. More to come..........


  1. The daily trash backs liberals, it's not even an issue.

  2. Frank is a bold faced liar, look at how he misrepresent himself. I am telling you, one day we get he's an indepandant mailers & the next it's team OBAMA: Obama/krtovil.


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