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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Can there be Martial Law in the US? Judge for Yourself


  1. This is an abomination to the constitution. What ever happen to the land of the FREE and the home of the brave. It just goes to show you what happens when americans put their heads in the sand and do not see what is going on around them. We all knew it would come to this when the government started
    all of this gun control bull shit. They try to make you believe it is to keep you safer. But in reality it only disarms the law abiding citizen so that only the criminals have the guns. And they don't buy them legally and register them anyway. So that when they make it a law that we the American citizen can't own firearms then we are criminals too. Just because we own a firearm. Well welcome to communist Russia my friend. Thank god we have had the NRA fighting for our right to bear arms for all these years or it would already be a reality. So
    WAKE THE F--- UP AMERICA and stand up for what is right and the priciples that this country was founded on. One of them being the second amendment the right to bear arms. Let's try and make our country remain the best country in the world and the land of the FREE.

  2. Wait until the first states try to succeed from the union and well quickly see how real this is. Im ready as rain, put in me in coach.

  3. That is the scariest shit I have I have ever seen.

  4. Both political parties are controlled. We have no choices. They will "take care of us".

  5. Do you know the 7 scariest words in the English language?

    We are the government; here to help.

  6. Yet our country still tries to police the world

  7. Keep your borders open, let everybody in. Let them change the language of our country. Let them get free benefits without contributing. Give away our secrets to the Chinese (Clinton). Give away our souls to the devil for the greed of a few.

    Am I scared? No for I walk with the Lord. Am I prepared? Yes, my family and I are well protected. Please let me meet you with a handshake and a smile instead of a bullet and a frown. May God help us all.

  8. Sure you can trust the government, just ask any Indian.

  9. George W. Dubya push has already acquired the mechanism to invoke martial law.

    Remember his brother Jeb did in Florida, 9/11.

    The Patriot Act was anything but.

    Be afraid, America. Be very afraid.

  10. Do you all remember a few years ago when the National Guard had similar manuvers in Hebron and Mardela? Training for urban warfare.


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