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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bias Media

Listening to the mainstream media I've learned a few things about the GOP's VP nominee but also had to learn a few things on my own.

To wit:

1. From the media I learned Sarah Palin's husband has a DUI conviction from 22 years ago.

On my own I learned that Ted Kennedy (hero of last month's tribute at the DNC) was drunk while driving a car off a bridge in Chappaquiddick in1969. That same crash killed a young campaign volunteer with whom he was having an affair. Oh, and that woman was pregnant with his child.

Mr. Palin's (who is not running for office) DUI came a mere 4 years after Barack Obama (who is running for president) stopped using cocaine and marijuana (by his own admission in his autobiography).

Shocking - it's OK for the presidential candidate to use drugs or the party patriarch to kill someone while driving drunk yet the husband of aVP candidate should be demonized for something done 22 years ago.

2. From the media I learned that Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant.

On my own I learned that Obama's mother was an unmarried street hippy in Honolulu, Hawaii, when she conceived Obama.

On my own I learned that Joe Biden's (the other VP candidate) son was paid a large amount of money as a consultant to a credit card company,MBNA.

That same company had business before Senator Joe Biden concerning regulation of consumer credit practices. After the company paid a hefty sum to Mr. Biden's son, he voted in favor of legislation to help that company.

That same son, Hunter, is also engaged in a legal investigation and suit for defrauding a former business partner. Shocking - it's a crime for the republican VP candidate to have a child who's pregnant even though it's irrelevant to how she performs her job.

It's ok if the democrat Presidential candidate's unwed mother conceived him out of wedlock. It's ok, however, for the democrat VP candidate (while a senator) to vote in favor of a company who paid his son over a quarter of a million dollars.

3. From the media I learned that Sarah Palin should be considered"selfish" for agreeing to run for VP knowing about her daughter's condition. Knowing that at her public role would bring extra scrutiny on the family is selfish and she should have declined, to protect her child.Strange - the same people who said Sarah is selfish for running for VP did not seem to care about any impact on Chelsea when Bill Clinton had his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky. That was a private, personal matter you see.

4. From the media I have learned to be "concerned" that Sarah Palin probably won't be able to manage her family and do an effective job of being VP at the same time.Funny - I never heard anything about Hillary's ability to support Chelsea while re-doing health care or any of the other feminist icons who say you can balance work and family. They also never mention that Barack will have to balance time with his children while meeting with heads of rogue nations or how Joe Biden's kids (who don't even have a mom) will be fighting for his time while he hosts white house coffee fundraisers and sells nights in the Lincoln bedroom.

5. From the media I have learned that Sarah Palin is "too inexperienced"to be a heartbeat-away from the presidency. Apparently taking on corruption in your own party and running a state that's the same size people-wise as Delaware (hint hint: that's where Joe Biden is from) is not really experience.

However, time spent as a "community organizer" and less than 180 day sin the senate where you've authored no significant legislation is just the type of "change" we're looking for from the top of the ticket.Funny - inexperience at the top of the ticket is a mantra for "change"and "hope" while strong practical everyday experience as the #2 is cause for concern.

6. From the media I learned that Sarah Palin's husband once got a ticket for fishing without a license.* I haven't heard much about the fact that if he were still a practicing attorney, the VP candidate Joe Biden would be disbarred for plagiarism not once but multiple times.

It's ok to break the rules if you're a democrat candidate but not OK if you are the spouse of a republican candidate.

7. From the media I learned that Sarah Palin doesn't know much about Iraq; in fact we wonder if she even knows where it is.* Sarah's son volunteered into the US military and is now deployed in Iraq. I guess that doesn't count.Sarah has spent more time with troops in Iraq (as commander of the Alaska National Guard she visited Iraq last year) than Obama has even while running for president. In fact, when Sarah went to Iraq she spent time with the troops. When Obama went there, he skipped a base visit to instead go work out at the Ritz Carlton.

8. From the media I learned that Sarah Palin is a "lightweight" and she better be a "quick study" to keep up with this team.Funny, nobody is talking about how, after Barack Obama had "visited 5 7states" according to him he only had "5 more to go" or endless other stupid gaffes that expose who he really is.

9. From the media I have learned that (gasp!), Sarah Palin's husband was once a registered member of a 3rd party that favored states' rights(man, this is really bad stuff).

That same media has been silent to the story that when Barack Obama announced his first senate run, he did so in the home of William Ayers.Mr. Ayers is an un-repentant terrorist convicted for bombing the pentagon. This same Mr. Ayers said on 9/11 that he and his group did not do enough to harm our military and he wished he had done more. During the same time as that comment, he was serving on a board with Barack Obama. All notes and information about their serving together is now locked up by the corrupt Chicago machine and reporter access to those records are being blocked by the Obama campaign.

If we've had any doubts about the bias of the media, it's pretty clear now where they stand.

Pass this on to some of your friends who are on the fence and who get all their information from Katie Couric, Wolf Blitzer, Tom Brokaw and the gang. This is egregious and corrupt. The only way to stop it is to spread information using other outlets and make these guys irrelevant


  1. (Who controls the media)
    (Who controls the money)

    (Iknow, do you)???

  2. The issue is not that Palin's daughter is pregnant at 17 (hell - so was I). The issue is that Palin preaches family values and abstinence but does not have a clue what her own family is doing.

    She comes off trying to be the hero of the American Family - but what can she say about her own family?

  3. This is very sad,I feel sorry for the ignorant people who will vote for the democrates . 6 months from
    now America will fail or be back on top , it's our choice .Please vote!!

  4. Whats frigging sad is that you have a murderer in the Senate by the name of Ted Kennedy. This dunce should have been ousted
    40 years ago. Tell me we don't need term limits in Congress.

  5. What's sad is McCain has on two occasions now forgotten Obama's name. Can you say Alzheimer’s??? Think not, play back the debates! He also had a hearing or comprehension problem, independent organizations have stated it, Obama reiterated it many times last night, but McCain still doesn't comprehend Obama's tax plan. Well, that or he can't remember it 3 minutes later....

  6. #9 is hilarious.

    A 'third party' that likes 'state's rights'?


    Their founder said:

    "The fires of hell are an iceberg compared to my hatred of America."

    At least be honest, Joe.

  7. The Democrats have controlled Congress for two years. The Republicans have held Congress for six of the last eight years and controlled the White House for eight of the last eight years. How can all of the mess be blamed on Democrats? Also, anyone who thinks Democrats control the mass media is delusional.
    Registered Independent

  8. You people just dont get it. Its not McCain or Obama that makes the choices for this country, hell didnt the sell-out teach any of you anything. The powers that control this nation are the bankers(----) and the corporate power devils that are their puppets. These two candidates are just a disquise for where and who has the real power. Seems like most of you cant see the forest for the trees.

  9. Hogwash! I funny how the only media folks like this think are fair and balanced are Faux Noise and Right Wing Nut radio.


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