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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Angel Has Been Adopted

Thanks to the wonderful readers of Salisbury News, Angel has been adopted! One reader informed me of the adoption as they wanted to adopt Angel but got to the Humane Society too late. That's not stopping them though, They plan on heading out there tomorrow and see al of the other animals and told me they will adopt one or two more animals, depending on what they have to offer. Another friend called me and said they truly wish they could adopt Marvin, the black lab.

I am so pleased this is working out and so many of you are participating. Like I said, it's one of the best things you'll ever do. Jennifer and I have been helping animals for many years and their are very few rewards in life that feel any better. Try it, you'll like it.

In the very least, go up tere and spend some time helping them out and take a few dogs for a walk.


  1. Good luck to Marvin....labs are "better folk" (and great with children)than over 85-90% of the humans I deal with on a daily basis. If I wasn't in a townhouse with an adoptee of my own, I would take him home in a heartbeat. Woof-Woof, big guy....keep your chin up!

  2. Thank you Joe, I don't know if
    you know what a difference you
    are making for these animals.
    I wouldn't trade mine for the
    world. All are rescued, only
    wish I could take in more!!!

    And by the way, what the heck is
    going on with these vets? They
    charge more than my Dr for a
    visit ? The sad thing is ,as
    I was reading the other night
    on one of the news sites, many
    animals are being turned in to
    the Humane Societys by older
    people, simply stating they can-
    not afford to give them adequate
    care anymore. This is extremely
    sad, as with many older people,
    the only companion they have is
    their beloved pet.
    Makes us wonder when we're on
    limited income, what will happen
    to ours.

  3. i went to the humane society last week and saw her there! i was so sad because i didn't think anyone would adopt an 8 year old dog! she was shaking when i tried to pet her poor dear


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