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Monday, September 08, 2008

The Team For True Change

The education of a man is never completed until he dies.
Robert E. Lee

"Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15. --Ronald Reagan"


  1. "Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15."

    So the Republicans party with the day off while Democrats pay the bills? Sounds about right.

  2. If by "true change", you mean absolutely no change at all.

  3. When will her handlers allow Mrs. Palin to submit to interviews from hard new organizations (and I don't mean People Magazine)?

  4. You know what? I no longer care who wins the election. Anybody who ends up in the Oval Office has a huge mess to clean up, and ANYBODY who isn't George W. Bush is okay with me. Even if McCain drops dead in office, a hockey mom has GOT to be better than Bush! I don't know about anyone else, I am certainly not better off than I was before Bush got into office. The man who is not a "divider" but a "uniter" has split this nation in two. America is so sharply divided that I believe whoever wins, it will not be a landslide.

  5. Why don't we give the credit to the correct person about who started the "change" slogan this year? It was Newt with his book. Osama, I mean Oabma, stole it from him when he decided not to run. It seems really silly that this simple word gets so much attention. Every 4 years we get change. It doesn't matter what party wins, they each bring in a mostly new cabinet. They each have their own agenda for what they want to do. It's always different from the previous person. I would think that we could have something much better than just change! I think "dollars" would be better!

  6. Uh, usually the VP nominee is in the background and the Prez nominee in the foreground.

    Sez lots about the Republican support of McCain.

    The RNC new slogan:
    "John McCain: He's Palin' in Comparison, but He's All We Got."

  7. Why is Palin in the foreground? Pretty funny--all you McCain haters who are now going to vote for him because of his vp choice apparently are hoping he dies in office. Otherwise, it doesn't matter a hill of beans who the vp is--she own't be picking Supreme Ct judges (thank God). McCain has suckered all of you.

  8. Awesome quotes. Two of the greatest men that ever walked this earth.

  9. The hockey mom IS Bush...with lipstick. Even a former speech of Bush's thinks so. Rovey Baby is gonna sell the same folksy, mediocre, average student, let's have a beer together guy...only this one is in a skirt.

    Just once, don't vote on a served up dish of Karl Rove pie. The last eight years have SUCKED! McCain is no longer a maverick, having proved he will get Bush Girl as his running mate to suck up to you who hated him for being a maverick!

    Talk about an identity crisis!

    BTW, since Palin knows so much about foreign policy because "Alaska is next to Russia," line up and I'll do open heart surgery on you because I live next to a doctor.

    (Don't call me elitist, pleeeeease! He's still doing residency, so his house ain't big yet. So, I'll just do a single bypass on you because I won't be ready for quadruples until he gets a real practice.)


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