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Friday, September 26, 2008



I took more flak from people when I wrote about Socialism in Wicomico. You posted it on SBYnews and people thought I was extreme right. I backed up the commentary by accurate facts, employment numbers, and plant closures.

Now on virtually every single television and radio channel everyone is talking about how our government has turned into a Socialist government. It's all over the radio waves and television, in fact, one guy on Channel 29 - CNBC this morning thought we should rename our County The United Socialist States of America. or USSA. He said it on National Television.

People heard and read about the warning shots first on SBYnews many many months before it became palatable for the MSM networks to report.

I guess you could say SBYnews was way 'ahead of its time' in predicting this catastrophe.

Welcome to the new America folks."


  1. Great job, Joe! I always believe this country knew better than to allow the goverment to interfere with business. Our problems began when they took the man out of manufacturing and replaced it with
    fincialfacturing. We certainly should have learned a valuable lesson from Ireland and France, both took a downward spiral to socialism. Today they are turning things around going back towards capitalism and both have low corporate taxes and have created thousands of jobs. I work at a large firm and most believe the reason businesses left this country was for lower wages. I will tell you many also left because corporate taxes are out of sight. China was choking with enviromental issues and were offering companies tax free incentives if they would clean up the enviroment. Keep up the great work keeping us informed Joe!!!

  2. God bless America. I guess we can bless Joe too.

  3. I remember vividly reading about Socialism in Wicomico right here on this site.

    My ears perked up as I knew it was factually true. And now the chickens have come home to roost, literally.

    Instead of big government solving the problem, big government is the biggest problem.

  4. Since your so against socialism you will turn down your social security checks right?

  5. 6:02

    When they stop taking it out of my pay, I'll agree not to accept it.

    I will say, though, that Soc. Sec. is yet another example of a failed program implemented by Democrats. New Deal should have been called Shady Deal. Thanks FDR!


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