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Monday, September 15, 2008

Sandbagger AND Curb Painting

Not only did Louise Smith and the Mayor allow sand bagging to go on last weekend, recently, Louise Smith also have the curbs painted in her neighborhood and bragged about it.

They can't paint the curbs Downtown but they can keep the FOB's happy in their very own neighborhoods as well as neighborhoods the Mayor and her Husband are invested into.


  1. i'm almost as sick of seeing that red coat as I am at looking at her face.

  2. The stupids kep voting for these people.

  3. So the sandbager is now painting curbs where she lives. Must be nice to spend all our hard earned tax dollars on her frivilous crap!

    A. Goetz

  4. Doesn't this appear to be a conflict of interest. She is president of the city council, having city employees do work on a complex she is president of the association. Hmmmm what is that email address to the ethics commission again?

  5. She doesn't give a damn about ethics, her name is LouWEASAL.

  6. If YOU didn't know the MAYOR and the CITY COUNSEL "T-H-I-N-K" They are Above the Law, the do what they please and no one "N-E-V-E-R" questions them....!!! ???

  7. JR 6:38,

    Peek A Boo, we see you. You're such an Idiot.

  8. Louweasel also brags how she is president of Canal Woods. So is she using her position on council illegally? Anyone up for filing an ethics inquiry on her? I don't live in the city, so it wouldn't mean dit from me.


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