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Monday, September 15, 2008

Profiling Incident At Rite Aid This Afternoon


Not sure if you will or can post this on Salisbury news but I have been angry about this all evening and someone needs to know.

Here is a letter I sent in email format to the Board of Directors at Rite Aid this evening.

I feel compelled to write to you and not through Customer Service as I am so disturbed by an occurrence at my local Rite Aid this afternoon.

My son and three of his friends went to the store located on South Salisbury Boulevard in Salisbury Maryland early this afternoon to get a drink of water from the water fountain located near the rear of the store. They all entered the store and were immediately stopped by an employee who made them go back outside and only enter one at a time. These are young teens. They agreed and complied with this directive. As one of the young men was headed to the door to exit my son attempted to enter the store and was stopped by this employee who then called the store manager. That store manager was not kind in any way to these young men. He accused one of them of being a shoplifter in the past and when the young man defended himself by stating he had never been in that store before they were all asked to leave.

I will now tell you that all 4 of them are African American young men. When my son asked the manager “if we were all little girls would you have let us all in?” The manager’s reply was YES. When he asked “if we were all white would you have let us in”, he also replied yes. At that point he threatened to call the police. It was not worth the trouble so they turned and left.

I cannot, and will not tolerate this type of behavior by any store in my town and will let all who will listen to this story know just what kind of managers and employees you have in this store and ask that they not shop there. We have enough trouble teaching our children not to treat people differently because of race and assuming character without fairness.


Very Angry Parent"


  1. That's horrible. You should definitely file a complaint with Rite-Aid, as well as with the Better Business Bureau.

  2. I will cease to patronize this store.

  3. I'd want to know more details. I've seen some groups of thugs wandering the streets of Salisbury that I wouldn't want in my store either. I don't care what color you are, if you're dressed like a "gangsta" and in a group of other "gangstas", I don't want you near me or my family. This guy very well may be a racist and if that's the case, he's wrong. On the other hand, he may have been doing what he felt was protecting his store and the customers inside the best way he knew how.

  4. I am sorry that we still have this kind of profiling, these young children should not have to face employees like this I to will no long patronize this store

  5. If they had never been in the store before, how did they know the water fountain location? DO NOT FORGET this store is in a HIGH CRIME location.

  6. Being dressed like a bunch of hoods probably had more to do with this than their race.

  7. Is it just me or is this story a little far fetched? I'm sure an incident took place but the details as stated don't appear to be unbiased.
    Dear Angry Parent:
    Tell your son to quit wearing clothes that are 3x his size. He probably needs to hang out with better friends; you know that ones whose futures don’t involve jail. Tell him to walk straight and tuck in his shirt and quit wearing shirts that say "Gangsta" on it. And finally teach him to speak correctly; dis and dat are not words. If he looks a hoodlum it’s probably because he is.
    I promise you that if you follow these steps then your profiling incidents will cease to exist.

    To the rest of you bloggers who will jump to call me racist; you may start at any time.

  8. what part of this is profiling? they went into a store to get water from a fountain that is no doubt for patrons not freeloaders

  9. Let's blame George Bush this seems to be the correct answer for losers like this. Maybe you should tell your kids to practice what Bill Cosby preaches. Pull your pants up speak english and have respect.

  10. Move to Baltimore they will let your son and his friends in no problem because the managers are gangsta's too.

  11. 7:41 am Your right, If their going to dress like hoodlums, their gonna suffer the consequences!!! It has nothing to do with the store, and everything is not racially motivated! If you want respect , CLEAN UP YOUR ACT!!

  12. My son does now wear baggy clothes and does not speak gangsta! It was a hot day and they just wanted water. These were kids in shorts and t-shirts not thugs. I do approve of these friends as I have met them and they are ones you would be proud to have your children hang out with. He knows the difference. Someone said "freeloaders" - on a hot day they just wanted water. Do you think that was too much to ask?

  13. What a mess! Four teenage boys who want to enter a store so all can visit the water fountain at the back should be allowed to do so. When the manager said to come one at a time, the kids had to resent that so one started in before the previous one had gotten out which made the manager think they wouldn't follow his directions. I've seen how store personnel react when four teenage boys (these were white) come in the store, look at no merchandise, buy nothing and all head for the bathroom. Some kind of code message went out over the intercom, employees came from all over the store . . . it was like a terrorist was on the premises. I thought it was sexist, because four teen girls coming in would not have caused the panic. I just figured that most of the shoplifting at that store must have been done by teenage boys.

  14. It truly amazes me how harsh some of you are being. You didn't see these kids and what they were wearing. You immediately assume they looked like Gangstas. I can't wait till this happens to one of your own kids. Then we'll see how defensive you get.

    The way I saw it, three kids walked into a store at one time. Not three kids looking like gang members. Obviously the parent is a concerned parent and the first thing that came to my mind was the 1950's and 1960's with black and white photos of other kids and even adults being treated the same way.

    There are always two sides to a story but this is very sad, so far.

  15. here we go!!! another race issue. It's all the governments fault. Like Katrina, OJ, Rodney King etc. You say you want to move on but you never will because the race card is to easy to use. This nation will never move on because of people like you.

  16. Kudos to Rite Aid. It's a nice store (just began shopping there when they closed the other one), so let's keep it that way.

  17. Joe:

    It's not a public fountain. If you're not there for some other reason don't "drop in" to use it. This post is pure BS.

    Would you let anyone use the facilities in your offices on the downtown plaza?

  18. Joe, the Son and three friends make four kids.

  19. My Office is not a Retail Store. That being said, I have allowed peoploe to come in and use my facilities. I have given food to some that seemes to obviously need it and as I have said from day one, my front door is open to anyone who wants to walk in.

  20. A drug store is NOT a public place, rather it is a private enterprise owned by a privately held company. It is really no different than your own home when it comes to who is allowed to enter.
    Big difference is by not making certain groups feel unwelcome, the number of those who patronize the establishment may decrease.
    Vote with your dollars. If you don't like the way a business provides service, don't shop there.
    I would, however, very much like to see the store video of the incident. Something is very odd about the missing details.

  21. "You immediately assume they looked like Gangstas."

    And the babymomma assumed that the one guy in this story with a job is a racist

  22. Write to Rite Aid Corp-they are based in Camp Hill,PA

  23. its been a wile but i knew youall where still out there

  24. ill patronize this store even more now, knowing they keep thugs out... GREAT JOB SALISBURY!

  25. do they have any signage posted that states the policy of only allowing a certain number of unaccompanied minors at a time? I have seen these at convenience stores, and think they make sense. In this case, When confronted by store management, they openly stated that they were not there to buy anything. At that point, they were at the businesses mercy as to whether or not they could stay.

  26. I have a different story, that makes me just a sick. I was in Walgreen's on Saturday and had a great experience with one of the managers. Long story short, he provided excellent service, and I will be going back more often because of it. What made me sick then, you ask? As I was walking away, A black customer approached the manager I had just been dealing with (who happened to be black as well) and commented "I'm glad to see that they got a black manager back in here." Whatever happened to judging people based on content of their character, not their skins? I find it despicable that anyone looks at color as an asset or flaw. That woman was just as guilty of Racism as the manager who didn't allow all of those kids in at once. The man that helped me got his job because he is excellent at what he does, not because Walgreen's needed to get a "black manager back in there"

  27. my name aint JR and im not sure who you are talking about... im a guy who doesnt like where salisbury is going, and i personally see the natives being a full cause of that. sorry. its true.

  28. First of all I can't help but feel like there is more to this than meets the eye.

    Joe, if you elect to let kids in to get a drink on a warm day - that's cool. It's your office and you make that choise. BUT it's your choice to make. There are many, many stores around that have a sign that says "no more than two children permitted in the store at a time unless accompanied by an adult", or something along those lines. Shoplifting is such a huge problem that measures such as these become necessary.

    You know.......none of what this parent wrote seemed to be a problem - until the author indicated that the kids were black. As soon as that was mentioned I thought "OK now the sh*t's gonna hit the fan". If they were white kids there wouldn't be half the people that disagree with the actions of the manager.

  29. hey, were they showing their good manners? Were they respectful?
    Were they disruptive?
    Are they too young to be race baiting?

  30. You are all overreacting. I'm a white 27 year old male and this one at a time thing has been going on for awhile. 15 years ago my friends (all white) were made to do the same thing. Not a black thing at all.

  31. not all of us our criminals but we sure gets looked at like we jus stole something. most of the young fellas are jus frontin. fall back a little bit

  32. I'm sorry but did any of you miss this exchange?

    "When my son asked the manager “if we were all little girls would you have let us all in?” The manager’s reply was YES. When he asked “if we were all white would you have let us in”, he also replied yes."

    Seems the underlying reason they were treated so badly was the color of thier skin and the fact that they were male.

  33. "not all of us our criminals"

    Not all, but more than any other group.

  34. I used to work at that store for 2 years when it was Eckerd, I can tell you from my experience, I had to run out after "young african american" boy and girl shoflifters who stole from the store. But I also had to fun after the "caucasions" too- It doesn't matter the look of the person's skin or face; I was in retail for 5 years prior to my change in career- and I can tell you black, white, green, or purple, I can still tell a shoplifter when I see one. I am not saying that is what happened at the Rite Aid but there has got to be more to the story. I believe there was something these boys forgot to tell. And not to make this right or wrong, but this happens everywhere, but you hear it more common with "white" people stopping "black", but I guess if this was a group a "white" boys who walked into a predominately "black" area store we may not have heard anything about it.

  35. nate said...

    not all of us our criminals but we sure gets looked at like we jus stole something. most of the young fellas are jus frontin. fall back a little bit

    10:45 AM

    not all of YOU are good speelers either :)

  36. When he asked “if we were all white would you have let us in”, he also replied yes.

    I find this hard to believe, and guarantee the boys were lying about this.

  37. My brother is a manager of a shore stop and any kids that come in without parents they try to watch carefully. A lot of the stores are having problems with theft and are blamed for kids shoplifting. This comes out of their paychecks. Some stores now have signs that say if you are under 16 you are not allowed in the store without a parent or guardian. I don't blame them. It's the only way they are allowed to curb some of the theft. If the store doesn't public facilities to use, they should have that posted. Otherwise, they are saying they don't mind.

  38. I was recently in another Rite Aid store (in a largely black populated area) that had a group of young black men enter all at once. Once in the store, they split up. I will also say that the cashier at the store (also a black woman) made the comment to her boss & co-worker to watch the group. Is it considered profiling when a black person is doing it to another black person? I don't know the outcome of the situation, because we left after we paid of our items, but certainly they made me feel as if they were up to no good, and I was glad that the employees had an eye out.

  39. jus one day i wish al you racist spoon fed punks could feel what we feel. i might not be able to spell pain but i feel it

  40. just another case of normals acting like normals

  41. let's ask rite aid for a photo of the group... you know that they were on camera.....

  42. Nate if you quit crying and got a job, so you wouldn't feel the need to steal, the pain may not be so bad.

  43. As a parent, I know that children will more often than not, tell their parents the story from a view that will put the parent quickly to their side. This was just in case they did something wrong and the next knock at the door was the police. I'm not saying that this is what happened, I'm trying to let everyone know that kids stretch the truth.
    Now, the parent who wrote this needs to understand, if he reacts this way everytime his child comes to him with a story, he will do this more often. Kids look for certain responses in us.
    If I was the parent, and my child came to me with this story, the first thing I would do is to tell myself that this is just one side of the story. I would definitely not let him see me get upset because of race. This is a learned response that has to end.
    Next, I would go to the store with just my son, and have a conversation with the manager about what happened. If the child doesn't want to go, he was lying.
    After the conversation with the manager, I would then take a course of action that would be prgressive for all. If, after the meeting, I decided that the manager was wrong, I would write the corporation. If my child was wrong, I would dicipline him.

    Right now, we have people giving opinions on something that is nothing more than hearsay. This company, store and manager are being judged by one childs story. This can be very harmful if not substantiated. On the other hand, if this is true, the best way to handle this is to teach the child to make sure he always uses his manners, to always respect authority, and the best way to deal with something like this is to return home, without confrontation (Would you be saying this if we were girls?" and return with your parent.

  44. See if the store had been named wite-aid the kids would have known to stay out. you want water try buying it in a bottle, or do they only buy thunderbird or a 40 of malt and smoke their newports

  45. First of all...I'm WHITE. Second of all, I see just as many white kids wandering around with the ball caps turned around backwards, straight brim, baggy pants doin the gangsta wannabe schtick. I don't care if the kids are white or black, if they don't have any business to do in that store, than stay the hell out. You want a drink of water, get it at home. If they're too far away from home, obviously they were out wandering the streets.

  46. Joe, you look at the replies to this and say its sad the way these kids were treated, but you immediately dismiss the fact that those posts were probably right. I mean seriously, open your eyes and look around downtown Salisbury..watch the local news, see who is getting arrested, its not racism see the truth, even when its not politically correct. In all likelyhood, these "kids" had their pants around their knees and looked like the last 10 "kids" who had shoplifted from that store. So you're gonna blame a store for responding to the fact that young black kids dressed like "gangstas" steal all the time so they make a poilcy to deal with it? Who should we be blaming? The reason stereotypes exist is because all too often people live up to them.

  47. If the incident happened just as posted, of course it was bad, but does ANYONE believe the manager stood there and had a conversation where he told black kids that if they were white there wouldn't have been a problem? What a JOKE! Only a mom or dad would believe that:)
    That sounds like something my kid would make up to get me on her side. It would probably work on me, too. I would be pissed & ready to fight, only to find out that my little darling had misrepresented the facts and manipulated daddy:(
    Lets not lynch a store manager based on a wildly unbelievable account of events!

  48. Seriously! Everyone, please raise your hand if you "never ever" swipped, stole, kyped, shoplifted a single thing when you were a kid...Not even a choclate kiss or a grape?????? Or maybe your best friend's girl? lol A classmates pencil? you get the drift...

    Comeon, the story is bogus to me but i am not the father either so I sympathize with him. But I worked in retail and handled secutity training for the employees as well, and any time a "Group"...ie, (3, or more young adults) enter a store (without parental guidance) everyone is to go on immeadiate alert.

    As someone stated earlier, once you have been in retail you know the signs as soon as they enter the store if they are a "potential" threat or not.

    Also just for the record many years ago I was physically attacted by a shoplifter whom saw me calling security. Then my life was threathened for turning them in as the security was handcuffing them and taking them away.

    IMO, when a retailer does this it has zero to do with race, and EVERYTHING to do with age and number of kids entering. I was'nt there but if I felt my kid was treated unfairly (for any reason) I would go into the store with my child and see the manager.

    I hope this issue can be resolved without "either" party bringing the race into it. Good luck

  49. Dear Angry Parent...

    ....how angry can you POSSIBLY be if you are posting Anonymous?

  50. I think if they honestly just wanted a drink of water, coming in one at a time and getting a drink from the fountain would have been fine with them. When the mom wrote that one tried to go in before the previous one had come out, that tells us that getting water was not the objective. What is so hard about one at a time that they couldn't do it?

  51. Wow, I guess those with the "gangsta and thug" comments must all be time travelers and able to see exactly what these teens were wearing. So in other worlds if they don't walk, talk and look like you.... BE SCARED?? Ridiculous, so your just as ignorant as this genius at the the Rite Aid.

  52. we dont have to see... we know... the freakin stats prove us all right... why do you people continue to think that acting this way will be tolerated?

  53. Wow...Judging by some of the comments being made,theres still ALOT of people who are closeted racists.Chill out people,someday one of those "natives" as you call them may save your life.
    Now,that being said-I have to also add that it is NOT unheard of for stores to limit the number of minors coming in at a time,for obvious reasons.Kids do steal,and they cause disturbances if theres a crowd.Not all kids,but enough that its an issue for storekeepers.
    A local grocery store I patronize had to ban STROLLERS of all things,because people were actually using their kids to steal,by putting items in and around the kid in the stroller.
    And we have to remember that any business has the right to refuse service to ANYONE for any reason.At my PT job,we actually have a list of people who are NOT allowed in our store,because they are known thieves and have "gotten"us.We just couldnt prove it and have them prosecuted at the time,but we damn sure don't have to serve them.Concerned about liability,my boss contacted the local police and they confirmed that we can ban anyone we want to from the premises.

  54. That's terrible. I will take my business elsewhere. This is coming from a parent of a black teenager who doesn't wear baggy clothes!!!


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