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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Oh My God, Beautiful Women Don't Belong In Politics!

Just because McCain chose a beautiful woman who has easily proven to be capable of handling big government, (just as all of the above women have proven in the past) Joe Albero must be a sexist for showing photos of a beautiful woman?

I mean, HOW DARE HE! Get your heads out of your butts people! So we have Sarah Palin who is a beautiful woman running for Vice President. Get used to the pictures Folks. I think the complete Idiots out there are the ones who think that just because a picture goes up of a beautiful woman, all men are pigs for believing that pictures is proof of their beauty and has nothing to do with their smarts.

IMHO, I actually believe there are a lot of very jealous and insecure women out there who aren't as fortunate to have the looks of these women and that bothers them. Personally, I am very blessed to have a partner who is absolutely beautiful but let me assure you, (as many of you know) she's far more beautiful inside than what you see on the outside.

Don't think for a second I don't believe that Palin is just as smart and just as wonderful a person. She would not be where she is today for any other reason. She is proven and I think that too burns a lot of people, especially Democrats.

So if you couldn't see the humor in the Post I put up earlier, that's your problem. If you can't accept that beautiful women are intelligent and can carry their own, that's yet another problem you'll have to learn to live with because McCain is going to win and become the next President of the United States, mark my word.

From Princess Grace to Princess Di, to Jackie Onasis to Princess Lalla, they must have been pawns simply placed into their roles for their looks? NOT!


  1. Joe I see all the humor in what you post. My 2 cents is that many of the women you talk about were not necessarily "women in politics". Princess Di, Princess Grace etc were all bascially figuregeads of so called kings or princes. Not necessarily in politics. Jackie O is a bit different. More celebrities then politicians, and thats society's fault and nobody else's.

  2. I sure hope this is a joke. Are you SERIOUSLY trying to tie Palin to Princess Di? You have GOT to be kidding.

  3. Don't you guys think Joe knows the difference between the concept of a woman as an elected official, and a woman being the spouse of a monarch or president....what's wrong with a little satire, as long as we keep the basic fact straight: MCain/Palin, good for patriotic Americans; abomination of the Obmanation, BAD!

  4. Who cares if she is pretty? She is an agent of Change however: A woman's right to decide what to do with her own body? That will CHANGE if Palin gets her way. the simple, honest, sensible fact that we do not teach "creationsim" in public school? That will CHANGE if Palin gets her way. A nominee for Vice President (and someone who could very well be President in 4 1/2 months actually taking interviews and explaining her views and ideas to the media and the public? This CHANGE is already taking place.

    She is more right-wing than Dick Cheney. She called Hillary a "whiner" for claimng sexism on the trail, but wraps herslf in that term as whe sees fit to aviod answering questions or explaining anything that is going on in her head. She says her family is off-limits and not a part of her campaign, but tells everyone she can see at every moment how her son is going to Iraq, and makes appearances on the campaign trail with her daughter.

    Weh have every right to hold her to the same standard we hold everyone who ahs ever run for this office, and we have every right to demand her answers to questions on our terms, not hers. She is imterviewing to be OUR employee. to not hold her to the fire is Constitutionally criminal on our part, and a deriliction of our civic duty.

    Everyone (whatever side of the aisle you are on) needs to be hopping mad at her until she starts asking for our attention and vote, and not demanding (or expecting) it.

  5. Joe, I think what is sexist about your attitude is not just posting pics about Palin's looks when you should be discussing her policies, I think the comment that only unattractive, insecure women are bothered by it/by her.

    The latter bothers me more. I'm a guy, and I have a beautiful wife. Palin is accomplished. We both grant her that. But I don't care how she looks or how fast she rose to stardom and celebrityhood. Her policies are scary, her lack of awareness about the world around her, even more so.

    The fact that people keep focusing on her looks -- people who support her -- and jeering anyone opposed to her policies as some "unattractive, insecure female" really is sexist, whether you want to admit is or not.

    This is a job for Palin. If my wife got this kind of "support" from her boss, he'd be in court.

    Humor is different strokes for different folks, but stop with "only ugly, insecure women" find it offensive. That, more than the pics, is sexist.

    Before you and your friends say I'm pussy-whipped, I honestly feel this way. My sister was injured and is no longer the beauty she once was. You should see the shitty way people react to her as compared with before.

    Thanks for considering a different view.

    Luckiest Man on Earth

  6. From the Wall Street Journal:

    "The biggest project that Sarah Palin undertook as mayor of this small town was an indoor sports complex, where locals played hockey, soccer, and basketball, especially during the long, dark Alaskan winters.

    The only catch was that the city began building roads and installing utilities for the project before it had unchallenged title to the land. The misstep led to years of litigation and at least $1.3 million in extra costs for a small municipality with a small budget. What was to be Ms. Palin's legacy has turned into a financial mess that continues to plague Wasilla.

    "It's too bad that the city of Wasilla didn't do their homework and secure the land before they began construction," said Kathy Wells, a longtime activist here. "She was not your ceremonial mayor; she was in charge of running the city. So it was her job to make sure things were done correctly."

    Barrie Tilghman in a beauty queen/hockey mom package. Do your homework.

  7. "All I can say about the sports complex is that it was done on time and under budget," said Donald Moore, a Palin ally who managed the construction.

    "On time and under budget"? Sounds like your $10 million fire palace.

  8. Sir:

    This stuff isn't helping, and probably hurts, the McCain-Palin ticket.

  9. And your beautiful wife selected YOU ???? Gotta be something wrong with her. LOLfwfjt


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