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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My View

I have a strong feeling this Post will be long but I'll do my best not to be as verbose as Michael.

Let's talk about this 700 Billion Dollar Bailout YOU and I are paying for. For years I have been preaching about this economy, or should I say, FALSE economy. Years ago it was the dot com companies screwing Americans in the Stock Market, barely being regulated by the Federal Government. I said it years ago back in the Clinton days, Clinton spent billions upon billions of our money into the Stock Market, creating this false hope that everything referencing the Computer Industry was a win/win for any investor. Yeah, there were some risks but while our own Government was buying into the marketplace, our Government knew we'd take the bait and try to ride the wave of making millions.

However, when the Government had made enough, they bailed out and the next thing we knew the market was crashing. The saddest part was, we had Aunt's, Uncle's, Grandparents and so forth invested in 401K's also riding the wave of good hope and when it crashed they lost almost everything, as did standard investors.

Then came the Real Estate BS Market. Homes that were $140,000.00 homes are now on the market for $350,000.00 to $400,000.00. WHY? Because interest rates dropped so low, everyone could afford it. Another false hope presented to you by our Federal Government. As we hear and see neighbors, friends and families losing their dreams to foreclosure, we blame the economy.

Auto Manufacturers came out with 0% interest rates on vehicles and our very own Government gave us incentives to purchase BIG trucks and SUV's and the entire Country went out and bought bigger and better. Now let me ask you who YOU think knew the cost of fuel was going to rise as much as it has before YOU knew about it?

I could go on and on about what "I" saw and I will say that I shared this with many close friends over the past 10 years now, (perhaps longer) but what really gets me, (and I believe it should outrage you) is how our very own Government thinks that they can just step up to the plate ands say, we need to save all those SOB's that screwed everyone for all those years by coming through with a 700 Billion Dollar Bailout!

Was OUR Government there for all of YOU when you were losing your home to foreclosure? Are they there for you when you go to the pumps and fill up that SUV you can't get rid of? When, on God's Green Earth are Americans going to finally say, enough is enough?

I for one have paid out millions upon millions of dollars in taxes over the time I have been "qualified" to do so. I took risks and I saw this tidal wave coming and I secured my investments, I was lucky. Others took major risks like Warfield & Glick in the hopes of walking away with mega millions. Could I have gotten on board with the pie in the sky deals over the past 10 years? Absolutely. However, I was too smart to fall for that BS and the old simple phrase, "it's too good to be true" would always come to mind and I stayed away from it.

However, how secure am I? You know, I just don't know the answer to that question. You see, I believe that they sucked most people into the Stock Market and then they let the bottom drop out. Then came the Real Estate Market and vehicles and most Americans fell for it again and our Government knew we were getting close to spending almost everything we had, so what's left? Well, if you follow history and the great depression, we're there Folks. They have stripped most Americans of everything we had left and now they're tapping into us with a 700 Billion Dollar Credit Card.

Foreign Companies are buying up failing American Companies and just like the City of Salisbury, we have Politicians running this Country that have no clue how to run a business. We have Idiots like like Chief See wanting to purchase a $800,000.00 Fire Boat, yet we're so screwed even locally it doesn't matter.

Folks, we need 100+ Andy Harris' in Congress because this has to stop. Are you that stupid that you'll vote for a guy like Kratovil when he has NO EXPERIENCE? The time is now to appreciate the fact that a man like Andy Harris is WILLING to run for Congress to represent all of US. Will you vote for a guy like Comegys and know we're going to simply have the same old crap we've been dealing with in years past?

Like this Blog or not, it's a voice for the people and even the local Government, Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Police Chief Webster have done everything they can do to shut down the voice of the people. Think about this. If my pockets weren't as deep as they are, they would have won. If YOU weren't visiting here every day and voicing your opinion to our Posts, they would have won.

It's time to stand up for everything you've worked for and believed in within the Unites States of America. From local Government to National, Enough is Enough! I personally do not believe in bailing out the same companies that screwed this economy to start with. Let the chips fall where they may and lets hit rock bottom, (if we must) and lets rebuild America. However, this time, let's do so using our heads. I didn't want this Post to be about Harris & Kratovil but come on Folks, what are you thinking? Are you really going to vote for a man, (Kratovil) with NO EXPERIENCE and NO HISTORY? It's elections just like this one that will change the scope of America. Andy Harris is our answer to a better economy and growth.

The $700 Billion Bailout is a complete crock of sh!t and it must be stopped. I'll close with this. Almost every one of you can remember what it's like to go to a closing for a mortgage on a home. The process takes months and they dig into everything you've ever done in your past. Our Government wants to pull $700 Billion out of a hat and simply tell us this is what they need, without time to research the fine details, yet we're squirming left and right just to get a mortgage on a home?

I for one have had enough and this is where I am heard. Now it's your turn.


  1. Here Here!!

    If we don't let the chips fall where they may, it will be yet another artificial prop, that mean nothing except for enslaving us further.
    We must right to our Congressmen and Senators TODAY and tell them NO, DONT GIVE THESE BASTARDS A DIME!
    This money will also be given to them with the CEO's walking away with multimillion $$ bonus's! WTF!!!
    We don't need government owned banks and we don't need to bail there asses out.
    Call today! Write Today! If you Don't you will be very very sorry that you didn't do what you could to change this, as life as you know it will never be the same.

  2. Maybe is is what happen at the right time to bring the republicans and the democrats together. Have you watched the news the past couple of days. Both parties are working together and that is what we need. I say no to the bailouts!!!! The CEO's were responsible for their companies. If my company closes, I leave with nothing and so should they.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more, Joe. I just posted a few days ago about the US bailing out AIG. It's disgusting!

    As friends and neighbors were losing their homes, AIG picks up the phone and says they're in trouble...what kind of horseshit is that?

    What kind of example does this show our children when they're listening to the news? what do you tell your child when they ask why?...it's okay for large million-dollar businesses to get help, but mom and dad are hoping that the family car doesn't break down or anyone gets sick and misses a day of work in order to pay the mortage that's already a month behind.

    Joe, you know I'm in the middle of building a home. It took over a year to get the credit reports straight that the credit reporting agencies couldn't get right. Then, after getting approved for the mortgage, it seems like every week there's another hold-up or another hoop to jump through just to get to closing to get the draws to build. If I didn't have children that need this home with the extra space, I wouldn't be going into debt now. Between my spouse and me, we owed $7000. That's it. With the economy the way it is at this moment, it's very scary to sign your name to a mortgage that your hoping and praying you will be able to pay every month for the next 30 years.

    Wake up America! Read your history books! We are headed for the biggest low in history! Our political parties would rather foreigners come to America and buy our businesses rather than face the truth of our economic downfalls. Wake up!!!

  4. I'm a left-leaning democrat so I'm going to differ with you on where I place blame, but I agree that this bailout is bad news and shouldn't be allowed to happen.

    I understand that the consequences to our economy could be severe, but in this case I'm (almost) willing to cut off my nose to spite my face. These companies made bad deals and they should be forced to live with the consequences. If they go out of business as a result--so be it.

  5. You mean, trickle-down economics did not work? De-regulation turned out to be a bad thing? Government oversight is sometimes necessary?

    Wow. Would would have thought that?

  6. Been through the last one , can't handle another one.

  7. The bailout is indeed quite scary and the language in the bill which would give Paulson complete authority without oversight seems almost unconstitutional. As far as Joe trying to blame this on Clinton... get real. It was in 1999 when Phil Gramm authored the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act which deregulated the mortagage industry. There was a majority senate and house vote which made the bill veto-proof. By the way, that Phil Gramm has also written McCain's economic policy and per Johnny may be his secretary of the treasury. But that is besides the point. The real question is what are the other options. Bailout or financial failures... which is worse?

  8. We really are in a mess, but I don't see how people are ignoring the economic philosophies that are behind this! It is the failure of trickle down economics (which George H.W Bush famously called "voo-doo economics") and de-regulation, which has been McCain's mantra for his entire political career! I don't know enough yet about Harris and Kratovil's positions on this, but it is pretty clear that if you don't like the current situation, you really need to stop and think before you vote for McCain. Seriously, it merits everyone's attention and we all need to go back and check out the candidates' economic platforms. Until this last week, McCain was still calling for even more de-regulation. He is not the guy to get us out of this mess. I don't kow if Obama can either, but at least he will be willing to try new ideas. Thanks Joe for allowing this forum to discuss our views!

  9. "We are headed for the biggest low in history!"

    We already ARE at the biggest financial low in our nations history.

    That being said, get out of the Stock Market in any way, shape or form, if you're in it. You've been warned.

    Our Government wants to suck ALL Americans out of every single penny they have before they claim a depression, we're in that bad a shape. If they suck you dry, everyone is in the same boat and guess what, everyone will be pissed off at the left over rich people.

    Get out of your credit card debt NOW! If you can afford the loss, sell that SUV & Truck NOW!

    I know some will say, "The Sky Is Falling" guess what, the sky IS falling!

    Quit being a puppet and do something about it NOW. If you don't want to listen, that's cool. Just don't ever say you weren't warned. If my message to you is a new one, you haven't been following this Blog long enough because I have been saying this for years.

    STOP Barrie Tilghman from spending another penny! STOP the Fire Department Leadewrs from sucking the City dry for anything more. Put a FREEZE on hiring and spending and DEAL withy reality.

    Some great points were made last night about the City re issuing a bid for paving because costs went up. Well, what about whenh costs go down? Are these same contractors giving the City back money when the costs go down? NO! So stop bailing them out. Comegys and the Mayor made nothing but excuses last night because one of them filed Bankruptcy when times weren't tight and the other should be home making samiches and trying on new bras.

    The time is NOW and it's up to YOU. Do something or simply watch this Country fall apart right in front of your eyes.

    Oh, know this, we're already in for a serious hurting, you just don't know it yet. However, IF we fall for this 700 Billion Bailout, OMG, we're so screwed it isn't funny. BUSH has done this Country enough damage and Congress was right there with him doing it. Greedy Bastards!

  10. Haddad:

    WTF are you talking about? Clinton was head over heels wanting to invest into the Stock Market and they did just that. When they created a MONSTER, they rode the false federal government wave that they created and then dropped outu. ALL Americans were scammed and barely ANY of the Dot Com Companies were regulated and or punished for their financial scams.

    Go back to Y2K, remember that? It was all bullshit! I knew it was bullshit from day one. Who came up with that scam? Funny, our very own Federal Government allowed whomever created such a multi billion dollar scam to walk away from it and guess what, another Industry was created. No accountability.

    Clinton was involved in every ounce of it and is recognized for his economic success as President, yet it was all a lie. No, I'll better that, it was all a scam!

  11. Joe-

    I'll man up and admit that there are plenty of democrats who abandoned the principles of their party, and deserve to have a few fingers pointed their way. But the economic policies that got us into this mess are the principles of the republican party. How can you deny this and keep a straight face? It's unbelievable.

  12. Let's see how many things we can thank Bushie for....

    The current financial crisis
    The recession we are in
    The mortgage debacle
    The war in Iraq
    Almost 5,000 dead in Iraq and tens of thousands wounded
    Trillions of dollars in debt

    Wish I could vote for him again.

  13. anonymous 2:20,

    Tell me this story in a year or two when you're in the streets with your family looking for a place to live.

    Get this. It's NOT about Republicans and Democrats. It's about the people we elected and how blind Americans are today. We're too busy working multiple jobs to keep our heads above water and we're drowning. The bottom line is, do YOU really want a guy like Kratovil voted into Congress when you already have a guy like Harris with EXPERIENCE sitting there in the waiting?

    Use your head and get it out of your a$$. If you want to speak about nothing but parety lines, you're in the wrong place, with me anyway.

    If Andy was a democrat I'd still be voting for him if I lived in Maryland. A vote for Kratovil is about as stupid as putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger. Oh, and if you're a party line kind of guy, you'll shoot everyone first before you take your own life.

  14. Now for you, you Idiot. You want to blame Bush? Did you read the Post and did you see how Clinton screwed everyone? I'm not at all saying Bush doesn't deserve bashing, he's about the biggest Idiot I've ever seen. However, the blame for this failed economy is Clinton, period.

  15. Maybe I shouldn't have said Idiot, sorry. I get frustrated when people point fingers and have no clue.

  16. Joe-

    Oh, that's right, you don't even live in Maryland. Thanks for reminding us.

    BTW- I've never been rude to you on this forum, and I'd appreciate some reciprocation on your part.

    I'm sorry if I was mistaken in thinking that your blog is totally partisan. I guess it's not.

  17. Let's try to keep this in mind. You, or perhaps someone else who remains anonymous, tried to blame Bush for the bad economy. Granted, Bush helped screw us up but let's not be blind to what Clinton did, as stated in the Post.

    The idea here is to hopefully get together as Americans and fix perhaps the biggest financial situation the world has ever seen in modern times.

    Yeah, some will try to state I'm wrong, that's cool. However, there's no question we're in a very serious situation here and IF we allow this $700 Billion Bailout trust me on this opne, we're screwed as a Country and we're screwed on security.

    This is not a joke and for crying out loud, NOW is the time to speak up people. When I run into Democrats that support Kratovil I simply look at them and think, what an Idiot. He's a guy looking for a date and will say anything to get her to say yes.

    If you want to play a roll in supporting a guy who is absolutely clueless with no experience, go for it. I live in Delaware. You know, the place Joe, (I'm an Idiot) Biden comes from. Oh, if Joe was a republican I'd still be saying that too.

    Now, that being said, tell me why you want to support and vote for Kratovil over Harris?

  18. Where does Harris stand on the bail out?

  19. I will not speak for Andy on this issue. I would invite him to step forward and tell us himself.

    Look, who knows, maybe I won't be happy with his answer either, I don't know. However, you know how "I" feel about it anyway.

    Let me try to contact him and see if he'll respond.

  20. My bad. "CFG" does not support the bailout. Good for them.

  21. RE: Frank Kratovil has NO EXPERIENCE and NO HISTORY.

    Aside from the fact that being a State's Attorney is relevant experience (front lines against illegal immigration much), I thought I'd provide a quick run down on the occupations of the current 110th Congress to give a better perspective on the greatness that is the melting pot of our legislature.

    Out of 539 members:
    - 272 are former state legislators like Andy Harris

    - 212 list their occupation as law, like Frank Kratovil

    - 13 medical doctors (including a psychiatrist), two dentists, three nurses, two veterinarians, one psychologist, an optometrist, and one pharmacist;

    - six ministers;

    - 37 mayors, nine state governors, nine lieutenant governors (including two Delegates), two state first ladies (one of whom was also the first lady of the United States), and one territorial first lady;

    - three former Cabinet secretaries, two former Secretaries of the Navy, a vice admiral in the Navy, a former Deputy Administrator in the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, a former Defense Department counter terrorism consultant, a former ambassador, three state supreme court justices, and a federal judge;

    - at least 109 former congressional staffers (including 10 congressional pages), 16 White House former staffers or fellows, several former executive branch employees, and a former parliamentary aide in the British House of Commons;

    - four sheriffs, a deputy sheriff, four police officers (including a Capitol policeman), two state troopers, two probation officers, a volunteer fireman, an FBI agent, and a former border patrol chief;

    - three chemists, three physicists, a biomedical engineer, and a microbiologist;

    - six Peace Corps volunteers;

    - two radio talk show hosts, a radio broadcaster, a radio newscaster, a television talk show host, and a television commentator;

    - five accountants;

    - a corporate pilot, and an astronaut;

    - three professional musicians, a semi-professional musician, a screenwriter, a documentary film maker, a major league baseball player, a major league football player; and

    - three carpenters, two vintners, two bank tellers, a furniture salesman, an organic farmer, a ski instructor, an ironworker, an auto worker, a clothing factory worker, a mortician, a waitress, a teamster member/dairy worker, a paper mill worker, a cement plant worker, a meat cutter, a cannery worker, a shellfish specialist, a river boat captain, a taxicab driver, an auctioneer, a toll booth collector, a hotel clerk, a hotel bellhop, and a fruit orchard worker.

    Needless to say, you don't have to be a former State Senator to be considered qualified for Congress. Let's focus on the issues, and not occupations.

  22. That's my whole point, or DON'T you get it?

    Andy is an EXPERIENCED Senator with years of understand what's right and or wrong.

    Kratovil would be walking in BLIND. The idea of this Post was to share with you that Americans need to be smarter at who they vote for and elect someone with experience.

    If you're that stupid to simply vote for Kratovil because he's a nice guy, well, welcome to Congress. Sometimes I wonder about you people, seriously. I know, hire another lawyer and make him/her another politician. Dee, Dee, Deeee! How's it working for you?

  23. Let's take a look back into history. Remember when the S&Ls were going under and we bailed them out? People went to prison and there was accountability for the head honchoes.

    Remember when everything was getting deregulated? Cable, phone, electricity, and so on. Prices were suppose to drop because of the fair competition. What a bunch of do-do! Prices we pay for utilities are thru the roof. Business that is not regulated and held accountable may look good for investors, but it cripples everday people who work hard just to get by.

    You've already told the dot com story. And Enron? There were a couple of token sacrifices, but many more in the government were involved and nothing happened to them.

    Who thinks Walmart is good for the economy? Look at all the small businesses that get squeezed out. I'm not just talking about direct competition, but also shipping companies that need to lower prices just to get work to stay alaive by the skin of their teeth. And that's if they are lucky.

    Now let me walk you threw the current oil crisis. Anyone who thinks that Bush and the Saudi kings aren't best buds is wearing blinders and glasses so dark, you could weld with them on.

    The oil problem arose because the war didn't end when it was suppose to. This was suppose to be over years ago. The war costs billions that has to be paid for somehow. This somehow is to raise more capital. To raise capital you have to do one of two things, raise the tax rate (% at which things are taxed) or raise the cost of goods. This is called inflation. Since most in congress want you to be on their side, they try and tell you that they would never raise taxes. That means the costs of everything must go up. What industry can effect everything in this manner? OIL!

    Oil is in everything we use. If the cost of oil goes up, so does Fuel. Fuel comes from oil. If fuel goes up, then it costs more to transport goods. If it costs more to transport goods, that means the price of those goods goes up. Who pays the higher price for those goods? The consumer!

    If the cost of good is higher, the net return for the government is more money to pay for the war. We are paying for yesterdays costs with todays tax money.

    Here's a questions I'd like to know. What does our military pay for a gallon of gas overseas? I'll bet it's less than ours.

    What could be done to change this? Spread the cost of the war to more countries. Since evrybody feeds off of our economy, let's spread the burden. Since this hasn't happen, we foot the whole bill and we, taxpayers suffer.

    Do you think Russia is going to help? We alrady give them billions. China? Billions. It just doesn't make common sense.

    If we owned a business and ran it like the government runs theirs, we would all be in jail. So why aren't our leaders? I'm not talking about Bush, Clinton, or whatever face they put out their to be the spokes person. I mean the ones that sleep together, hide in the shadows, made hidden deals and prey on the taxpayer.

    Joe is absolutley right for sounding this alarm. We need to consider who we choose to represent us. Stop voting just to "win". Start voting for people with real experience. And if they have experience, see if they did a good job. If they have experience and dd a good job, look and see who they "hang" with. We are who we surround ourselves with.

    Obama has no expreience. He hasn't done a good job anywhere. He doesn't have good honest people around him. Three strikes, you're out.

    Andy Harris is experienced. He has done a good job. He surrounds himself with good people.

    Sarah Palin is experienced. She has done a good job. She surrounds herself with good people.

    John McCain has shown for many years his love for this country. He has worked hard, not just for the party, but for whoever he thought was going to do the right thing. He has values and stands firm on them.

    The people that really run this country are in Congress. Vote them all out! I don't care about what party they are from. I want people from all parties, not just the two major ones, but all parties to let the cream rise to the top. Vote for McCain/Palin, vote for Andy Harris. Don't let happen what this congress has let happen today.

    No More Bailouts!
    No Free Rides!
    No More Career Senators!
    No More Smoke and Mirrors!
    Do what is right. Let the chips fall where they may. We will survive. Take back our country, with the principles and ideals that started this great nation.

  24. Joe -

    Justice is blind, lawyers are not. They are the only profession to receive graduate level education on the creation, interpretation, and enforcement of the laws passed by Congress. It's just a difference of opinion: you think a prosecutor of 13 years is not qualified because he has no legislative experience; I do, and apparently most people do too, as evidenced by the 212 lawyers in Congress.

    And are you really advocating for the Congress to be comprised 100% of former state legislators? That wouldn't be a very diverse group, and kind of goes against everything our country stands for. Of the people, by the people, for the people.

    Cheers, and don't call me stupid.

  25. I have spoken to the Harris Campaign and Andy is FIRMLY AGAINST the Bailout. More to come on that.......

  26. Andy Harris is experienced. He has done a good job. He surrounds himself with good people.

    Mardela you have got to be kidding! Palin surounded herself with good people? McCain surounded himself with good people?Look at his campaign staff before you spout ridiculous claims.

    And please let's not forget KEATING 5!!!

  27. I agree-NO BAILOUTS.They always manage to find $$$ when they need to give a CEO bonuses.
    I don't have a stake in it either way,because I am broke as hell and have no investments so like the "Black Monday" back in the 1980's,this issue really doesnt concern alot of us lower income folks except for those of us with retirement and/or 401k funds out there.A coworker at my PT job is a retiree from a big Delmarva company and he is very worried about Lehman Bros because thats where some of his investment/retirement wealth is parked.

  28. As I look at this and read what the viewers have to say I can't help but recognize the fact that we are in deep sh*t. We've got to stop the bleeding so that we can survive long enough to fix this problem. Stop ALL monies going overseas......NOW! Close off all borders and eject anyone here illegally. I'm not advocating a nationwide task force to ferret out illegals, but rather anyone caught during traffic stop, released from jail, etc., goes right to the border. No new legislation creating new spending programs, new taxes, or anything of the sort. No pork at all. Then we need term limits on ALL Senators and Congressmen......ALL of them. Drill in ANWR and allow drilling off the coast of the US where oil is located. NO oil sold to other nations. Encourage private industry to create alternate energy sources and find ways to conserve energy. Then we can sit down and fix this problem.....but it won't happen overnight.

    There's one part of this equation that has been ignored. Individual greed. I'm not speaking of the greed of the people making the rules.....I'm talking about the greed that each of us has that wants more, more, more. The desire that each of us has to get more was satisfied by those in a position to fill that need. We indidually need to shoulder some of that responsibility.

  29. Short and sweet. Very rarely agree with you. But I have to now.

  30. Bring our GI's back from Iraq. After a break they can all do time assisting border patrol. Just need more eyeballs.

    I agree with Grand dad, deal with the illegals already here all in good time, however first we must fix the cause and that is open borders.

    Let's face it, with this Nanny government there are jobs that some people will refuse to do when they can sit home on their ass and wait for a welfare check and have more kids.

  31. I was at a friends (financed) $450,000.00 home this past Sunday watching the football game on his $3,200.00 50" (financed) flat screen tv. He paid for the pizza delivery with his credit card. He bragged about how he re-financed his home last year and turned the equity into cash. I saw his new (leased) Lexus. He used some of his home equity loan for a down payment on his new $ 15,000.00master bath and financed the balance. He stated that they are living paycheck to paycheck and did not have much savings. He was afraid, scared and worried that if either he or his wife missed time from or lost their jobs EVERYTHING would be gone. I must say I agree with GRANDDAD's post when he talks about personal greed. I could have a leased Lexus but instead I drive my paid for four year old Honda and live in my mortgage free home.


  33. who controls the money, who controls the media???


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