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Monday, September 08, 2008

Lcpl Masons Homecoming


First of all, my family and I would like to say thank you for all you did to make our sons homecoming (Lcpl Brian Mason) a day we will never forget. The posting and pictures you posted on your Salisbury news website were unbelievable and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The people of our community would have not believed it if they had not seen it and you did a wonderful job with getting the message out. My family is an avid reader of your site and it has become part of our daily routine to read it.

Thank you again

Mason Family

Proud parents of Lcpl Mason USMC"

This is what makes all this work every day so worth while. Thank You Linda Kent!


  1. Good thing happen to good people. These are good people, there son is a patriot who is putting everything on the line for his country. I was in the Navy for 9 years, serving in the Gulf War and the support of the folks at home make everything we do worth while. Please lets make sure this happens for every returning military persons. Don't leave anyone out. We owe our freedom and current lifestyle to those in uniform and those families who do just as much from home with the love and support they show their heros.
    Joe, your blog will continue to grow by the goodness that stories like this impact our lives.

  2. Joe, Thanks for being a part of the community. I often disagree, and sometimes strongly oppose your posts and opinons but that is what makes our country great. I always read SBYNEWS.COM. As far as honoring our children for their service, WE all owe our thanks and gratitude. I attended the homecoming and it brought tears to my eyes. I do not know Lcpl Mansons personally but I do know the struggles of war. THANK YOU MR. MASONS. Thank you for allowing us to be the USA

  3. It was a great honor to be a part of Lcpl Mason's welcome home celebration (as it is for each one of our Hometown Heros who come back to us). The community is proud of these members of the military--they allow us to live so free and safe.

  4. Thank you, Linda Kent and Dave Suiter, two of the original "Dirty Dozen." They exemplify the freedom of expression and involvement in civic affairs which this Marine protects with his service. How totally appropriate that they are the movers and shakers behind this wonderful welcoming home effort. Thank you, Lcpl Mason!


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