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Monday, September 08, 2008

"Grand Old Gang"

Stop by the new Republican Headquarters and take a chance on winning this print for a dollar a pop.


  1. Should be titled "Everyday is July 4th" LOL!!

  2. Ideologically, Lincoln was aligned with today's Democratic Party. Most people don't know the simple history of how the GOP and the Dems did a flip-flop of ideals and policies between the Civil War and the first World War. Go ahead and look it up.

  3. Heresy.

    Today's GOP has about as much in common with the party of Lincoln as my a$$. Not even Ronnie's, either.

    Karl Rove and George Dubya ruined it. And now we Dubya with lipstick. Even Dubya's former speech writer has Palin pegged as the "folksy, inexperienced" winner of 2000. We are in deep kimchee if that ticket wins again.

  4. Is that a target painted on the back of Lincoln's head???? What? Too Soon?

  5. yeah looks kina like a target


  6. anon 9:00
    Ideology? We can argue that for years. But the FACT is that Lincoln was a Republican!

    Go ahead and look it up, yourself!

    Come on, guys, do you really find the assassination of any American leader humorous. From Lincoln, to MLK, Malcolm X, Kennedy, attempt on Reagan, whoever. When people we disagree with are participating in our society in a political, non-violent way, spirited, even bitter debate and the vote, are wonderful and the way America is supposed to work!

    Assassination of our leaders and peaceful opponents is evil and criminal, period.
    You obviously don't have any use for President Lincoln, but in a serious sense he is part of a trinity, Jesus, Lincoln and Custer, who died for our sins.

  7. concerned citizen said...

    9:00 AM

    LMAO... I have been preaching that for many years and people are starting to understand what I have been say. Lincoln's Republican Party is today's Dumbocrap Party.

  8. Calling today's Rep party that of Lincoln is as absurd as calling today's Dems. the party of Jefferson.

  9. Exactly. The Grand Old Gang of Dick Cheney and Richard Nixon never in a million years would have been the party to free the slaves in 1862.

    When the GOP was created in the 1850s, Republicans were liberals and Democrats were conservative, with Whigs the ultra-conservative party.

    Indeed, Mr. Littleton, Honest Abe was a card-carrying Republican. But his ideals stand in stark contrast to the GOP of the 21st century.

    I posit that to lump them all together in an oil painting insults those who would share Lincoln's sentiments and policy views, despite the 150-year lag between his administration and Dubya's.

  10. How is it, then, that ye attack me?
    I didn't compare Mr. Lincoln's ideology with anyone.
    I merely stated the historical fact that he was a Republican.

    Has anyone considered that Mr. Lincoln's "ideology" was that of personal ambition to be equal with Washington, whether that meant, "freeing all slaves or making all freemen slaves" (A.L. 1829)

    I would LOVE to have that picture hanging on my wall! Are prints for sale as a way to raise money for McCain/Palin---and future Congressman, Harris?

  11. If you celebrate Dubya in anyway, then you're dumber'n he is.


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