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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gingrich on Palin


  1. Now there's a credible source of information....not!

  2. Awesome! I love Newt! I wish it was he who I could vote for this year. A true statesman, very knowlegable with the history of our country and what it means to serve the people. He could beat anybody in a debate hands down and was the first person to speak of change this election cycle. Just read his book.

  3. Mardela, just drink some more of the cool-aid. Gingrich was tossed out of Congress in shame. Now there's some history you won't read in his books. What a buffoon.

  4. Newt and his party broke their "Contract with America."

    Joe, your blog has become a print version of Rush Limbaugh. That was not a compliment.



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