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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Comments, NEW RULE!

Rather than many of you copying everyone else's comment completely and making me have to read it all over again before YOU get to YOUR point, can you please simply reference anonymous 10:31 instead, if you can understand my drift?

Stop reprinting every one's entire message before you reply. If I see any more of this I'm not going to post your comment for making me read the whole thing over and over again.


  1. Joe, you sound like the teacher scolding the students! But always as a good student....yes sir will do.

  2. lol anon 10:18

    I agree I so much wanted to be the first smart a@# to copy yours but yeah good idea joe.


  3. The blogger rule is much like the golden rule. He who has the gold or the blog makes the rules:)

  4. I agree... by the way... Tom Brady is out for the season due to a knee injury!

  5. How about some of these articles with many photos...is there a way where there can be a photo and a paragraph, then TO READ MORE...so those of us who are going back to check on comments further down the page don't have to go back over them again???

  6. Sir:

    Suggest allowing a limited quote (at your discretion) to be included in a comment -- that way the context for the comment can be better established.

    And -- suggest a max. length for comments -- like 20 or so lines, again at your discretion.
    The occasional long but interesting or informative quote could be done as a special post item as you now sometimes do.

  7. 10:27 Thank you very much!

    Cool, I'm following the rules. There's hope for me yet.

  8. How about cutting out or down the long posts on stuff like the "police beat" that is taken (or supplied to you) -- could these be linked to the source or a separate place so that those of us who are not interested in those details won't have to scroll ad naseum to find the meat??


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