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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Burger King North


I was at the North Salisbury Burger King Friday night getting my employees some dinner and the cashier at the window was on the her cell phone, however they have a sign that asks the customer to not be on there phones when they pull up to the window, HUMMMMMMM!

I asked to speak to her manager and when she asked him to come to the window he punched the wall!

I asked him for the store's phone number and he gave me a fax number, so today I went in and talked with there General manager. I pointed out to the GM were the shift manager had punched the wall and there was a hole put in the wall. I was told that they would review the tape and talk with him! HUMMMM, talk with him! If this was my establishment he would be fired for causing physical damage to the building and its appearance, but instead he was working tonight! AMAZING, if Burger King paid there managers well, they would get quality Managers. THEY GET WHAT THEY PAY FOR!

Now I am scared that this Shift Manager is going to see me in public and takes his violence out on me!

I feel that I should have just let it go, but then I think about it and this could have happened to someone else or could have been worse, he could have grabbed some hot coffee and threw it at me, I don't know, but based on his actions, it scares me.

I strongly recommend we go to one of the other Bk.'s to avoid anything else happening!"


  1. You shouldn't have been such a trouble maker. Why'd you complain about someone being on the cellphone? Yes, it's unprofessional, but just let it go. The same goes with the Shift Manager. I would've just stop patronizing that location. Now, if they cursed at you, or were very rude to you in some other way, that's a different story.

  2. Yes, I agree with anon 529.


    You have no way of knowing what's going on in thier lives that would require someone to be on the cell phone or punch a hole in a wall.

    GET A LIFE! and hopefully your's will be something better.

  3. WOW! Obviously the Bugger King Staff knew this was coming.

    Nevertheless, the sign stated that the Customer shouldn't be on their cell phone when they pulled up.

    I personally don't give a sh!t what's going on in their lives. Customers are there to do business, not act like they're Dr. Phil.

    The author of this article should have instantly called the Police one the person inside showed enough anger to punch a hole in the wall.

    Once again, the Burger King North SUCKS and continues to go down hill.

  4. You should be much more frightened of the garbage you just put in your body.Only a fool would trust these people with something they are about to eat.

  5. If you are afraid for your safety, why dont you notify the police instead of posting to a blog? Sounds like you have sour grapes against this BK. If you have problems with them, there are alot of methods to do instead of emailing your post to some blog (talk to BK corporate for instance. they have a public image to maintain and if one of their franchises has problems, they will deal with it).

  6. I stopped by there about a week or so in the afternoon around 1:30, went in the drive through and waited 16 minutes to get a couple of items off their dollor menu!! Never again !!

  7. i agree with anon 641. this food is bad enough for you if it's prepared in a clean environment. I've heard nightmares about what these people do to your food. Stop eating there.

  8. That particular BK sucks, has sucked for a long time. The first two anons, go back to flipping burgers. I quit going to that BK a long time ago. I cant stress enough how piss poor the service is. Ive even been in line with people i knew in front of me, gotten pissed that it took to long, got out of line, drove to arbys, and made it back to BK with my roast beef before my friend was out of done at the window.

    just dont go there. asided from fast food being bad for you, that place will just piss you off.


  9. Check your personal business at the door. You get paid to work, not chit-chat on the cell phone about stupid crap. If you have personal info to take care of, punch out, make your call, punch back in and get back to work. I can't stand cell phone ignorance.

  10. I can't believe some of the morons that have replied to this blog. I hope you continue to receive the crappy service that you approve of.
    Hat's off to someone who is willing to say enough is enough, and Hooray for a blog site that is willing to expose and spread the word about these places that do not deserve our dollars.
    Go a few blocks north to Chick-Fil-A and you will experience a different experience in customer service - even from a clerk who may have a headache and be going through a tough day.


  12. to 5:29 AM

    I actually waited for about 10 minutes, no lie, while the young lady was on her cell phone with my hand out the window of my truck with my money ready and she stood right in front of the cash register, never did she open the window to collect the money and when she did it was to let me know her shift was over! So I was minding my business, I waited patiently, just for someone to say OOPS sorry I have to go you have to wait a little longer, so if you all must judge, the next time you walk up to a register and they turn the light out on you and tell you to go to the next line with 10 people in front of you, think of how I felt.

    to 6:41 AM
    If you read the blog it states I was there to pick up dinner for my employees, I don't question what they eat, and I don't eat BK or Mickey D's. So I agree with you all as far as fast food being junk!
    As far as the ANGRY comments, I am going to side with Joe, these are BK's employees, possibly the Shift Manager!

  13. I agree I don't think I would have posted it here if you are that afraid. on the other hand I also agree that it was unprofessional and if the shift manager punched the wall over something little like that I am would be afraid to be his girlfriend or wife. I don't eat burger king anyway.

  14. Wow. They probably sh%t in your sandwich. Just don't do business there. The best cure for bad bisiness is lack of business.

  15. I think you did the right thing. Good job. Customer Service is terrible and runs rampant throughout most service oriented establishments. I've found great service at the Chick-fil-a and the workers are very nice.
    I will stop patronizing Burger King because of your experience

  16. apparently BK employees are viewing and commenting on your blog joe!

  17. Someone or something is making you angry and paranoid. If you got bad service...don't go back. In the mean time, not everyone is out to get you! This is what blogs do to people.

  18. i would fire his ass.

  19. You might also want to be worried about the higher priced fast food chains, like Applebees, Ruby Tuesday, Chilis, Outback, the employees there cooking your food aren't much higher on the food chain.

  20. You did the right thing, now go over their head and make a formal complaint to the Main office in writting. These places are poorly owned, managed and it is a shame we as customers have to live with it.

    I feel you did what was right, I am sure there is someone who would take that establishment away and make it better.

    they could make it into a bath and breakfast like the guy taking a bath on youtube in the sink, LOL!

  21. I am glad you complained. There is an attitude in this area that customer service and one's job are secondary to their terribly important personal lives. I do my job regardless of what is going on in my personal life - if it's so unbearable that I must be violent or am unable to work - then I don't go in. I wouldn't expect my boss to pay me to stand around and talk on the phone, and if I frightened our customers, I am certain I would be fired. If these employees don't like their jobs, they should quit and find something else.

    If I had ordered food at that BK and had that experience, I wouldn't have paid for that food, and I wouldn't have stopped at the GM. I would contact their corporate offices and let them know that they have a francise in Salisbury tarnishing their image.

  22. Bugger King North does suck. The other two are much cleaner and the staff is polite. I think it has work release people on the staff and the rest are thugs. I am with Joe there is never a reason to act this way when you are representing someone elses business. The staff is a direct reflection of the management. A cop i know overheard them talking about spitting in his food and he called the owners dont know what came of it. It just shows what kinda pigs they have working there.

  23. I went to the Burger King by the college with my three grandkids the other day and the first thing they did was to run in the little computer room to play, nothing was working so I ask the girl at the counter and she said it was closed, so I went in to get my kids out when out from the back came this raving guy with a cell phone in his ear and start yelling at me to get my kids out of the room, you would have thought it was going to blow up any minute, so I cancelled the order to get my kids out of there and before we could leave he started yelling at us to get out of the Burger King, my son called the office the next day and then I called and they acted like it was no big deal that a customer was treated like that. In this same Burger King my husband and I found a needle on the floor when he told the cashier she picked it up with her bare hands and threw it into the trash just like it was. I am not ever going back again.

    Wanda L. Disharoon

  24. I was in "Tuesday Mornings" one time and the girl at checkout was talking on her cell phone. When she told me the amount I owed, I told her I would wait until she got off the phone. She immediately said I've got to go" and hung up. She than told me "for the record I WAS talking to my manager". I told her it was MY policy to wait until cashers were off of cell phones, before conducting business. I will continue to shop at "Tuesday Mornings" as I like the store. BUT I am still wondering why her manager would care if "I just don't want the kids or Mom to know what I was doing". The gist of the conversation was she was somewhere she shouldn't have been, with someone she should not have been with.

  25. Wow looks like all the BK is Salisbury suck. I was at the one right off a 50 and I seen the cashier pick a fry up off the counter and put in back in the fry pan and then turned around and scooped out fries for the customer. Now it was dinner time and it was busy so you know that it had not been cleaned in a while. plus other employees putting their hands all over the counter. This cashier was not wearing gloves and was handling money. And god only knows were money has been and what people do with it.(I once seen a women go UP her skirt and pull money out. Get my point). I have worked in food service and I know that something falls on the counter you put it in the trash.

  26. Im wondering if those that responsed to this blog and said "just let it go" work in retail or in the publics eye? I do work in retail and there is nothing worse than trying to wait on a customer that has a cell phone pinned to their ear..So put the shoe on the other foot..if i was to have gone to that window and had to ask for my order in between a cell phone conversation i would have reacted the same way..if its ok for the employee then take the sign down for the customer...whats good for the goose is good for the gander..I am a manager and cell phones shouldn't be allowed with an employee while they are on the clock anyhow...it is very unprofessional...work retail and u will see....

  27. 5:50 AM
    When my employees come to work, I don't have a problem with them being on the phone or punching walls, and they also leave all the problems and what ever they are going through outside work, so with that being said, no one has the right to treat me in the way I was treated at BK, and I did not start any trouble, I was the only calm one, thank you very much! How ever if this happened to you, just by the response on this blog, you would have acted as rude as the Shift Manager, and someone would be visiting you over to the county jail. I do have a LIFE a great LIFE, obviously you need a life you can't even come up with your own comment you had to agree with your coworkers comment. LOL
    5:29 AM MR. W,
    Don't get mad because you screwed up, no one told you to punch the wall, it was not my fault your employee went home and left me waiting at the window waiting patiently with a smile at that after you punched the wall! I didn't even say anything to you after you punched the wall and came to the window, I simply asked for the store's phone number, paid you for my employees food and left, never said another word to you sir! I am sure this comment is the Shift Manager, just remember we are all responsible for our own actions!

  28. I would be complaining too!Too may people have no cell phone etiquette whatsoever!!!!!!!
    I was in Food Lion the other day and a woman in the store had one of those alien looking cellphone earpieces and was loudly babbling on and on throughout the store and ended up in line behind me at checkout and she NEVER hung up ir SHUT up.The whole time the clerk was taking her money she never acknowledged the poor kid,and continued to go on and on talking as she wheeled her cart out to the parking lot!You just dont know how badly I wanted to tell her"you are a rude biotch"! but I had my daughter with me!

  29. go to the grocery store , buy food bring home ,fix food ,eat food, clean up mess . oh that to much for most ppl these dayz just bitch and spend your credit on a slopper.

  30. nobody is held accountable for their actions these days, just whatever goes. maybe bk should hire some mexicans at least they work hard and treat people with respect.

  31. It is annoying when someone comes into my store with a cell phone to their ear---but get this: a young woman walked in my store the other day and took her phone away from her ear just long enough to ask me, "Are you hiring?" Yeah, actually, but NOT HER!!!


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