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Friday, August 01, 2008

The Thrift Lodge Inn Fails Inspection

This afternoon around 1:30 PM the Thrift Lodge Inn had their date with Salisbury's Code and Compliance Division and failed miserably.

Of the 35+ rooms that were being used from this Motel, 16 of them had no smoke detectors, smoke detectors taken off the wall or a battery just about dead. Once again there were rooms with Hot Plates in them for cooking and spoiled food in many of the rooms as well.

In one of the rooms, things were so bad they had to relocate the two gentlemen staying there or give them their money back. From the looks of them walking away from the Motel, they booked instead.

The City is cracking down hard on these violations but let me assure you, the prostitutes were still out and about everywhere and they didn't care who was walking through their Motel. The rooms were just disgusting!

Once again, more News you're NOT getting from WMDT. WBOC did in fact come out in their Chopper and took some shots from the air. However, until the read this story, they have nothing to go by because there was no Reporter. No Daily Times either.

Although the Salisbury Fire Department was asked by Code and Compliance to be there to back up the Inspections and support them along with the SPD, the Fire Department refused to come out, even after they were called asking why they weren't there. Fortunately, Chief Webster sent in additional Officers to help back up and support these two women doing the Inspections.

They can post all the God Messages they want, this place is HELL!

More stories to follow.


  1. you work the words joe, ill give you that.

  2. Joe, keep up the good work. I would ask you to do one thing, though. Please block out the faces of any minors. This child did nothing to deserve having his face on your blog. Just seems like the decent thing to do. Thanks.

  3. WOW. What a dump. Hats off to you Joe for getting out and taking pics. Right now I'm as close to that place as I want to be.

  4. I was wondering what the fencing in the parking lot that appeared last week was for? Maybe they were staking off an area for these aniumals? I really wonder how the new restaurant/brewpub coming to the train station is going to handle security etc in their parking lot.

  5. I'm sure all the self rightous posters of this blog are now racing down to this hotel to help the children. Give these people a break, help them, there is no need to make villians of the innocent. What would Jesus do???????

  6. Don't blame the entire FD, talk to Lt Larry Dodd, he is in charge of inspections, why wasn't he present today or last night????????

  7. Jesus was in the Chuck Wagon selling mexican food. LOL

  8. I just want to hug that little boy.

  9. Bottom line,if the shoe fits,wear it.

  10. The city should be as stringent with all of its rental housing. Rental of rooms, whether in motels or singlefamily homes is a big industry. Often the conditions are not good. This is why the rental regulation and inspection program that was gutted and made more "landlord friendly" was needed. People are paying for housing and are not getting safe, code compliant space in return. Hurray for NSCC & SPD. This can drive significant change in the quality of housing in the city and the reduce crime that is attracted by blight.

  11. I am glad that Salisbury is cracking down and trying to cleanup an eyesore. This falls into quality of life for the city as a whole. Another question would be as to who polices the Temple Hill Motel on South Salisbury Blvd. and Kay ave. This is outside of the city limits of Salisbury and not in Fruitland. Not as bad as the Thrift Travel Inn, but could use a checking of the rooms for code violations. Known working girls and dope dealers have been known to use this motel as a base of operations.

    I do feel for the people who have been put out of the inn, but they are paying for a decent room and should recieve one.

  12. i am sure towelheads hold the lease on this rock ho palace. why not set up some of the cameras like that are downtown to watch this circus .boy tonite would be great! first day of the month, welfare and so called disabilty cash flowing for booze , and the both types of crack! gotta love our all american city! thanks barrie we all know you will send us the bill

  13. Freedom and Liberty is restored. All Hail Joe, The Health Department and the Salisbury P.D.

  14. Steve 441 you should be ashamed of yourself and pray you never fall on hard times and have to live in a place such as this just to have a roof over your head. Not everyone living there is a hooker or a dope dealer. Like that young child living there with presumably is his mother, would you prefer he was living under the overhead bridge in the cardboard village? If ever there was an animal it might be you Steve 441.

  15. its hard to win your point of view with one arm tied behind your back joe...

  16. UGH!!!

    Makes me want to take a shower just looking at the pictures.

    Good Job on taking the pics Joe.

  17. Clean up the hotel and put better looking whores outside!!!!!

  18. Hey 5:08,

    You might do a better job of getting people to listen to your point of view if you left out the bigotry. Just saying...

  19. Oh Angela that kid broke my heart-I told hubby I would go back to live with my Dad or Heaven forbid,my mother-in-law before I put my kid in that environment.I hope he is in a safer place tonight.

  20. While I agree the businesses must comply with codes, city codes, health regulations, fire codes, the owners of those holes should have to pay for the customers there to stay somewhere else until the violations are fixed.

    $40 a night you get what you pay for, a death trap. I still wonder will this create more homeless?

  21. I heard even their roaches had fleas.

  22. Got Social Services?


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