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Friday, August 01, 2008

Salisbury Fire Department Sends Chase Vehicle AND A Ladder Truck To Pedestrial Struck Call?

A call went out for a possible pedestrian struck at Centre Road and 13 North. No pedestrian was found there, but the kicker was as the picture shows, they sent a ladder truck to a pedestrian getting struck call! What did they think he was on light pole...ridiculous!


  1. Keep in mind that Engine 2-10 is out of service. They don't have an engine they can send, unless they borrow one from Sta 16, but then that leaves 16 short. New engine is on order I believe. As been mentioned before, Truck 2 has all the necessary rescue equipment needed for a accident call.

  2. It is the officer's discretion to go and assist the ambulance on any call they deem to be serious. Just going by what the dispatch said, a pedestrian struck on a major highway near an on ramp for the by pass does sound as though some extra help may have been required on the scene. The guys on the Truck are trained in EMS, the officer that day was the EMS Lieutenant.

  3. I worked in a large Metro Fire Department, they use to send a tiller truck on medical calls... If you have ever seen one of these trucks they are much bigger piece of equipment.

    So, whats you point Joe? Fuel is fuel, and our ladders had same equipment rescue trucks had on them.

  4. what was wrong with the reserve engine that we saw a picture of being towed away a couple of weeks ago. that is suppose to be a spare fire engine. just think of truck 2 as beinging a fire engine with a ladder on top. it's not like they are hauling around truck 16.

  5. That's a busy intersection, a fire truck is sent many times, not for its crew and equipment, but for traffic control. People give more respect to a big fire truck with flashing lights on it, than a small suv chase unit or ambulance. Fire truck is able to block more than one lane of traffic, and if someone should lose control, they'll hit the firetruck vs. the ambulance or crew working. Safety is key.

  6. It's the fact that the FD does overkill on everything, especially that new station, and waste our tax dollars in the process. The cops around here can't get back-up when someone's shooting or selling drugs, but the fire dept. shows up 5 or 10 deep for an EMS call. Quit wasting my money and screen your calls a little bit.

  7. Joe, we've been over most of this before. Truck 2 is not a ladder truck per se. It is a QUINT, which is an all-purpose piece of fire apparatus. A disadavatage of a quint is you're dragging that ladder everywhere you go. Whatever call the Station 2 duty crew is dispatched to, the will be in Truck 2. That means they are ready for anything.
    Also, a fire engine/truck is a great asset on a "pedestrial" stuck call. Why? FIREFIGHTER AND PATIENT SAFETY. That big piece makes a great roadblock. Check the history of your very own DFD. I believe their only f/f LODD was many years ago when someone ran into an accident scene and killed the first responder giving aid to the victims of the first crash. Always keep in mind that there is almost always a very good reason for all the things we do, even though it may not be apparent to others outside the emergency services.

  8. Give me a break. Face it, sending what we expect to be a $1,400,000.00 Ladder Truck, you better damn site have better excuses than that! I want that GD Truck to sit still, and I mean VERY still, until a call comes in where it is needed. I expect that M/Fer to last 40 to 50 years for that kind of money and you know what, if you worked for me that's exactly what would happen.

    You're pissing away millions upon millions of OUR tax dollars and running to accident scenes where NOTHING has been CONFIRMED! I refuse to accept these excuses, (SO FAR). Come up with one that makes sense and I'd be happy to stand by your side. Until then. BS!

  9. Joe, i understand your complaint, however, this is a tidbit of info that you may not know. They have a certain amount of times that they need to deploy that truck per fed regs. They get grants if they can show that the truck was used a certain amount of time. This is another reason that the truck is used. Just a little onfo...

    Barry C

  10. Joe,

    Your last post really does show how ignorant you are of the Fire/EMS profession. I work for a very prominant specialized fire department in Florida that reports to a private tax payer.It is common knowledge that if you are running say a quint and a rescue out of a station that you wont always have the rescue available on all calls. Say the rescue responds to a medical call, and then transports to the hospital. The next call that comes in for that area is going to the next available unit. So if SFD 16 only has one rescue at the station then the quint is the next unit to go. Now this is not saying that a rescue can't be dispatched from another station farther away. It seems to me the quint in this situation the quint was the available unit in the area. And as for your comment on wanting it to stay put.....the FD's and citys around the country are purchasing the quint style truck for the sole purpose of it being a multi-use vehicle. The carry water, have a pump like an engine would, have a ladder like a truck would, and have more room for EMS/rescue equipment like a rescue would. Not to mention any fire apparatus made don't get great gas mileage. Most fire engines rate at below 5 mpg. Yes I do agree that is disturbing however the fact is that fire and rescue trucks just aren't built for economic fuel consumption. In closing just know that the FD has a job to do....no matter what truck we are riding for the day, we don't get a choice. When the tones go off, we jump on and go...and as to some of the last posts...the quint would be much more effective in traffic control and safety for both the patients and rescuers. Thanks

  11. So what you are saying is that the FD should just sit at the station until the call is "jusrtified?"

    I'm sorry maam, I understand you are saying your husband may or may not be having a heart attack but I can't leave the station until "Joe on High" gives me the okay to go help the ambulance crew.

  12. Joe - You have your knickers in a twist again. Don't use such language if you expect your posts to be respected. Also, shave around your mouth and nose so we can see that handsome face. LOL

  13. Most cities send trucks out. and if there is a truck available, use it. This is from a USA today article:

    "The conflict has developed over time as rescuers' roles have changed. Call for an ambulance today in a big city, and the first rescuers to arrive are often firefighters. Most cities have turned their firefighting teams into rescue squads as medical emergencies have become more common than fires.

    "The logic is obvious," says J. David Badgett, an assistant chief with the Los Angeles Fire Department. "Geographically, fire stations are close. There are a lot of us in the fire department. We're an emergency service agency."

    Every major city has more fire engines than ambulances, and while both a fire engine and an ambulance are dispatched to the scenes of most serious medical calls, fire engines often are closer and able to get there first.

    Today's average fire department answers twice as many calls for medical emergencies as for fires. The job of dealing with the sick has slowly nudged aside the task of dousing flames."


  14. Some of you will never grow up and mature, it seems anyway. Look, I understand and respect the fact that each unit needs to be run, I have 15 cars, trust me, I know.

    Secondly, perhaps I need to be a bit more simplistic for some of you younguns to understand. Since the taxpayers are forking up at least $1,200,000.00 for the next Ladder Truck, if I see that SOB go out on every call and for stupid crap like this, the City is going to see a lawsuit they just can't handle.

    By the way, you can find articles anywhere that will back up what you "WANT TO HEAR."

    Like it or not, I disagree. Joe Albero is not the know it all and holier than thou answer to every situation and yes, at times I'm even wrong. Some of which has been proven referencing the Fire Departments. However, I have the right to my opinion but do understand I also give you the right to yours. I disagree with a Ladder Truck going out on these calls, period!

  15. 9:23 is right on the money. The departments do the same thing down here in Somerset County. It's all a big waste of money but they have to try and justify there existance. If they only used the trucks when they actually needed them, they couldn't even justify having them. It's like most other government operations, empire building.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Joe, i understand your complaint, however, this is a tidbit of info that you may not know. They have a certain amount of times that they need to deploy that truck per fed regs. They get grants if they can show that the truck was used a certain amount of time. This is another reason that the truck is used. Just a little onfo...

    Barry C

    9:23 AM

    Barry C you are a F*CKING liar. Where are these Federal Regs? Prove it asshole. Did your fire marshal buddy from Ocean City tell you that?

  17. Anonymous said...
    So what you are saying is that the FD should just sit at the station until the call is "jusrtified?"

    I'm sorry maam, I understand you are saying your husband may or may not be having a heart attack but I can't leave the station until "Joe on High" gives me the okay to go help the ambulance crew.

    9:54 AM

    Fire trucks are for fires and ambulances are for treating and transporting the medical patient. Do you think that every ambulance company in the nation or around the world gets a fire truck response for medical calls. Bullshit this is called job sercurity for farmin cuz there aint no fars.

    Dumb Ass!

  18. STUPID?!! Hey Joe, why don't you join the fire service and see how STUPID it is!! So what your saying is that since it is "dispatched" as a ped. struck, they should only send an ambulance on a heavily traveled highway?? What if this was an MVC with ejection and the caller thought it was a ped. that had been struck and it turns out that an occupant still in the car is trapped?? You going to wait and call for the truck?? Your comments are rediculous!!! Not only does the truck have the luxury of traffic control, it also brings MANPOWER!! Many times an engine is dispatched to go with EMS to assist. When it is a life or death situation, it helps to have more than one attendant in the back of the bucket so two guys from the engine crew might jump on. Learn about it before you talk about it

  19. What If, What If, What If!

    What IF we had a big fire on the River with one of the patrolium companies, right? Well, you DON'T put out those kind of fires with WATER!

    Now that we've experience 9-11 I guess all those What If's mean something to you?

    Cut the bullshit! Every day more and more people are becoming accountable. More and more people are sending Salisbury News pictures of everything that's going on locally.

    You've been spoiled for far too long and its coming to an end and that's what pisses you off.

  20. anon 1108
    You seem to have a serious problem.I think its funny that you would take a great offense and have to reort to using profanity to try to anger someone.

    Basically, you have a opinion, I have a opinion, Joe has a opinion...everyone has a opinion. I never come on here and bash you, joe or anyone else. You must be a child, maybe 15-17 years old with no apparent life.

    I dont find a need to come on here and curse you out i respect your opinion and I move on. Im just telling you that I know for a fact that fire depts have to justify the trucks and use them a certin amount of time to recieve the grant money.

    If you dont want to believe me, o well....im not offended. You enjoy your post and enjoy your humid summer day

    Barry C

  21. patrolium huh?? Well if there was a "patrolium" fire i don't know what they would do. I doubt they know either!!! hahah PETROLEUM

    It might be just a "what if" to you, but to us in the fire service it can mean life or death....to us and the public

  22. Joe, I hate to say... Local jurisdictions everywhere are going to the "quints" type of ladder trucks and running all types of calls from stubbed toes on up!!!

    Its not just your precious Salisbury Fire Department. It is everywhere. So I guess every chief is a crook now.

    Okay Jim Jones, you and your followers just drink that Kool-Aid

  23. Anonymous said...
    Joe, i understand your complaint, however, this is a tidbit of info that you may not know. They have a certain amount of times that they need to deploy that truck per fed regs. They get grants if they can show that the truck was used a certain amount of time. This is another reason that the truck is used. Just a little onfo...

    Barry C

    So Barry wants to waste some Federal tax money in addition to wasting the City, County and State money. We'll need Obama's big tax increases to keep spending like this!

  24. Pedestrial??? Do you not proof read what you type? Not to mention that you have no clue what you are talking about. What makes you the expert on this?? What is your experience in the Fire Service? And why is it you have to curse at people when you don't agree with them. Does that make you feel like more of a man? Joe, you are a pathetic loser who has nothing better to do then find things to complain about when it comes to the people who protect your ass. Why don't you do us all a favor and close this dumb site and go get a real job that actually contributes something to society. LOSER!!

  25. Petroleum fires are put out with a combination of water and foam made from animal fat. So I guess we still need water huh Joe? Do some research before you try to sound like you know what you are talking about. Idiot.

  26. Anonymous said...
    anon 1108
    You seem to have a serious problem.I think its funny that you would take a great offense and have to reort to using profanity to try to anger someone.

    Basically, you have a opinion, I have a opinion, Joe has a opinion...everyone has a opinion. I never come on here and bash you, joe or anyone else. You must be a child, maybe 15-17 years old with no apparent life.

    I dont find a need to come on here and curse you out i respect your opinion and I move on. Im just telling you that I know for a fact that fire depts have to justify the trucks and use them a certin amount of time to recieve the grant money.

    If you dont want to believe me, o well....im not offended. You enjoy your post and enjoy your humid summer day

    Barry C

    11:55 AM

    Barry C, not only are you a F*CKING liar, but you are also an ignorant moron. First you post what you tried to make sound like a "fact" and now you are claiming it is an opinion. The more you open your mouth the more you sound illiterate. What is it a federal reg or just your opinion. Did your fire marshal buddy that you tried to get in trouble with your ignorance tell you this "fact."

    Again you claimed it was a federal regulation for those fire trucks to deploy so where is this fact you are citing. Please tell us what grants they recieve which require them to be deployed? I bet you can't do it.

    You are a LOSER!

  27. You truely have no life. Im not gonna stoop to your level son. I have no issues saying who i am, you, Mr Anonymous, have no other options but to say "____ Liar" and use curse words to surfice your anger. So here is what ill say to you, my name is Barry Capuano and I live on Rum Ridge Road. If youd like, id have no problems sitting down with you and hearing your concerns and even treating you to a cup of starbucks. Someone needs to do something to settle you down because seems to me you are like one of the other Joebashers....all talk when you dont exactly no what your talking about.

    I dont need to prove myself to you or anyone else and no my "Fire Marshal Buddy" didnt tell me anything. I only post facts my friend. But jsut to suit you and shut your trap, go to any search engine and type the following : Firetruck Grant....

    You my friend, HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!

    Barry C

  28. I'm gonna have to go with Joe on this. There is no need to send out that big ladder truck out on every call that happens to happen. There are smaller, less expensive vehicles that can be dispatched to the scene to offer initial medical help to any victims. If there is a need for a larger vehicle, that is what the radio is for. Those first responders can there talk tot he bigger equipment and let them know what they need on site and how to position themselves for best application.

    This cookie cutter approach to fire/EMS response really needs to be looked into in these fincially hard times. Being a Salisbury citizen, I am one of those who have to foot the bill for a 1.2 mill piece of equipment. And I will also be one of the people who have to fit the bill for the next one also. While they do a really good job in Salisbury in general, the fire/EMS people need to be a little more responsible witht he money that is being given to them. Just becasue you can drive that truck to a scene does not mean you should.

    For those of you who want to pick on some spelling mistakes..grow up and respond to the topic. You may not want to admit it, but you are not perfect.

  29. Yes, Joe, the job of a fire dept is to ALWAYS ask WHAT IF...? WHAT IF...? We dispatch trying to be prepared for every possible scenario, but hope things are going to be simple. This is how EVERY fire dept is supposed to operate, whether Joe Albero likes it or not. WHAT IF that pedestrian was impaled in the windshield of a vehicle? WHAT IF they were trapped underneath, with the weight sitting on their chest? Are they supposed to be able to survive bleeding out or not breathing for an extra 5 minutes or better while the call for more manpower and equipment goes out? "Sorry your daughter died, Mr. Jones. We could have got the equipment there in time to save her, but with the high price of gas and all, we wait for positive confirmation on all entrapments before getting any equipment moving!!" YEA, RIGHT!! What you always fail to understand is that OVERKILL is a basic principle of (any) fireground operations. You ALWAYS get more assets rolling that you presently need, because its much easier to send equipment home that it is to get it started. THE HELL WITH THE PRICE OF GAS. That is no reason to compromise patient or firefighter safety. That equipment was bought by the citizens TO BE USED, NOT to be sitting in the garage. You apparently just don't get it, and probably never will.

  30. Mr. dogg- As previously stated, that big piece of equipment IS NEEDED from the start, as a toolbox and a traffic control device for starters. With all due respect, when it is YOUR ASS out there at risk in the middle of the highway, you can make the decision that all you want for protection from the nutjob drivers is some puny pickup truck or a SUV. Me, I want better protection and more visibility. I want to make it home to my family safe. If that costs you, the taxpayer, a few extra bucks in gas and equipment repairs, so be it. My and my fellow f/f's lives are worth it, whether you think so or not.

  31. I can't wait for Joe to be hit by a car on a busy highway... Then he might appreciate the extra effort that the fire department puts in to protect both him and the staff of the department. Im pretty sure that when they have a ladder truck parked sideways across the back side of an accident it is there to prevent rubber-neckers from running into scene. Before you talk a bunch of shit about the operation of the departmend, think about how you would feel if you were laying on the ground at rush hour in a busy intersection!

  32. "The departments do the same thing down here in Somerset County."

    Departments do the same thing nationwide. It is how it is supposed to be done.

  33. Why can't you novices get it thru your head that Truck 2 is NOT a ladder truck. It is a combination engine/rescue/stick, meant to be deployed whenever any of these 3 types of apparatus are needed. Truck 16 IS a ladder truck.

  34. Slightly off topic, but can anyone tell me why SFD now has a law enforcement retirement? SFD is part of LEOPS (law enforcement officer's pension system), at a huge cost to the City. Cops often receive retirement packages that pay a decent percentage after 20-25yrs of service, as opposed to the normal job where you work 30+. The reason being, it's a burn out job, dealing with some of the worst that humanity has to offer. In addition, while firefighters sit in the station playing "what if" all day, and riding to calls unessicarily, cops actually have things to worry about. Cops have to worry about their own lives on almost every call, and they are entrusted by society to take a life when necessary. Firefighters save lives, so do cops. But firefighters are not trusted to make the ultimate decision of taking one. They can't take away someone's freedom. They are not as hightly trained or educated, and anyone can be a firefighter. Why are firefighters being given a law enforcement retirement that they don't deserve? They are not cops, although many would like to be. I'm sick of SFD wasting my money.

  35. Pussy 3:38,

    IF I were to get hit by a car, I would hope someone would sewnd an ambulance, NOT a Fire Truck.

    Man up and use your real name, See or Gordy? If you're someone else, you're still a pussy.

  36. Well, i will say that Albero definatly made a funny. I about spit out my meatball when you said "If i get hit, send a ambo..." lol True statement...very true!!!

    Barry C

  37. "IF I were to get hit by a car, I would hope someone would sewnd an ambulance, NOT a Fire Truck."

    So, if that ambulance is on another call, and there are firefighter/paramedics just up the road, with the equipmwnt to save your life on board the fire truck, you'd rather just lay their and wait-- and probably die?? Please advise you local fd of this in writing so they can comply and not get sued.

  38. What if, what if, what if! Babies in a man's job.

  39. Skip the "what if" Salisbury EMS may get dispatched on a call and you get an ambulance and an engine / truck AND you are still subject to get a couple cars from the admin side squirrling in. How much do you really need on the road for a bull shit call. They ask for more paramedics but how many have been taken off the street and put in administrative positions. Justifiy putting them there by letting them chase calls 8 to 5 but where are they at night when the ambulances are getting hammered?


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