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Friday, August 01, 2008

REAL Men In Training

This little entrepreneur is 7 years old, it is his 2nd year in business. He gets to keep all the money for his sales to buy the things he wants, but most of his money he saves. Although, he doesn't open his market stand early in the season his veggies are top grade. As you can see by his sign his garden is grown with Love and Chicken Poop, it doesn't get anymore organic than that, does it? His prices are fair to boot. He admits he does not grow this garden alone, he is supervised by his grandparents. He does rake, plant, weed and water so they allow him to sell what he can. The majority of his crops end up canned or in the freezer, Grandma lets him sell the rest. He goes down to his stand periodically throughout the day, his sales are usually done on the honor system so he can take time out to do the things little boys like to do. Today he has fresh slicing tomatoes, Plum tomatoes for $1.00 a bag and Pink Lemonade, ice cold for 25 cents. If you happen to be traveling along Brick Kiln Road stop by and check the little fella out.

(Sorry about the title Joe, I couldn't resist) LOL


  1. Joe. Tell whomever sent this not to apologize one bit...this young man is our future, and notice he isn't hanging out with dubious "musicians" who threaten your wife when you try to take a picture. I judge the eyes-this kid is for real.

  2. the young buisnessman may want to put a garbage bag over the no tresspassing sign during buisness hours, you gotta put the work ethic in the children young. your a little role model buddy, good luck with your sales.

  3. I bought zucchini from this kid last summer. He grows the biggest zucchini I have ever seen.

  4. omg hes blogged.He will sell everything this weeend.

  5. I have had this young mans veggies, and they are tops! I also have had the pleasure over the last couple years to get to know him personally, and there is a lot to say about a good upbringing...go Grandma/Grandpa, you have done a great job with this one!

  6. Thanks Anon 648, truth of the matter is Grandma and Pop Pop can't take credit for his upbringing, he lives with his parents. Although he spends a lot of time with us, all we do is try to guide him and pass things on to him that we hope will benefit him in life. A good work ethic will benefit him more than anything else. There is nothing lazy about that boy, he wears me down. LOL His little sister is the same way, she started helping in the garden last year at the age of 2. She's the right height for picking the low vines and branches. LOL This year he is splitting his money with his sister because she has helped more this year. Ya gotta love kids.

    Glad you have enjoyed their veggies, I'll be sure to pass it along.

  7. This little "angel" tormented my grandson(who was alot younger and smaller) on the school bus most of last year...maybe he works better alone.

  8. 845 I'm sorry about the school bus problems last year. I am not aware of any of this. This is something that should be taken up with his parents.


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