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Friday, August 22, 2008

Question of the Day, Fri 8/22

What's on your bucket list???


  1. I want to see the Grand Canyon.(I know, not very imaginative, but I have always dreamed of going there.)

  2. i haven't thought much about a whole list...would love to go to greece...that is it really

  3. Running with the bulls in Pamplona

  4. To spend a month in Italy (Tuscanny area) however owning a business of my own makes it more difficult. BUT, if I ever have to face things like the guys did in the movie, the business gets a CLOSED sign on the door and I am out of here!

  5. to start the revolution.

  6. Peru - Macho Pitcho - Heaven on the mountaintop

  7. Getting Barrie, Gary, Shanie and Louise out of power! Getting someone good on their places who will replace all the otehrs that need to go, and you know who you are! Making Salisbury a nice place to live and visist, so that we can file for All-American City and deserve it! Oh, and a trip to Las Vegas and winning big so I can leave my family enough money to do things they want to do. I've already been to Atlantic City a few times, and it wasn't kind.

  8. Anon7:55
    When you go, stay at the El Tovar in the El Tovar suite. The balcony is bigger than the entire suite and you get sunrise and sunset views directly over the rim of the canyon. It's $300 a night and worth every single penny. Get up for the sunrise and order room service breakfast served on the balcony. I remember every detail and will never forget it.

    Cruggly, Now your talkin!

    Personally, I want to spend a month in Italy especially venice. I want to take a glass blowing class from a master, and completely absorb myself with the culture and architecture of this quickly sinking city.

  9. Being a part of a movement that would last generations namely education in the school system and understanding of some government procedure that affects all citizens. Also meeting Bruce Springsteen and or Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr.

  10. I started my bucket list long before the movie was ever written. I have done about 1/2 of the things on it so far. I have never regretted one minute or one dime that I have spent doing the things on my list. I feel much more at peace with myself and have a great feeling of satisfaction. I'm almost afraid to complete the list too soon though!

  11. In my head the list is so enormous that I haven't begun to write all of them down on paper....but trust me, it is LONG!! And I do intend on living very closely by that list sooooooon. LOL

  12. See America first!
    Spend your dollars here. The Grand Canyon has always been on my bucket list. I want to go on one of those on foot with a mule (not my spouse)trips. It's my understanding you have to book 2 years in advance.

  13. We totally fell into the El Tovar suite! It was raining and the lady who had it booked for a week decided to leave because she didn't like the rain. 15 minutes after we got the room the sun came out and the huge cumulonimbus clouds only added to the majesty and splendor of the view all in shades of gold and magenta.
    There is a ranch about 1/2 way down the canyon called Phantom Ranch. It would be the ultimate to ride the donkeys down and stay in the ranch for the night, continue your descent the next day and hop into a raft to explore the canyon by boat, ending in Havasu Falls and catching a helicopter back to south rim to clean up and relax in the El Tovar.
    Now that would be a vacation!


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