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Friday, August 01, 2008

Question of the Day, Fri 8/1

My parents anniversary is today. Happy 38th anniversary Mom and Dad!

My question today is:

Is your parents still together? How many years?

Are you and your spouse still together? How many years?


  1. happy anniv to your folks...38 yrs...fabulous

    my parents divorced 22 yrs ago, (after 20 yrs of marriage)

    i have been quite happily married for almost 14 yrs


  2. My parents have been married "happily" for 61 years.

    My marriage lasted 12 and then I married again, HAPPILY going on 3...this is the right one.

    Congrats! to the anniversary couple

  3. Congratulations on 38 years!

    I am 35 years old. My parents have been married for 36 years. I married my high school sweetheart in 1993 and have been married for 15 years this October.

  4. My parents will celebrate their
    31st anniversary 8/5.

    Sept. 14, we will celebrate our
    6th anniversary.

  5. Happy anniversary to your parents.
    My parents are deceased but they were married for 42 years. My grandmother was married for over 50 to my granddad and after his death she remarried and was married over 15 more years. My husbands grandparents were married over 60 years and his parents have been married for 44 years. We have been married almost 18 years.... I guess Im stuck with him lol... That's ok hes a keeper

  6. My anniversary was yesterday. 15 years.

  7. My parents have deceased for several decades. They were married on 08/01/1946, and the time they shared together was joyous.

    As for myself, I have been married once. But due to circumstances beyond my control, the married only lasted seven years. I have not remarried.

  8. Married 50 years (to the same women). We're good friends. Would do it over again, but don't have time.

  9. 9:11 - Heaven help! I meant to say "woman", not "women"

  10. My mom and dad have been married for 33 years and still going strong. I can only hope my relationship will be long lasting. Of all my friends only 1 does not have a step parent.

  11. My mom and dad would have celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary on July 16th.

    My mom lost her battle with cancer on June 2nd of this year.

    She is still in our hearts and we still celebrated the wonderful life that she and my dad had together and that they gave all of us kids (there are 6 of us)


  12. I hope my marriage to John lasts as long as my parents. We married on 01/01/2000. He picked the date, I picked the place. I married him in the very same church my mother married my father. He said the he picked that date because no matter what day it is, he can never be in the doghouse with NOT knowing how long we've been married. So, today is 8 years, 8 months.

  13. My parents divorced in 1979 - my father has had 2 marriages since (married to my mother 10 yrs, his second wife 15 - so we're betting on 20 for this one if he lives that long LOL)

    As for us, we married in 1989 so we're approaching 19 yrs next month - we definitely married too young, but we're making the best of it because I know God brought us together for a reason :-)

    Happy Anniversary to your parents!!!

  14. My parents were divorced after 17 yrs. The found what the were looking for the 2nd time around. Mom has been married 31 yrs and Dad has been married 26 yrs.

    As for myself, I was married 18 yrs before my divorce.

  15. That's awsome happy 38 years :)

    my parents started their divorce when i was 6 months old so who knows when it was official.

    I have been married to my wonderful husband for 12 yrs now :)

  16. My parents have been married for 37years and still going strong. My husband and I have been married for 14 years.

  17. Congrats to your folks. Mine were married for 60+ years before one passed away. I was married over 30 years the first time and am working on the "7th year itch" right now with the second. I scratch his back and he scratches mine! When my parents had been married almost 50 years and someone asked them how long they had been married, Papa said "almost 50 years," to which Mama replied, "and 10 of them happy." Mama was a riot.

  18. Congrats. My hubby and I celebrate 12 on Sunday. My Parents were married 13 years they dad died. Mom remarried and was married 22 years until her death this April. Hope I make it to 38.

    Keep up the struggle....Marriage is worth the growing pains!!!!!!!!

  19. My parents are still together after 51 years.

    My husband and I have been married for 31 years.

    My father's parents were only married for 45 years, but that was "till death", as my grandfather only lived to be 65 years old.

    Pop Pop's father lost his first wife (she died when Pop Pop was a child), but remained with his second wife until his death.

    Maybe it is running in the family.

    I hope so.

  20. My parents divorced 29 years ago and Dad has since remarried. Mom is still single. My wife and I have been married for 7 years but have been together for 18 years.

  21. How old are you? 39?

  22. My parents have been ahppily married for 29 years.

    My husband & I have been happily married for 4 years....still going strong.


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