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Friday, August 01, 2008

Men In Training

Click on image to enlarge.


  1. welcome to capitalism little buddy, where morals and values dont exsist. this society will never stand the test of time, were doomed to destroy ourselves.

  2. I for one am glad someone cares enough about his son not to turn him into a finnochio. Google an image of what Celine Dion is doing to HER son (daughter?). It will make you wretch in your mouth.

  3. Wouldn't Mommy be proud to see us bonding like this?

    Sorry, Joe. But if it were your daughter in that magazine, you might feel a little differently about the message.

    Guy with a beautiful teenage daughter (and obviously beautiful wife)

  4. I just think that he's thinking:"UUMMMM LUNCH!!!"

  5. It is posts like this that undermine the influence and newsworthiness of this blog.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    welcome to capitalism little buddy, where morals and values dont exsist. this society will never stand the test of time, were doomed to destroy ourselves.
    12:56 PM

    How the hell did a contrived and funny picture, meant only for it's absurdity and irony call for a socialism commentary. I guess Anon 12:56 forgets where he lives. You might want to "Get the hell out" if you don't like capitalism and democracy.

  7. show it to your grandmother and see what she says about it, i was making a point that in this society anything is aceptable, and when anything is aceptable morals and valiues are gone. what about that doesnt make sense to you?
    ( i dont hate capitalism, however what we have today is not capitalism, its corporate tyranny, democracy, well hows that working for everybody?). i love this country more you will ever know, i do not like what this country has become, or where were heading. how the hell is that socialism?

  8. Someone explain the "corporate tyranny" thing to me.....please?

  9. corporate tyranny,

    oil companies,(making record profits while we suffer)

    insurance companies,(making billions while we suffer).

    retail giants,(exporting america while they control the market and extingiush local companies).

    banking,(making trillions, till we bail them out and we suffer)

    food,(giant farm corps,setting food prices, while we get drilled).

    investment giants,(betting everyones 410/k in forien terrbulent markets, while we wait).

    media,(controlled by few, controlling the rest).

    goverment,(selling out the heart of america while we cry).

  10. I recognize the humor of this, given mostly by the baby's expression agreement with 2:25 anon).

    But after the smile at the baby's expression wears off, I have to agree with 1:44 and 3:04 anons.

    I still support Joe's free speech right to print it (even the magazine's, with great reluctance), but I will disagree with the judgment (or lack of) to do so.


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