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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Governor Mitt Romney To Host Fundraiser

Potential Vice Presidential Candidate Govenor Mitt Romney Help Raise Money for Harris

Annapolis - The Andy Harris for Congress campaign is proud to announce potential Vice Presidential Nominee Governor Mitt Romney will be the special guest at a September 12, 2008 fundraiser in Baltimore.

"In this time of economic uncertainty, I am proud to have the support of such a successful business leader and Governor." said Andy Harris M.D. "We share a commitment to lower taxes, cut wasteful government spending, and remove the regulatory burden that government places on small businesses."

Governor Romney has a phenomenal track record on business issues. As Governor of Massachusetts, he closed a $3 billion shortfall without raising taxes or increasing the debt. Governor Romney created a "business-friendly" environment, and under his tenure the state had a net gain of nearly 60,000 new jobs. Prior to becoming Governor, he was best known for taking over the failing Salt Lake City Olympic committee and turning it into a tremendous success.

Who: Governor and Potential Vice Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney and Andy Harris M.D.

What: Fundraising Lunch for the Andy Harris for Congress Campaign

When: September 12, 2008 at Noon

Where: Center Club in Baltimore

Contact: Dave Schwartz, Finance Director for the Andy Harris for Congress Campaign, 443-797-5144 or dave@andyharris08.com

1 comment:

  1. Wow that will make at least a handfull more of conservatives in the most liberal belt ever when everyone gets together in Baltimore...


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